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Roxolani: Martyrs
That was the only movie which I could not stand to watch till the end and I normally have no problem watching movies of that genre.

My recommendation: The Whisperer in the Darkness. Actually one of the very few good adaption of a Lovecraft story.

Or Hunter & Prey: A low budget science fiction movie.
Post edited August 12, 2015 by MaGo72
Roxolani: Martyrs
I have to get around to seeing that, reminds me of some other ones that will probably f**k you up good and proper as well; The Girl Next Door (I actually felt ill on that one.) Snowtown and Antichrist.

:Chaos Reigns:
Post edited August 12, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
Roxolani: Martyrs
MaGo72: That was the only movie which I could not stand to watch till the end and I normally have no problem watching movies of that genre.

My recommendation: The Whisperer in the Darkness. Actually one of the very few good adaption of a Lovecraft story.

Or Hunter & Prey: A low budget science fiction movie.
Roxolani: Martyrs
bad_fur_day1: I have to get around to seeing that, reminds me of some other ones that will probably f**k you up good and proper as well; The Girl Next Door (I actually felt ill on that one.) Snowtown and Antichrist.

:Chaos Reigns:
Thanks guys! :)
RamJamFull: The Commitments.

An irish movie directed by Alan Parker about a soul band starting out in Dublin. Very funny indeed.
And great soul music standards!
I re-watched Interstellar yesterday after I got it on DVD and I think it's an excellent film. Probably my favorite of last year. The music and the imagery are superb and I love the twists and turns the story takes, as well as the interesting perspective on human behavior.
RamJamFull: The Commitments.

An irish movie directed by Alan Parker about a soul band starting out in Dublin. Very funny indeed.
RenKalan: And great soul music standards!
Yes, my kids actually asked me what song was playing when Mustang Sally started, they liked it alot and they mostly lean towards rock and metal :)
RenKalan: And great soul music standards!
RamJamFull: Yes, my kids actually asked me what song was playing when Mustang Sally started, they liked it alot and they mostly lean towards rock and metal :)
Yes, Mustang Sally has a nice kick in it that seems would appeal to more upbeat listeners. Rock and metal is good, but these songs are the roots!
RamJamFull: Yes, my kids actually asked me what song was playing when Mustang Sally started, they liked it alot and they mostly lean towards rock and metal :)
RenKalan: Yes, Mustang Sally has a nice kick in it that seems would appeal to more upbeat listeners. Rock and metal is good, but these songs are the roots!
Very true, I was explaining how to them how Blues became rock etc. :)
RenKalan: Yes, Mustang Sally has a nice kick in it that seems would appeal to more upbeat listeners. Rock and metal is good, but these songs are the roots!
RamJamFull: Very true, I was explaining how to them how Blues became rock etc. :)
So true!
Man Bites Dog

Last year, I just started to watch a lot of mockumentary and pseudo-documentary films (aka found footage). Someone suggested this "cult film". It's really much better than many films of current non-stop wave of found footage films. Recommended if you want to watch a good FF-film.

Them (ils)

Good french horror films.

Eden Lake

If you know similar films to Eden Lake, please recommend them.
Roxolani: Man Bites Dog

Last year, I just started to watch a lot of mockumentary and pseudo-documentary films (aka found footage). Someone suggested this "cult film". It's really much better than many films of current non-stop wave of found footage films. Recommended if you want to watch a good FF-film.

Them (ils)

Good french horror films.

Eden Lake

If you know similar films to Eden Lake, please recommend them.
Eden Lake a good movie, although also one of those that are pretty tough.

You might want to have a look at High Tension or Frontier(s).
Roxolani: Man Bites Dog

Last year, I just started to watch a lot of mockumentary and pseudo-documentary films (aka found footage). Someone suggested this "cult film". It's really much better than many films of current non-stop wave of found footage films. Recommended if you want to watch a good FF-film.

Them (ils)

Good french horror films.

Eden Lake

If you know similar films to Eden Lake, please recommend them.
MaGo72: Eden Lake a good movie, although also one of those that are pretty tough.

You might want to have a look at High Tension or Frontier(s).
Thanks but I watched both of them. :D
Favorite Films:
- The Godfather series
Each of the movie has a way of its own to surprise you and makes you cry a tear from your eyes. The series cleverly tell us about the characters' personalities.
- Star Wars series
I don't actually have a reason to tell you why I like this movie. Maybe its because this series has been something that I knew of since my childhood days.

Last One I Saw:
- Se7en
This movie has a great atmosphere and quite an unpredictable plot twist. I thought I knew what was going to happen when the movie was around 20 - 30 minutes close to an end, but no, I couldn't actually find it.

- The Godfather series
Don't mind the duration of each film. Just enjoy and accept the series for what it is, and you'll realize that you've been watching a masterpiece when you're finished with it.
- Source Code
A great movie which I think everyone should watch. Please don't stress yourself with the theories that you might encounter after the end of the film. In my opinion, the movie requires no hard work for the viewers to understand the ending. You'd know why. Some films just leave you hanging on purpose for the endings to work.
Post edited August 15, 2015 by FellSome
moonraker and it is the more bestest movie film ever they even go to space with lasers it is awesome