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low rated
richlind33: As I said in my other post, I think it's wanting to broaden the market, but also a case of grossly exaggerating the significance of social media "outrage". Thankfully, that seems to have peaked and is now in it's death throes.
And/or playing the long game.
low rated
Mafwek: Are you seriously trying to tell me that you can't fathom that:
A) to someone appeals character of their own social group? Why the fuck do we have right wing idiots and SJW-s in the first place? Identities are powerful thing. Heck, even I who don't identify with social groups, like ubermensch characters like Akuma, Kreia or Steven Armstrong. You are telling me you are exception?
B) Appealing to marginalized demographics automatically appeals to SJW-s. More demographics covered!
C) Political correctness makes it family friendly. Wider appeal. And safer.
D) Attractive lesbians targeting both yuri fans and LGBT people
E) That previous gaming demographics don't mean jack shit in world of mobile gaming and whales?
LootHunter: A1 "Why the fuck do we have right wing idiots and SJW-s in the first place? Identities are powerful thing."
That's kinda my point. It's mostly SJW and nationalists who can't play characters, who are not of their race, gender, sexuality, etc.

A2 "You are telling me you are exception?"
You tell me. I've enjoyed playing Beyond Good and Evil and BloodRayne, while being a man and Jade and Rayne - women. I liked the story in Dreamfall Chapters, despite Kian was gay, unlike me. When I played Unreal 2 I didn't even pay attention that John Dalton was black (and I'm white). And I like Duke Nukem despite him being blond and strong, unlike me. Oh, and Tails is one of my favourite character, despite being antropomorphyc fox.

Yes, in MMO I do tend to customize my character in my liking (though not entirely), but I don't have a problem relating to a character of different social group. And I've actually played Overwatch, but it was a short session, so I was able to play only as Winston.

B) And how large is SJW demographic? Is it big enough to compensate alienation of players who are agains "political correctness"?

C) It doesn't. It isn't. It's not.

D) I don't argue with that.

E) Am I the only one who is confused seing "whales" and "marginalized demographic" to have (supposedly) huge overlap?
A) Well, we found your subgroup. You are a Sonic fan, gross.

B) Prediction for the future: population mostly culturally left. At least in economically significant groups.

C) Yes it is. You aren't living in the West.

E) Read what I said in B), most people who play games don't have problems with culturally left content. Also who says there is overlap? Modern games aren't made for particular group, they are made for everyone, with different type of content targeting different types of people.
Seriously, your understanding of capitalism isn't very good. Heavy ideological influence I am afraid.
low rated
Mafwek: E) ...most people who play games don't have problems with culturally left content.
Yeah, because it's background noise that they probably aren't consciously aware of. lol
low rated
LootHunter: A1 "Why the fuck do we have right wing idiots and SJW-s in the first place? Identities are powerful thing."
That's kinda my point. It's mostly SJW and nationalists who can't play characters, who are not of their race, gender, sexuality, etc.

A2 "You are telling me you are exception?"
You tell me. I've enjoyed playing Beyond Good and Evil and BloodRayne, while being a man and Jade and Rayne - women. I liked the story in Dreamfall Chapters, despite Kian was gay, unlike me. When I played Unreal 2 I didn't even pay attention that John Dalton was black (and I'm white). And I like Duke Nukem despite him being blond and strong, unlike me. Oh, and Tails is one of my favourite character, despite being antropomorphyc fox.

Yes, in MMO I do tend to customize my character in my liking (though not entirely), but I don't have a problem relating to a character of different social group. And I've actually played Overwatch, but it was a short session, so I was able to play only as Winston.

B) And how large is SJW demographic? Is it big enough to compensate alienation of players who are agains "political correctness"?

C) It doesn't. It isn't. It's not.

D) I don't argue with that.

E) Am I the only one who is confused seing "whales" and "marginalized demographic" to have (supposedly) huge overlap?
Mafwek: A) Well, we found your subgroup. You are a Sonic fan, gross.

B) Prediction for the future: population mostly culturally left. At least in economically significant groups.

