Bookwyrm627: Wuss! Come back here and play! Accuse someone or something!
There are only so many people in this elevator, goddammit, and I know it wasn’t me. BOOKWYRM!!!!!
Krypsyn: Have you guys seen my little deuce coupe? I still like my 409 better, though.
Little-known (and probably hard to believe) fact: in addition to being a life-long extreme metalhead, I harbor a secret passion for the Beach Boys. I have all their records. Even the terrible ones.
trentonlf: I'm going to go take a 2 day nap....
You wake me up then, k? You’ll be up first.
Krypsyn: Bailiff. I meant "it's a fair bailiff". Because, that is what I am. Totally. It is a recent promotion
I call Bull.
There is at least two more games worth of mileage in this joke.
Ixamyakxim: I'm having major problems with it too (LOL there's a REASON I asked scum to nightkill you).
AND THAT WOULD BE….? adaliabooks: @yogs
That role analysis was four pages? How big is your font size...
28. Wingdings. Why?
Ixamyakxim: Unvote... Me Vote Bookwyrm Not agent? The guy you wanted killed?
Have you managed to vote for every single player in the game yet? I haven’t counted, but having already been on and off your own wagon, I think it might be possible. But yeah, your wagon is officially in the breakdown lane, and I am just pissing up a flagpole as usual.
We’ll see what the event brings. Then the horsetrading starts. And you will get off scott-free, so you can block agent again, like you did last night. ;)
drealmer7: Why are yogsloth and trentonlf so quick to abandon the discussion with the impending event?
Did you just answer your own question?
drealmer7: No one else finds CarrionCrow's style scummy? I don't find it witty or clever or insightful or anything but intruder-like.
I find it newbie and overly cautious and a bit snooty. But he’s getting better as he goes.
Krypsyn: He also assumes there are exactly 4 scum, which is also worrying. I wonder how he could be so certain?
Oh well, there went that.
trentonlf: That is exactly what I would do LOL :)
adaliabooks: And hell yeah! Screw yogs and his keep it in your pocket nonsense.
(Note to self, next modded game, “roll” Vig to trent, Krypsyn, AND adalia, hijinks ensue.)
adaliabooks: On the otherhand, if crew death can occur due to failing the mission because of low stats when no sabotage occurred it would make sense that any scum on the mission might be randomly picked too... so it some what depends on what circumstances can cause a crew member to die.
If this is the case – that missions can fail catastrophically due to either sabotage
or stat failure… YAY! Good luck us figuring that shit out!
Krypsyn: The only way out now, like it was at the start of the Day when I insta-voted adalaibooks, is to lynch someone for some relatively solid wagon data for analysis on Day 3.
I’m in! You changing to my guy? No? Fudgeballs.
drealmer7: I imagine, depending on the crisis, that anyone could be killed, part of the team or not.
That would be utterly hilarious. “Mission failed, and sorry player totally not even involved, YOUR ASS dies! HA HA!” No, not likely.
agentcarr16: Spit.
That's what comes of using LaTeX too much. You end up with a \ instead of a /.
C'est la vie.
I don’t understand this post, but I make it a “life rule” not to associate with people who, at any point in their daily lives, feel they run the risk of “too much latex”. When one is measuring one’s amount of latex, the “too much” line has long since been crossed. Nothing personal. I’ll just ask you to sit over there, and try to squeak a little less.
RWarehall: @Yogsloth Regarding your role list, this ability of mine is named "Delegate"
Makes sense. Noted.
Krypsyn: I'll be blunt: I have 2 INT.
Hooray! Someone’s dumber than me!
RWarehall: Final team....
FIN: McHack, JMich
INT: RWarehall, AgentCarr16, Drealmer7
As everyone has already claimed these are solid stats for them, I'll see if Q.U.A.D. is willing to lock this in and get this over with sooner rather than later...
Oh please… oh please, just lock it in and let’s do this thing.