Ciris: Alright, I'm back post-weekend and just wanted to let you know that I'm passing on your guys' feedback and ideas to our web team, who are the ones working on the various forum issues.
RE: Thread url not changed -- it's not possible for us bluetext GOG employees (or even the GOG account) to change the url of a thread. As far as I know, it's not possible at all, therefore all I could change was the thread title.
RE: The rep system -- As far as I know, this is a big topic that's been talked about for a while now, but as it'd be a pretty damn huge project to design a rep or rep-like system, test and implement it, it might not be the highest up on the list of stuff our web team is doing.
RE: Paygating -- as far as I know, this was something we wanted to stay away from so as not to discourage people that'd sign up to post asking if a game is still any good, or to look for recommendations. As someone said in the thread earlier, a paygate makes things complicated, kind of like signing up for sites that require a ton of data or a certain action - and it might still not stop scammers, since maybe $5 is how much the chance to troll people online is worth to some. However, I've passed the topic on to be discussed by those that have a better understanding of how such a system would impact you guys and future GOGers.
RE: Chat issues -- I agree that blocking users and deleting messages are two very important functionalities. I've made sure the web team's aware of it, and I hope to have more to say later this week.
I'll try to get someone from the web team in here so they can pass on what's the status of improvements or changes being made - it'll be much easier to communicate what's going on that way.

HypersomniacLive: Three days ago you said:
[...] Since then, we've been looking at various options of how to solve the problem [...] We're working on a solution to the harrassment issue. More news next week.
HypersomniacLive: Today you come back and all I see in your post is basically rejecting every single suggestion made by users, for one reason or another.
Where are GOG's suggestions on how to handle things?
Nth discussed on the forum, including the "NEWS: A new My Account", "My Account - big changes on the horizon", "We are listening to your feedback!" and "Let's discuss your experiences with the forum.", not to mention the security issues raised in the numerous hacked accounts threads, ever seems to be GOG's webdevs priority, not even fixing things they themselves break when revamping portions of the site; I really have to wonder what their TO DO list consists of, and how priorities are set.
Perhaps what
Breja suggested in another thread, would prove (more) effective in getting GOG do more than merely
listen to our feedback.
I'm not seeing how what I said is rejecting the suggestions given. Regarding changing the URL I said, as is true, that at the moment it's not possible for me to edit it. Regarding the other three points, I said that I passed the information on to the correct people (even if I did warn of two of them not being the first to-do on the list), and regarding one said that I hope to have more news on it later this week - like I promised on Friday.
Unfortunately I'm not able to tell you much of how the web team works or prioritizes stuff, as it's completely not within my "realm" of responsibilities to dig into how they do things, but I did ask them to make forum changes a higher priority. When they have solutions, as I said before, I'll get a representative from their team to get involved in this thread and the other one I edited in order to explain changes made (and future plans, if they'll be able to discuss them).
Ciris: RE: The rep system -- As far as I know, this is a big topic that's been talked about for a while now, but as it'd be a pretty damn huge project to design a rep or rep-like system, test and implement it, it might not be the highest up on the list of stuff our web team is doing.
rampancy: So basically the GOG web team doesn't care about the rep system, and you didn't even mention the possibility of eliminating it entirely in favor of something less prone to flagrant abuse like post counts.
the rep system wasn't planned to be changed. However, as I also said, it's been talked about for a while now in terms of how it can be amended, and I wasn't part of those talks, so it is very likely that they considered obliterating it or changing it to a different system as well.