C) Yes it is. You aren't living in the West.

E) Read what I said in B), most people who play games don't have problems with culturally left content. Also who says there is overlap? Modern games aren't made for particular group, they are made for everyone, with different type of content targeting different types of people.
Seriously, your understanding of capitalism isn't very good. Heavy ideological influence I am afraid.
A) So am I anthropomorphic hedgehog? O_o

B)+E) Define "culturally left". Don't forget to make a distinction between "culturally left" and "culturally far left".

C) So that's why Disney's Star Wars, Star Trek: Discovery and last season of Doctor Who have so "wide" appeal?
Post edited June 24, 2019 by LootHunter
low rated
LootHunter: A) So am I anthropomorphic hedgehog? O_o

B)+E) Define "culturally left". Don't forget to make a distinction between "culturally left" and "culturally far left".

C) So that's why Disney's Star Wars, Star Trek: Discovery and last season of Doctor Who have so "wide" appeal?
If identity didn't play role, we wouldn't have culture wars, SJW-s and alt-right. Or you idiots merely fight because you are bored like me?

Lol Star Wars. That Fucking Abomination made 2.068 billion dollars; TLJ made 1.333 billion dollars, didn't pass well in China, but got positive reviews from all my friends unlike TFA, and it was liked by plenty of people who don't have time to waste on internet arguing about how movie sucks. Nerds...

Marvel movies made much more money than that, are you going to argue they aren't politically correct?
LootHunter: A) So am I anthropomorphic hedgehog? O_o

B)+E) Define "culturally left". Don't forget to make a distinction between "culturally left" and "culturally far left".

C) So that's why Disney's Star Wars, Star Trek: Discovery and last season of Doctor Who have so "wide" appeal?
Mafwek: If identity didn't play role, we wouldn't have culture wars, SJW-s and alt-right. Or you idiots merely fight because you are bored like me?

Lol Star Wars. That Fucking Abomination made 2.068 billion dollars; TLJ made 1.333 billion dollars, didn't pass well in China, but got positive reviews from all my friends unlike TFA, and it was liked by plenty of people who don't have time to waste on internet arguing about how movie sucks. Nerds...

Marvel movies made much more money than that, are you going to argue they aren't politically correct?
According to who, Brie Larson? lol
LootHunter: A) So am I anthropomorphic hedgehog? O_o

B)+E) Define "culturally left". Don't forget to make a distinction between "culturally left" and "culturally far left".

C) So that's why Disney's Star Wars, Star Trek: Discovery and last season of Doctor Who have so "wide" appeal?
Mafwek: If identity didn't play role, we wouldn't have culture wars, SJW-s and alt-right. Or you idiots merely fight because you are bored like me?
Why do you not answer my questions and calling me idiot instead?

Mafwek: Lol Star Wars. That Fucking Abomination made 2.068 billion dollars; TLJ made 1.333 billion dollars, didn't pass well in China, but got positive reviews from all my friends unlike TFA, and it was liked by plenty of people who don't have time to waste on internet arguing about how movie sucks. Nerds...
So, I guess putting spin-offs and next trilogy under wraps was just a way to celebrate Disney's success.

Mafwek: Marvel movies made much more money than that, are you going to argue they aren't politically correct?
By modern standards they aren't. ;)
Post edited June 24, 2019 by LootHunter
low rated
dgnfly: 1. The problem is they are staying in the center hence why todaýs gaming and general media is run by the extreme left which simply are the SJW and they don't seem to worry about what fascistic nature they impose on others, Every main social media platform right now is ultra Bias and I only see one side calling them out while centrist seems to be ok with all the censorship to a point that they'll just make excuses for it. Censorship in gaming is only allowed because the majority seems to be ok with it even if it doesn't have a valid reason to be censored other then the usual hysteria. All those retarded ''What If'' moments we might as well ban any form of entertainment while we at it.

