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lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring on vhs

do i really need to tell people about that one ?
We recently watched the 3 Mad Max movies (I've seen them a bunch, it was the first time for my GF for each.) Then, with some coaxing from a friend and with the excitement of having just watched the 3, we went and saw Fury Road, which I thought was quite quite good, and look forward to seeing again eventually and analysing further. Beyond Thunderdome is still the one I think is best/my favorite.
Rewached "Drive". Second time.

Damn impressive movie. On many levels.
Recently had rewatches of Quest for Fire and Barry Lyndon, both all-time favorites of mine.
Wild Tales
highly recommended!

Broke this oldie but goodie out for the kids yesterday and the loved it.
Ex Machina

Excellent Sci Fi film, slow paced and thoughful but riveting throughout. Oscar Isaac was absolutely brilliant!
New favorite because it breaks it all down pretty simply and accurately and is a great example of how people can and need to change:

I Am - I happened to just come across it today and was very impressed and think EVERYONE should watch it. Yep, I'm multi-posting this because I think EVERYONE should watch it that hard.
I saw the new Terminator today, it was very good, it mashed a bit of the first two movies into the start for some fan-love and then did its own thing.
Shanghai Noon.

A great comedy which pairs up Jackie Chan with Owen Wilson. They're both on a quest to save a Princess in the West. One of the funny lines in the film: "You told me wet shirt don't break, not piss shirt bend bars!"
Altered States
drealmer7: Altered States
Ah, an old favorite of mine. I watch that one about once a year.
Oldboy/Oldeuboi (2003) - amazing movie, especially that ending! I was really positive surprised by that movie.
The Commitments.

An irish movie directed by Alan Parker about a soul band starting out in Dublin. Very funny indeed.
The Shaun the Sheep Movie

Yes, my wife and I are 8-year-olds at heart. Still, brilliant animated film. Many genuinely hilarious moments, a few genuinely touching moments and typically beautiful claymation. Just go see it, you won't be disappointed.