snowkatt: and gog couldn't have taken a few minutes to actually TELL us that ?
instead fo stone walling us as usual
it took 3 days and two threads like this to even get your attention and all we get at first is a prewritten reply
that seems to assume we are all a bunch of toddlers in need of a scolding
Ciris: Okay, first off, the problem was noted as soon as I got the message mentioned above, and that's when we started dealing with it. However, as we weren't sure by when we'd be able to produce a successful, tested, and working method of dealing with at least part of the problem, I didn't want to promise delivering a solution soon that would take a while longer to create.
Secondly, the reply was not pre-written - I wrote it in reply to the two threads and simply reposted them in both. It's not a message template or something like that, it's a reply I worked out with my coworkers to the issue, after gathering information from them on what solutions we might have now/soonish, and what we plan on doing if threads appear in the future in which swearing would be used for the sole sake of swearing.
I'm not assuming anyone's not mature enough to understand the issue (chat/forum harrassment), and I'm not saying we don't care about it, and I'm not saying that everyone here did something wrong for participating in the thread - I just want to put it out there that, until we create and implement moderation tools that would allow us to easier control threads where being offensive is used just for the sake of being offensive in a way that may target or hurt others, we'll take action.
Good! because this threads original title Made me quite Angry and with my PTSD and TBI (Truamatic Brain Injury) I started up a rant! I hate feeling that way!
Ciris: TL;DR -- We're working on a solution to the harrassment issue. More news next week.
ne_zavarj: Khmm . Only a small suggestion while you are working on the solution : Please also get rid of the rep system and replace it with a better one . ( like a voting system that shows who liked or didn't like the post )
Exactly So we can see who downrepped us! that would stop a shitload of mysterious downrepping!