2. Freedom, in general, is absolute so you can't say you are for certain forms of freedom but not the other. There is such a thing as a consequence which is made up the law in general so there are no needs for further rules that tighten freedoms any more than they already are. People mostly use NPC terms/phrases cause they don't know any better and try to bluff their way through a conversation hoping the other side is more ignorant towards the subject. SJW are barely in a position of being right cause they use feelings over facts.

3. Majority of Germans during WW2 were poverty stricken there was barely any rich opportunist, Centrist are mostly middle class hence why they barely bother to pick a side cause they to have nothing to lose or gain and are contempt with the position they are now. Poor are mostly left wing and rich mostly right wing. Centrist some times veer to the right or left but only in small differences of opinions and moral standards. Even in an election you still need the majority vote and seeing as the turn-outs become lower each time you'd say people started caring less about what is going to happen regardless of it taking them under. And this is the same in debate and if you want to change in gaming, Many voices make a change while the silent ones can just take it up the backside sorta speak.

4. Yes, Ubisoft is trying to get rid of Politics in their gaming, I think they are starting to notice that people are tired of Gender/identity politics in their gaming cause it gives a lot of bad press amongst the actual gamers, while the casuals may praise them they are still the minority players in the end. The Minority SJW or extreme leftist, for the most part, have been able to get away with Fake outrage to a point that company's bend over backward to please them but they must be aware by now they will never be satisfied, And the gaming press is an utter joke, playing high and might with their articles bashing company's if they don't kiss their assess. ON some sense Ubisoft is already kinda late cause they did get a lot of flak for their alternative History with Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I'm a big History fan so I found it utterly insulting they could have just shown the raw history of the Spartans but that wouldn't suit the mentally weak these days that get triggered with actual history.

If I were a company I'd just let them boycott it. The total in America is just around 5 percent so nothing much will be lost there and I doubt most of them are actual gamers. The Gaming industry is stagnant as hell cause there is a lack of expressive freedom, Everything is subject to scrutiny by the SJW hate mob, And now even company's full of those retards dictating their dogma on the rest.

As an example of how retarded the left has become you just need to follow the youtuber TimPool while he shows the constant retardation of the left and their fake outrage from Feminism to other retarded groups.
1. I'd rather people be centrists and try to make peace between groups(or ignore the extremists) than just shouting back and forth all day the end it solves nothing and just makes one old before their time.

2. I agree with some of this.

3. I meant american rich opportunists and other country's similar peoples....not germans perse.

Btw just a head's up...elections/politics talk is a good way to get a ban/warning(not from me)......just trying to say if you wanna talk that talk we can do so via PM/discord/etc.

4.a. I remember one company wanted to make a war game based on a historical period when it was mainly white men fighting and people got upset that it didn't have any minorities/women/ a game that was trying to be HISTORICALLY ACCURATE. I guess such extremist activists want history books rewritten to be more inclusive as well? :\

4.b. Calling anyone(even bad people) retards is not a good way to prove your point, but you;'re right...they shouldn't bend the knee to outrage mobs.

4.c. I actually subscribe to him.
low rated
babark: I'm confused as to why you think gog owes you (or the game authors) an explanation as to why they rejected a game, and why you think it isn't a "valid reason". It is simply a reason you don't personally know. As for the game in question, two dozen very valid reasons were suggested by other users, any one of which could have been applied as the reason to reject that game.

Also pretty funny that you think all those great video games aren't intentionally inherently political. You think existing in a fantasy land means games aren't political? You think that not being realistic means games aren't political? Games have been political since the beginning, you're just noticing now, because you don't like their trend to openness.

Missile Command (first game that came to mind) came out almost 40 years ago, but has had lots of ports and copies (I think it was even packaged with one of the windows). It's a very simple game where you have to fire at and destroy missiles trying to hit your cities. But the gameplay, progression, and implicit plot tells a highly political story of the inevitable destruction of a nuclear armed world through nuclear holocaust.
What a filthy SJW the developer was!

Deus Ex, which you mentioned, deals with very real political themes including government distrust (conspiracy theories) and globalism.
Filthy SJW!

