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agentcarr16: Last night I managed not to get knocked out. I booted up some scripts to watch through the security cameras and some others to see if he was accessing the computer. Nothing came up.

From what I can tell, HijacK did nothing at all last night.
I was so wanting to be able to put you as confirmed town... but you claim to have followed someone who has already confirmed that they were blocked and had no action.

So yet again we can't even be sure your claim of Tracker is true...

Still, the fact flub's been blocked gives you some credibility so you're not at the top of my scum list anymore...
agentcarr16: Last night I managed not to get knocked out. I booted up some scripts to watch through the security cameras and some others to see if he was accessing the computer. Nothing came up.

From what I can tell, HijacK did nothing at all last night.
adaliabooks: I was so wanting to be able to put you as confirmed town... but you claim to have followed someone who has already confirmed that they were blocked and had no action.

So yet again we can't even be sure your claim of Tracker is true...

Still, the fact flub's been blocked gives you some credibility so you're not at the top of my scum list anymore...
I'm aware of that, and it was an unfortunate conjunction of circumstances. Sucks to be me...

JMich: <snip>
My issue is that you didn't seem to find him particularly scummy on Day 2, so why the change of heart now? But I do see your point.
adaliabooks: Still, the fact flub's been blocked gives you some credibility so you're not at the top of my scum list anymore...
Idly curious as to how that's now fact, and how it became fact in the span of 6 posts.
Lots and lots of things to look at, and indeed it will certainly be tomorrow before I can put serious time into analysis.

Here are at least a few bullet points to consider-

-I'm a little annoyed at the "drop vote and run away" business here. That's not helping. If you do such a thing and have any kind of hope or expectation that other players will follow your reasonless lead, that's unproductive and will certainly lead nowhere good. Five minutes after daybreak, we had three votes on three different players with nary a single thought to analyzing the incredible wealth of information we now possess.

On the docket for analysis:

-The crisis event needs to be looked at. I don't see a penalty there - do you? If there's no public penalty, we need to know if one was handed out privately. We need to try and determine if the event failed due to stats or sabotage or another factor entirely. And by the way, the flavor makes it pretty clear to me the two teams are actively blaming each other, making it impossible for us players to determine which team failed. Anyone suggesting otherwise has an agenda to push and should be examined accordingly.

Let's start with this: Could every member of the away team please list the value of your relevant stat?

-The roleblockers have given us plenty of new info, and we need to continue to look at how the pieces fit. Evidence is stronger that either we have three roleblockers, or we have coordinated lying, and we need to quantify everything. Nobody is cleared as Town in this blocking mess, and the only really confirmed actual roleblock ability we have is JMich.

-Ix's wagon must be analyzed. Note that I'm usually not a big fan of trying to figure out the reasons for a nightkill, but in this case, I think it's warranted. The timing of the end of Day 1 came together in a very peculiar way. Ix's wagon (and yes, I bear some responsibility for it as I started it weeks ago, but given the same information, I would do it all over again) was stalled at three votes forever. Then Krypsyn and Vitek came on in short order, and then just before the deadline there was a zerg rush of players on to the wagon to finish him up before he had a chance to defend himself, with some frankly poor bits of reasoning for jumping on. I think Krypsyn saw something in particular, and paid for it before he had a chance to share. Perhaps it was only to note that the way this wagon went down needed to be analyzed as I'm suggesting - but I think it must be done.

-Night action claims need to be analyzed. I'll have to do a total re-read of dedo to see if adalia's claim makes any sense. We need to question JMich and HijacK as to their reasoning (and neither have done so satisfactorily yet - yes JMich, you need to give a hell of a lot more). We need to look at our tracker's total lack of results. We need to find out why drealmer simply forgot he had an action to report.

That's just the start. We're not close to LYLO yet, but we are in a target-rich environment, and we are at the point where we really need to get this right. We have an incredible wealth of information to sort through, and I'm getting the stinkeye from the wife because this was supposed to be a two-minute post, so I'm out for a while.

Let's have those stats and the rest of the night actions and then we'll get to the real work.
I came home from 5 days vacations and I only skimmed over the thread and I have already something nice to share.

I was blocked as well.
HijacK, have you targeted me, flub or someone entirely else?
mchack: Did any others from the away team get any info on why we failed?
agentcarr16: I didn't receive any additional information about why the team failed. From what I can see, it seems that the FIN half of the mission was the side that failed, which points toward Mr. Mchack or our resident cleaning droid, JMich. However, I could be remembering wrong. What do the others think? ...
Well, as I read the following quote it's pretty unclear which of the two teams mucked up: [on refresh I see yogs already commented similarly...]

QuadrAlien: "Couldn't you have got the blasted thing accessible faster?"

"Well, maybe if you'd found a better gap in their patrols we'd have had the time we needed!"

"Oi! Calm down!", interjected Q.U.A.D, activating the cameras in the storage bays. "Hmm. It looks like you made it there, but you haven't managed to deactivate the projection unit. Still, the parts you've taken away have at least cut its power supply by a considerable amount of time. It should have given up and gone into standby mode in a day or so."
We made it there but didn't have enough time to do it properly. (So either FIN team wasn't working fast enough or INT team planned badly)

Since I'm pretty sure I didn't fail that mission (it's my highest Stat! and also shouldn't one get at least a notice from the mod, when one failed a mission?) I was wondering who may have fumbled or even sabotaged.

