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OK, let's be open minded about this. You won't claim, but that's fine. Let's do a thought experiment...

Assume for a moment that I am Town, and that although you don't know why, several other players caught on and now believe that I am Town as well. This is, of course, the reality of what is happening, but if you are Town you might not know that. So just pretend for a moment.

Other than ceaselessly trying to paint me as scummy, what else are you doing in this game to help Town win? If you knew I were one of the good guys, what else could you be doing to help? What have you added this game? What can you add moving forward?

If I were no longer a target, what else could you do? Who else are you interacting with. Who else pings the scumdar?

Help us help you. Show me I'm wrong.
There appears to be three groups in this game:
a. those who believe yogs is town and have some inside knowledge to support it
b. those who don't have said inside knowledge and think yogs is scum (or third party)
c. those who don't have said inside knowledge and think yogs is town

I'm not certain who all falls in this group, but I am in group c. From the beginning, I've thought if yogs is town, he must know something extra. With the number of players who claim to be in the first group, I find it difficult to imagine how this could be some sort of scum ruse.

@those-in-the-first group - Please only answer if it doesn't give too much away. How confident are you that the others, who fall in this group, are town? Could someone be bluffing?
Thursday Night vote count:

2 Flubbucket (Yogsloth, McHack)

With 14 players alive it takes 8 votes to kick someone off the island and 7 votes to "no-lynch".

Not appearing today: HijacK and BlueMooner.

Bagatha Chrustie reporting in after the shocker yesterday...
Death by Coconut Cream Pie, you don't see that happen very often...
And as expected there seems to be a lot of finger-pointing...
Maybe someone better look around and see if HijacK or BlueMooner aren't dead in a corner because of banana cream...
I see the party has resumed. Unfortunately I had lab today and I am required to complete a number of tests tomorrow on top of homework. Grant me about 24 hours to catch up.
In response to mass claim, I’m not a win-at-all-costs type of person. I don’t see a pressing need for a mass claim Today. All-in-all yesterday was a good day for town. If majority votes for a mass claim, I will claim when requested. I will not vote in favor of it now.

In regards to agent being a traumatized doctor: so I gather that traumatized does not equate with paranoid. I thought paranoid was a plausible explanation. It could explain why yogs believes he was blocked. I could see agent protecting yogs and blocking him in the process.
But since I don't know the secret handshake, this must be off-base.
dedoporno: Yog's arguments for going after flub don't seem solid enough to vote for him on the spot at least from my point of view. On the other hand flub's absolute refusal to even consider Yog's claim in the light of what happened Yesterday seems a bit weird. A bit OMGUS-y, too.

This makes me think though.
Sage103082: I think yogs knows more about Flub (I could be wrong and it would be someone else ) then we know. I think yogs has used his power on flub before the game started or the very beginning.
@Sage – I didn’t follow the bold part. Can you elaborate?
Krypsyn: However, if a majority wants me to claim, I'll even go first. However, I want the people who want me to claim to be on record. It would essentially be exactly as if we were truly playing the game, instead of employing a game-breaking strategy, and I was being pressure voted to claim. I can live with that, but nothing less.
Then put me on that record. I don't want you to claim first, however, but second. First I would like to hear from flubbucket.

To trent: it is interesting, how different views can be. You maintain the belief, that mass-claim is (almost) never good. Krypsyn says, mass-claim is a game-breaking strategy. Which is about the opposite of what you think. But in this game I think, Kryps position is more likely to be true.

To dedo: yes, it might be that after a mass claim town has an easy win. But then again, I actually play to win and I don't like dragging a game unnecessarily. If we win quickly ... well, then town will have a tremendous victory under their belt and we'll start a new game. No reason to cut scum some slack and endanger a likely easy victory. The only valid reason not to massclaim now, would be to protect the remaining power roles.

To RW: did you already send a notification that the day has started to the MIA players, Sage, Blue, Cristi, HijacK? If not, would you please do so?
DAMN IT! An entire page not shown before posting. That's a first. Must be some quirk with cache or something. Sorry, please disregard the last sentence of the previous post and I hope I waited long enough for this not to show up as an edit. Stupid 10 minute rule!

flubbucket: Just checking in before I hit the sack.

When I started playing this game some 10 or so years ago there was no reveal on NK, very few roles, no lynch was still a no-no, and it was fun. There were of course those players determined to suck the fun out of everything. I didn't make an issue I just moved on. So many sites I can't even remember.

One thing has remained fairly constant, I hate to role claim. I've done it for PGO and Miller reasons as well as Masons and such.

But I will not role claim now.

You will have to lynch me and then line up to thank yogsloth.
Well, in that case:

vote flubbucket

I think you are suspect and I think we will need to clarify what you are. If you are, as I suspect, scum, I understand of course fully, that you don't want to make things easier then necessary for us. So you leave us only one way.