Monkey Island developer Ron Gilbert specifically stated he wanted to move away from boring tired tropes involving the dude rescuing the lady in video games, resulting in Elaine, who doesn't need anyone to rescue her (and would've gotten free herself if the hero of the game didn't interfere).

Mass Effect: Andromeda is not political according to your definition, because it is a "what if" scenario too. Can a game only be political if they try to "replicate the real world to its fullest"? I don't get it.

I'm not sure you've clearly laid out in your head what games are political, what games are political but that's ok, and what games are eeeeevil! Right now it simply seems to be "These games make me uncomfortable, thus they're baaaad!"
Not him but I will reply a bit:

1. They don't owe us an explanation, you are correct, but not giving one just makes it seem like they could care less about the concerns of some of those who helped this site/store get off the ground from day one. To me this is a bad PR move.

Also yes any reason could've been used to reject the game that user was mentioning, but when a pattern starts to emerge of controversial games(with non-pc subject matter in them or as the core gameplay/story) and those made by controversial devs being rejected over and over it starts to prove that some bias/agenda is leaking into the curation system.

2. Games can be political but trying to inject Real World politics/beliefs to try to push them on those playing is a big nono in my me that is propaganda/brainwashing....and as it is mainly kids/young people playing them I have a bit of an axe to grind against such practices.

3. That game was nothing compared to the modern stuff being pushed and you know it.

Also you are not using the term S*W correctly.

4. Again this game is more than bit political but it allowed then player to make up their mind as to what to didn't force you to pick one side over another.

Also(again) NOT S*W.

5. Monkey Island didn't say you were a bad white man/etc or chastise you for having such thoughts about women, though.

6. Bingo on the games we/others are against.....if a game pushes one stance/belief system as good and makes you follow it in-game or keeps pounding it into your head as the right one(and features massive amounts of IRL politics) then YES that game is political in a BAD way.

7. The guy/gal is free to believe as they does them doing so harm you? And why belittle them for holding a belief you don't agree with so much?

babark: dgnfly said he wants his games without politics. I pointed out that almost no game is without politics, and how very often the great games are great BECAUSE of them having politics. He was given several examples before my post, and tried putting forward the case that those games don't count, because...I'm not sure- they're fantasy, or they only take part of the real world, or they aren't fanfiction. I'm not sure what his reasoning was.
Maybe you could TRY to understand their POV a bit and you'd see what they mean? Just a thought.

dgnfly: It does if your Development team is based on race and gender and not skill. It's simply the after effect of trying to push a political narrative. So you would say you'd be able to get a good quality game if you hire women who write fan-fiction and women that have zero skill in animation and a racist dev that bitches about white people 24/7? In the old day's people got picked on skill now they just need one of the token criteria and they hired. there is a reason now there are hiring quotas instead of just hiring on the skill it simply another part of trying to paly Social justice cause we need everything to be on par or else there is discrimination and that's now how the gaming world looks at things. there is a reason

Do you think the same result would happen if you actually hired on skill? There is a reason Anthem was a failure also it's cause all those devs were transferred to work on anthem later on.
krakataul: ME Andromeda Devolopment Lead Team:
Project Leadership: Aaryn Flynn, Yanick Roy. Creative Director: Mac Walters, Producers: Fabrice Condominas, Michael Gamble, Fernando Melo, Lead Designer: Ian Frazier, Art Director: Joel MacMillan, Tech. Director: Harold Chaput; Lead Programmer: Julien Adriano…
Character Artists, Character Animators, Environment Artists, In Game Animators, Technical Animators, UI Artists, Visual Effect Artists Leads: Herbert Lowis, Tim Golem, Scotty Brown, Carl Boulay, Sylvain Côté, Éric Bellefeuille, Ryan Rosanky…
If anything, number of women involved in leading positions was really small...
You are forgetting there are MALE feminists too.

dgnfly: Your forgetting that EA also pushes the market with diversity hence why Battlefield V had to have fictional real battles where handicapped women fight in real-world war 2 battle scenes or main campaign stories get genderswapped from real events. There is a reason EA constantly donates during E3 it's to virtue signal that they are inclusive...
Mafwek: Or more likely "pushes" with diversity because there is a market for it.
Virtue Signaling is done to pander to that market......but most of the ones who get outraged never wanted ti play the game in the first place.