If indeed on my team that only leaves jmich (if I'm to believed, and that's what I generally do. Believe myself that is) and I'm wondering what his FIN stat is. IIRC he said he's good in both skills (FIN and STR) but from the flips (and my own stats) I gather there's always one rather high stat one medium stat and one pretty low stat ... So I wonder if STR has been jmichs high and FIN only his medium stat...

As for the INT team theres agent and drealmer7 that both claimed very high INT stats, so that shouldn't fail if true which leaves our dear captain as a possible weakest link ... Hope you haven't overestimated yourself there RWarehall.

Anyway, since I still don't know what the consequences were, I don't know if it's even worth making a fuzz about it.... :/
CarrionCrow: Idly curious as to how that's now fact, and how it became fact in the span of 6 posts.

Seriously, there's always one...

Yes, it's not really a 'fact'. Nothing is a fact in this game.

But lets look at the situation:
Flub has no claimed role, so no night action which needed to be reported (which would be the reason to fake a roleblock). So the only reason to claim to be role blocked if he hadn't is to confirm (or at least lend credence to the claim) that agent was roleblocked. The only reason to do that would be if they are both scum. That's actually a result for us, because if we get a flip on either it's fairly good evidence the other is scum.
So if it's good for us, it's bad for scum which means they're not likely to do it.

Annnnnd now Vitek has been blocked too. What the hell is going on?!
Vitek: I came home from 5 days vacations and I only skimmed over the thread and I have already something nice to share.

I was blocked as well.
HijacK, have you targeted me, flub or someone entirely else?
Any flavor to the block?
trentonlf: Any flavor to the block?
I woke with headache and apparently have no idea what happened at night.
agentcarr16: .........................

Mr. Flubbucket, did you get any flavour with your roleblock?
Yes. Locked in my room
adaliabooks: Yes, it's not really a 'fact'. Nothing is a fact in this game.
Okay, make a point, you'll use a word that doesn't really fit. At all. To the point of it quite probably being untrue, as demonstrated by your "fact" that isn't actually a fact.

Good to know. =)
From the given flavour, I'd say that my N1 blocker probably blocked Vitek last night. Flub's flavour is too different.
First off, I am Corazon Kochanski (Station Quartermaster) Station Crew (Town).

Yes there was a penalty for the failure of the crisis, I was unable to go to my supply room last night. I asked if this was the case because of the failure of the crisis, and yes it was because it is part of the storage bays.

I hope to alleviate some confusion here.

Flub was jailed, not role blocked. As the Quartermaster I am able to give one person a night something I might find interesting in my supply room. Night 1 I had the option to pass along a house arrest security card or some illegal drugs that would boost stats. I chose to pass the card (1 shot Jailkeeper) to Krypsyn. He was one of the few I thought was town after day 1.

Only proof I can give is Kypsyn's soft claim here.
I tried to hint to him here that it was me with the keywords locked and room key. Early on I hinted to him here also with the locking in the room comment.

So I believe Flubbucket's claim of being locked in his room. I specifically asked Vitek for flavor to see if he was locked in his room or not.

If Hijack is a Jailer and JMich blocked him then that to me means scum blocked Vitek. It is possible Vitek is making a false claim, but I don't see it.

Also to me as much as Bookwyrm would love to spin it that the crisis was a good thing it was not. No reason to allow it to happen, at all, unless you are hoping for it to fail and cause the death of a townie or some other negative ramification. I gave my reasons for voting Bookwyrm before and this just adds to it.

My vote stays where it is.
adaliabooks: Yes, it's not really a 'fact'. Nothing is a fact in this game.
CarrionCrow: Okay, make a point, you'll use a word that doesn't really fit. At all. To the point of it quite probably being untrue, as demonstrated by your "fact" that isn't actually a fact.

Good to know. =)
So you're suggesting I'm presenting flub's roleblock as a fact to let off agent. The person I was voting for yesterday.
And quite frankly would still be voting for if there wasn't enough evidence to cast reasonable doubt on his scuminess.
Twisting my meaning nicely there.

To the matter at hand... flub's stated flavour is completely different to the two (separate) role blocks, so either he's lying badly (why lie and claim a flavour inconsistent with other claims?) or it's a different type of role. Whether that's a different alignment or a different role altogether (Jailer?) remains to be seen...
trentonlf: snip
Very interesting.

It's entirely conjecture that Krypsyn blocked flub, but it certainly seems to make sense and accounts for the extra block last night.

I won't ask for further details of your role, best to keep scum guessing really.

As for the end of your post.. I can't help but find I agree. Bookwyrm's behaviour was quite scummy yesterday, and the way he pushed Ix's wagon at the end of the day, combined with both Ix's flip and the crisis's failure, suggests he may have expressly wanted a lynch to go through before we got the results.

I'm happy enough to
Vote Bookwyrm627
for now.