Sage103082: I think yogs knows more about Flub (I could be wrong and it would be someone else) then we know. I think yogs has used his power on flub before the game started or the very beginning.
Now this is a very strange assumption, which puts you firmly in the 'suspect' pool. I think some of the others will agree. But perhaps I'm wrong. Care to explain how you come to this assumption?

And one more thing doesn't scan here: what do you think Yog's power is? If you assume he is cop and you assume that he used his power on flubb - and you see him voting on flubb for some additional knowledge - then why aren't you voting flubb yourself? Or do you thing Yog is something else entirely?
I'm definitely in the no mass claim camp too. I think there are two outcomes;
1) The game becomes a boring cake walk and we win with little effort or enjoyment.
2) It does nothing to tell us who is scum and we give away all our power roles.

The way I see it, neither of those are good options.

I can't say I'm behind flubs play, but I'm not convinced he's scum just because yogs says he is.
And I'm not really willing to lynch him because his playstyle is different (which is what yogs main reason for lynching anyone seems to be), so until I see some more evidence of actual scuminess flub would not be my target.
I'll try and do a reread later if I have time to see which player's I find most suspicious.
Krypsyn: You seem totally convinced yogsloth is town, for good or ill reasons. I am not 100% convinced. So, it was obvious, and predictable, for you go after me for pointing out a valid hole in yogsloth's statement. It is interesting that you accuse me of grasping at straws for doing so, however, thus attempting to paint my question in a bad light.
There is nothing certain in the game so I'm not totally convinced, but I am more inclined to believe he is Town and less so about you. It's just the way things have been developing favors his story more than your own. But we'll see.

Regarding me attempting to paint your question in a bad light - feel free to make it look in the best (or worst) way possible if it suits you. If it can be said that someone here is under pressure that would most likely be you and flub, so it's only natural to try and bite back. Yog did say that there are probably 3 scum left which means there is not certainty behind that statement. On the other hand this is the first time I see you (or anyone for that matter) pointing out that someone neglected to list caveats. I guess this is lesson 2 in "Being Town 101" after "1. Always refer to yourself as Town, otherwise you're scum!".
dedoporno: On the other hand this is the first time I see you (or anyone for that matter) pointing out that someone neglected to list caveats.
If I see someone making a a possibly unwarranted assumption, I call them on it and/or ask for elaboration. It could be innocent, or it could be a slip. I wouldn't want to assume either way without first getting all the data I can.

The trouble I have with yogsloth is that I want to believe he is town, and I did for much of the day yesterday. However, after I hinted that he may have had a restriction and thus claimed first thing so that the restriction might be lifted (so that, you know, he could actually investigate Night 1), he said I "don't know shit". So... if that isn't what was going on, then my most pro-town theory of what he was doing is out the window. I am at a loss for what he was actually doing, however, since that doesn't seem to be what was going on, by his own words (because, you know, I "don't know shit").

Oh, and by the way, my role doesn't work quite like that, however given how my role does work, I was putting two and two together. Maybe I am wrong about it, but it seemed pretty cut and dried to me at the time. I am not asking you to elucidate on the matter to correct me. However, that is my thought process on why I am not 100% yogsloth's towniness.
So.... late to the party. A five-month long day 1, and then all kinds of action occurs at the last minute when I'm not around. Now there's a ton of pages to read and catch up on what's going on. Don't want to say much until I see what's what.

I will say this though. During the last day people were very helpful with general advice (which I appreciate) but for whatever reason didn't turn out to be all that useful after all. Maybe I misunderstood, or maybe it just didn't happen to apply in that situation, but I'm going to stop asking for advice. So, sink or swim, I'm going to stand on my own two feet (yes it's a mixed metaphor, settle down).

I plan to spend this day talking less and listening more. I certainly have some questions to ask, but not about game theory.
Krypsyn: I am at a loss for what he was actually doing, however, since that doesn't seem to be what was going on, by his own words (because, you know, I "don't know shit").
What I believe yog meant when he said you don't know shit was that you don't have the extra info a few of us claim to have that makes us more confident with all that's been going on. Not that you are wrong in your assumption. This was in response to agent or mchack (can't recall who brought it up) when he listed a bunch of people who seemed to posses the "secret knowledge" and you were among them.

Krypsyn: The trouble I have with yogsloth is that I want to believe he is town, and I did for much of the day yesterday.
I'm in the exact same situation about you and flub. I still want to give you both the benefit of the doubt since it's not impossible that one or even both of you are Town. What I'm worried about is that there is a chance we won't get a usable nightly report that will help us exonerate you or focus the attention on someone else.
dedoporno: On the other hand this is the first time I see you (or anyone for that matter) pointing out that someone neglected to list caveats.
Krypsyn: If I see someone making a a possibly unwarranted assumption, I call them on it and/or ask for elaboration. It could be innocent, or it could be a slip. I wouldn't want to assume either way without first getting all the data I can.
just wanna chip in here with a few quotes of yourself were you pointed out 4 scum was a reasonable estimate.