LootHunter: Was it? Was it successful due to it's "political correctness" or despite it and due to popular gameplay based to Team Fortress 2?
Mafwek: Perhaps both berk? Political correctness doesn't matter here, diversity is the factor.

You are an absolute moron if you think I am sprouting SJW narrative.

Gaming isn't limited to nerds/gamers anymore, so you are going to market it to anybody you can. Diversity? Nothing but good marketing to appeal to the wider audience. Power of "nationalism". Hardcore gamers aren't economically viable anymore (if Battlefield fans can be called hardcore gamers).
If the market starts to appeal more to the mass of casuals who want more fortnite/anthem/overwatch clones and mobile crap I am outta the main AAA scene.
Post edited June 24, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
DadJoke007: Somehow I doubt big companies are ideologically driven and idealistic enough to sacrifice profit. I would guess that they misinterpreted the market or are striving for something bigger.

The alternative, that they're idealists who willingly sacrifice profit to get their message out, seems more farfetched.

Trying to market diversity is probably a high risk/high reward scenario from their perspective. If they can reach untapped demographics they will strike gold.
Mafwek: You said it better than I did. Although I wouldn't say high risk, big companies like to play it safe.
They can play it safe all they want, but if they turn off the main part of their fanbase to appease the minority(who might njot even all buy the game) then when they start going broke they;ll know who's fault it was.
low rated
Mafwek: If identity didn't play role, we wouldn't have culture wars, SJW-s and alt-right. Or you idiots merely fight because you are bored like me?
LootHunter: Why do you not answer my questions and calling me idiot instead?

Mafwek: Lol Star Wars. That Fucking Abomination made 2.068 billion dollars; TLJ made 1.333 billion dollars, didn't pass well in China, but got positive reviews from all my friends unlike TFA, and it was liked by plenty of people who don't have time to waste on internet arguing about how movie sucks. Nerds...
LootHunter: So, I guess putting spin-offs and next trilogy under wraps was just a way to celebrate Disney's success.

Mafwek: Marvel movies made much more money than that, are you going to argue they aren't politically correct?
LootHunter: By modern standards they aren't. ;)
Because I am in very foul mood and tired, while you are either lying to me or you are ignorant. Well, you are definitively ignorant,

I never meant that everybody belongs to some identity all the time, and that they aim strictly for covering identity groups. I meant that identities play extremely big part in human psyche, and as such it's target for marketing. Beside appealing to specific identities, diversity can play role in other targeted groups such as SJW-s or people with certain fetishes or affinities (lesbian example previously). All of that is because the market must constantly expand. Are you still going to tell me that identity doesn't matter, merely because it doesn't to you or me?

Why are you ignoring the fact that modern Star Wars earned A LOT of money and focus on the outrage? While it did have plenty of detractors in the West, I believe crucial factor is China. Besides, I don't think that SJW culture of Disney SW movies is the problem, as much is the fact that they are pretty bad movies, like anything else coming from Hollywood AAA.

Two words: Black Panther. Made a lot of money as well. Plus, superheroes were kinda promoting diversity before it was popular.
GameRager: They can play it safe all they want, but if they turn off the main part of their fanbase to appease the minority(who might njot even all buy the game) then when they start going broke they;ll know who's fault it was.
I don't think main fanbase those who you think they are. I also believe that they will appeal even more to the casuals, but there might also be the effort to appeal to the "hardcore" audience, like Microsoft is currently doing with AoE and all the studio buying.
Post edited June 24, 2019 by Mafwek
Meanwhile, the Mods at GOG.
low rated
LootHunter: Why do you not answer my questions and calling me idiot instead?

So, I guess putting spin-offs and next trilogy under wraps was just a way to celebrate Disney's success.

