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high rated
Please add your votes to our <span class="bold">dedicated wishlist page</span> (if you haven't aready :) . Thanks!
Post edited February 23, 2012 by Destro
Fanatiik: Flight Sims ruled the gaming skies in the 80's and early 90's... I would sure like to see some classic flight sims become available... Falcon 3.0... LHX attack chopper and such....
mkubo: I'm all for LHX attach chopper. I have never seen the manual for this game.
I have a box in my shed full of manuals of most of the flight sims from the 80's and 90's... I'm pretty sure that the LHX manual is in there, but its not gonna do much good without a playable game I'm afraid..
My wish is for more sci-fi galactic merchant games, commerce, exploration, and adventure are true treasures!
Empires and wars is too prevalent, while the Starflight 1 & 2 legacy is lost?
Please grant my wish for more galaxy commerce and exploration games.
Interesting game corp, Stardock, with their Galactic Civilizations series.
They created a fun 4X space game and kept making it better, in my opinion.
Now they have announced the latest release in the series: Galactic Civilizations 3
Scheduled to be released May 14th 2015.
However the concern is that it will be limited to Steam...
If that is true then I most likely will not be playing that version, (I don't have steam on my computer) perhaps later they will release it for general purchase or years later GOG will be granted distribution?

This latest GalCiv is more than a mere 4x space game as it has much more trade/commerce depth and options win the game rather than destroy the other empires, and of course they kept the old favorite features of allowing game modding, and customizations of spaceships...

The fan base should offer great variety and new intrigue.
Destro: Please add your votes to our <span class="bold">dedicated wishlist page</span> (if you haven't aready :) . Thanks!
Captain Claw.
Need for Speed III/Hot Pursuit
Fighting Force
Star-Trek Elite Force I & II
- Star Trek Elite Force I focused on Voyager while Elite Force II focused on Enterprise.
Post edited May 15, 2015 by Althaluus
graham: Neuromancer
+1 for me.
I'd love to see the Neuromancer again. :D
Destro: Please add your votes to our <span class="bold">dedicated wishlist page</span> (if you haven't aready :) . Thanks!
rwh1: Games older games I'd like to see on GOG include

Lords or the Realm II, Lords 1 was fun as well. LOR III, is a very poor second to the org. games.
Age of Empries Series
Age of Mythology Series
Stronghold Series
Heroes of Might and Magic Series
World of Warcraft Series
Myst and Riven
The Art of War Series
Myth Series
Lords of the Rings Series.
Baulder Gate Series.
Myth The Fallen Lords and Myth 2 Soulblighter Please!
1. Powermonger.
1.1. Powermonger: World War I Edition
2. Sega Genesis &amp; Megadrive Classics compilation
3. Activision Anthology : Remix Edition
4. Atari Vault
5. Dune
6. Vampire: The Masquerade &ndash; Bloodlines
7. Gauntlet

Russian Games:
1.Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships

2. Evil Islands add-on: Forgotten/Lost in Astrale/Astral (original title: Проклятые земли: Затерянные в Астрале)
graham: Neuromancer
ForrestFox: +1 for me.
I'd love to see the Neuromancer again. :D
Count me in.
Morberis: I'm not sure if its been mentioned, but I'd love to see the Rama videogame here. I had it as a kid but then several of the CDs mysteriously disappeared.
rottworks: I'd like to see it on here, too!
Same here, it'd be an amazing feat to see this game re-offered. I was so enthralled by this game, it seems a shame it's somewhat "dying off". Does anyone from GOG know if this might be a future possibility?

xorgate: I'd like to see Half Life, Halo and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Is there a feature here for requests?
Absolutely. It's weird I came here to request those exact three games.
i would like to see pandora's box on gog a microsoft puzzle game
I would hope see more on those:
celestialteapot: These have already been mentioned but I want to add my YAY as well :)

'Grim Fandango'
'Blade Runner'
'Star Trek 25th Anniversary'

Ones that haven't been mentioned but I adore:

'The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo'
'Simon the Sorcerer I & II'
'Theme Hospital'
'Starfleet Academy'
'Star Trek: Elite Force I & II'
If you mean the old school 6 CD Ripper game with the like Actors like Mr Christopher Walken yes I agree 1000000%
Zsylang: Imo i would love to see on this site the game Septerra Core (hope i've written it right).

it was a nice but i can't find this anywhere now :S

i would like to vote for :

Dungeon keeper serie :)
Planescape : torment
Radiant pool
and any RPG really heh

and there was a detective game named Diskworld or diskmonde that was pretty good also and pretty hard to get a hands on it, i've played it when i was 9 and couldn't finish the bastard
You are talking about Diskworld Noir!