Krypsyn: I didn't refresh and missed this. In a 16 player game, 4 scum would be the number of scum assuming a basic game. The rule of thumb is that the square root of players should be on the scum team; in this case 4. Many factors can change this (such as neutral roles and handicapped town roles), which is why the figure might be lower. Three to four scum is actually a reasonable estimate for a 16 player game.
Krypsyn: As for the rest of it, even if he assumed the player count to be 14 (for whatever reason), 3-4 scum is still a good estimate assuming only one scum-team. (I would assume 5 scum if there are multiple scum-teams and 16 people).
Don't know why you now want yogs to list all the same caveats, you already did when he just made the same assumption. If we really always need to list every possibility so as not to look scummy, soon there'll be people with standardised disclaimers at the bottom of each post. For me a "probably" should suffice.


Krypsyn: The trouble I have with yogsloth is that I want to believe he is town, and I did for much of the day yesterday. However, after I hinted that he may have had a restriction and thus claimed first thing so that the restriction might be lifted (so that, you know, he could actually investigate Night 1), he said I "don't know shit". So... if that isn't what was going on, then my most pro-town theory of what he was doing is out the window. I am at a loss for what he was actually doing, however, since that doesn't seem to be what was going on, by his own words (because, you know, I "don't know shit").
that's quite a stretch from what I read from you, you were never that much into believing yogs yesterday the way I read it:

yogsloth: The cabal of JMich, agent, and dedo all seem to possibly be hip to my groove.
Krypsyn: But not me? Perhaps I have been to subtle. I'll try again.

Sometimes, making bold statements gives meaning to potential. Occasionally, naming a thing with give it power. Jokers are wild, and I suspect you are playing with a deck of 54.

Are we there yet?
yogsloth: (blank stare)
Krypsyn: Interesting. Perhaps I was mistaken then. Nothing for it:

Unvote: Krypsyn
Vote: yogsloth
adaliabooks: Considering the use of card analogies going on... is that your poker face? ;)
Krypsyn: Ahh... perhaps it was... in which case I should remove my vote. I am uncertain.

I had a theory about what he is doing, however, and it is really the only one that makes sense to me. He has indicated that he has no clue to what I am alluding, however, so that just leaves a player role-claiming without provocation. I find this extremely anti-town and worthy of a vote.
last part bolded by me.

As for the thing about restrictions you didn't get it until it was spelled out for you:

Krypsyn: But, perhaps not, since I am going to switch my vote back to HijacK. I was planning to do so anyway, since it doesn't seem the adaliabooks wagon is going anywhere. This recent claim from HijacK makes me even more certain. I am just not buying his claim. It is too convenient; plausible, but unconfirmable until someone else dies.

Unvote: adaliabooks
Vote: HijacK
agentcarr16: So it's not visible to you, either. For me, HijacK's claim is basically the one way he could convince me he's Townie. Any other claim would be suspicious.

Krypsyn: Unlikely, because this isn't a pressure vote looking for a certain response this time. ;)
agentcarr16: Now I'm wondering if you're mafia. That's too simplistic for you.

I realize effort is difficult for you, Kryps, buddy ;) but you're capable of figuring out several great reasons that HijacK's claim is Townie. Think about yogsloth's claim.

unvote no-lynch No, I'm not changing my opinion about the viability of no-lynch, but now I've got a target.

Vo-o-o-ote... Krypsyn

Not trying is scummy.
So I think I'll go with the deathwish of our poor deceased and confirmed town doctor and

unvote flubbucket
vote Krypsyn

ps: flubs you are not off the hook, but I think krypsyn is scummier right now. You just may be neutral
yogsloth: @flub

OK, let's be open minded about this. You won't claim, but that's fine. Let's do a thought experiment...

Assume for a moment that I am Town, and that although you don't know why, several other players caught on and now believe that I am Town as well. This is, of course, the reality of what is happening, but if you are Town you might not know that. So just pretend for a moment.

Other than ceaselessly trying to paint me as scummy, what else are you doing in this game to help Town win? If you knew I were one of the good guys, what else could you be doing to help? What have you added this game? What can you add moving forward?

If I were no longer a target, what else could you do? Who else are you interacting with. Who else pings the scumdar?

Help us help you. Show me I'm wrong.
At least be honest.

You will never be wrong, anything I might say will be deemed useless.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not insecure. I've just played with all kinds of players.