dewtech: Erdogan is shitty kebab sheepfucker
Heh, a nice post from a young Estonian writer:
Nice leader you kebabs have, hurr my feelings are hurt, plz put a guy in jail for satirizing and insulting me.
Germans are pussies, fuck Erdogan, liberty of speech for life. What kind of life is it when you can't say what you are thinking the way you want?
Fuck Putin, fuck Erdogan, fuck Obama and fuck every other politician who fucking interrupts other countries politics and tells them what to do. Fuck powerplayers and fuck realpolitik assfuckers. Leave everyone elses shit alone and the world would be a better place, for some reason in the last 15 years the world has gone to shit. Everyone knows what others should think and say, hurr durr, muh feelings, hurr durr muh political spheres. I fucking hope something cataclysmic happens soon so humanity will stop playing a retard and get its shit together.
*drunken rant over*
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Natural selection calls for a leader of ANY pack, son. Communism does not exist in nature. Never existed there, to begin with. Human intellect is an evolutionary "mistake" of mother nature. There are good leaders and bad leaders, clever leaders and adaptable leaders, leaders with an iron fist and leaders with a pink golfball in the place where they should had grown a pair, but didn't, exactly like our own comical clown who hallucinates of being prime minister.
A country does well if it has a good and ABLE leader. ONLY when the seat of power has the talent, any field under its supervision can truly do well. Turkey is doing well, freedom issues aside. Russia is doing very well ATM, America has always been well...
Erdogan is not stupid, no one called him stupid. He is able and capable; ergo DANGEROUS. Our clowns instead are the epitome of stupidity, so everyone sees in what a mess this hellhole is.
P.S. You realize that lack of liberty sometimes makes a leader do better profile of himself and amplify his sphere of influence, right? Or that a country with less "liberty" might flourish and have prosperity...? Just wondering, just in case...
Fuck communism, meritocracy and technocracy (with proper laws to keep civil liberties) are the only good ruling systems
>Russia doing well
Son, I go to Russia once every 3-6 months, that country IS NOT DOING well (maybe politically, but man, my relatives in Petrograd are not happy....). Only a greek would say something like that. Heh....
Erdogan is not capable, he feeds people money and power who are capable and keep him in power because its good for them. Eg, we are dealing with crony authoritarianism over there, spiced with some islamic influences. (Mustafa would roll over in his grave if he knew about the shit leaders in current Turkey)
A country with less liberty may flourish, but what life is it? China is also OK on papers, but have gone there? Even once in your life? Not on a tourist trip, but visit a student you befriended in university and visit him? That country is not that good socialy and mentally for its people (well, asians are maybe a bit better accustomed to living as zavod/factory-worker ants, but its not a life worth living)