I would love to see the Myth series come to Gog.
They were some of the best RTS games ever made back in the late 90's by Bungie.
Shame they sold the rights and take 2 will likely never use it again.
I would love to have a digital copy of the games to play when I wish without having to dig out my old cd's/cd key.
Would also be good to see a little community for it spring up, as the games were heavily multiplayer friendly and very expansive, with a ton of mods made for it, it was like the half-life of RTS games.
I would also love to see the Ultima series. One of my favorite rpg series of all time, even Ultima IX was decent once you patched it all up.
Then there are a couple of more diamond in the roughs that I loved back in the day.
Lands of Lore/Lands of Lore 2. These were two classic rpg/adventure games for me. They played out in the first person perspective like other rpg's back in the early day's, they had some interesting characters and storylines that tied in well.
Then there's my two favorite Melee games of all time.
Severance (aka Blade of Darkness) and Rune. I give the nod to Severance for having the better combat system (it actually requires you to be defensive, block/dodge and not just ho-hum it like most melee fighting games do), however rune had a great storyline/atmosphere to it and the viking theme made it very memorable.
Multiplayer in rune was so much fun, playing in tihe arena's and throwing a sword at someone's head hah, will never forget it.
Then there's a little unknown game that I doubt hardly anyone played,
Dark Earth.
It was an adventure styled game with a memorable setting/atmosphere. The characters and storyline were quite well done and it got fairly good reviews, however it flew under the radar like sacrifice and other games have done in the past.
I also would love to see some classic adventure games.
Day of the Tenacle
Grim Fandango
Monkey Island
Sam and Max
Post edited September 27, 2008 by Stiler