By modern standards they aren't. ;)
Mafwek: Because I am in very foul mood and tired, while you are either lying to me or you are ignorant. Well, you are definitively ignorant,
The last time when some dude called me ignorant, it later appeared that he knew about the topic far less than me. Are you sure it's not the case here?

Mafwek: I never meant that everybody belongs to some identity all the time, and that they aim strictly for covering identity groups. I meant that identities play extremely big part in human psyche, and as such it's target for marketing.
And I never argued against this. What I was asking, why do you think that "identity" is mainly defined by race, sex, sexuality and other SJW invented categories. For example, my identities as sonic fan, trekkie, Star Wars fan (Legendary canon), logical-minded person and educated person in general play far greater role in defining my interests, than my identity as white straight man.

Mafwek: Are you still going to tell me that identity doesn't matter, merely because it doesn't to you or me?
Are you still going to tell me that other people are so different from us?

Mafwek: Why are you ignoring the fact that modern Star Wars earned A LOT of money and focus on the outrage? While it did have plenty of detractors in the West, I believe crucial factor is China.
I'm not ignoring the fact. I'm just attribute the fact to people being fans of previous movies. You could show fingernails grow in Episode VII and people still would come. It's Solo that showed how disappointed was the audience with previous movie.

Mafwek: Besides, I don't think that SJW culture of Disney SW movies is the problem, as much is the fact that they are pretty bad movies
And you don't see the connection, do you?

Mafwek: Two words: Black Panther. Made a lot of money as well. Plus, superheroes were kinda promoting diversity before it was popular.
Four words: Make Wakanda Great Again. Plus, Avengers cast was mostly white men. There wasn't even a single LGBT romance.
low rated
dgnfly: Your forgetting that EA also pushes the market with diversity hence why Battlefield V had to have fictional real battles where handicapped women fight in real-world war 2 battle scenes or main campaign stories get genderswapped from real events. There is a reason EA constantly donates during E3 it's to virtue signal that they are inclusive...
Mafwek: Or more likely "pushes" with diversity because there is a market for it.
I think the idea for Diversity is kinda overblown considering most gamers are still males in general, Didn't you see the Tweet where some black guy even asked to keep the game historically accurate and then a Dice developer called him racist for it and that he needed to educate himself better? The notion for diversity in gaming is the same as all those that push those kinda agenda they all just wanna make a name for themselves and have this good feeling at trying to push something nobody really cares about. People in gaming used to never worry about Gender/Race until certain leftist SJW started pushing an agenda for inclusion into gaming, Best example who pushed a false narrative was Anita Sarkeesian.

Gaming, in general, was always diverse, you just need a certain skill to participate but they wanna kill the line that requires you to be good at something and just do the hiring for the sake of diversity, not skill.
low rated
LootHunter: A) So am I anthropomorphic hedgehog? O_o

B)+E) Define "culturally left". Don't forget to make a distinction between "culturally left" and "culturally far left".

C) So that's why Disney's Star Wars, Star Trek: Discovery and last season of Doctor Who have so "wide" appeal?
Mafwek: If identity didn't play role, we wouldn't have culture wars, SJW-s and alt-right. Or you idiots merely fight because you are bored like me?

Lol Star Wars. That Fucking Abomination made 2.068 billion dollars; TLJ made 1.333 billion dollars, didn't pass well in China, but got positive reviews from all my friends unlike TFA, and it was liked by plenty of people who don't have time to waste on internet arguing about how movie sucks. Nerds...

Marvel movies made much more money than that, are you going to argue they aren't politically correct?
The movie did sell but Merchandise tanked beyond disbelieve, They might go watch the movie but most profit is made through merchandise, Even George Lucas knew this during the creation of star wars hence why he got them to sign over the right during the production of the original movies. Even the Solo movie barely made back its money.

Doctor Who was the biggest example of a series tanking because of Ideology pandering. People don't wanna be preached too they just wanna have fun with a character they can relate.

We could actually have an in-depth argument on why these things are a success cause there is a bigger Root why this garbage would be selling but sadly this would divert the whole conversation from gaming to a more political one.