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Maxvorstadt: Why can`t they make a movie about a super hero that has never been in a movie? Wonder Wart-Hog, for example, would be great!!!
bler144: Movies about lesser-known heroes can work (Hellboy) or it can suck (Howard the Duck).

But I agree, the script matters a ton, and most of these films get made seemingly just to throw something at the screen and hope it sticks.
"Howard the Duck" was a nice and funny movie. I licked it back in the 80s, my Dad had it on VHS-cassette. Maybe it was not the big hit in the theatres, but it wasn`t that bad.
Maxvorstadt: I licked it back in the 80s, my Dad had it on VHS-cassette.
Did you really lick it, or just use your tongue to rewind the tape?
Because I've done that.
Maxvorstadt: I licked it back in the 80s, my Dad had it on VHS-cassette.
Smannesman: Did you really lick it, or just use your tongue to rewind the tape?
Because I've done that.
Well, you know we germans are crazy! But to be honest, I could have sworn that I wrote "looked", of course I meant "watched". It`s a bit complicated, because "anschauen" in German can mean "to look at something" as well as "to watch a movie". So I confused it a little bit.
Maxvorstadt: Well, you know we germans are crazy! But to be honest, I could have sworn that I wrote "looked", of course I meant "watched". It`s a bit complicated, because "anschauen" in German can mean "to look at something" as well as "to watch a movie". So I confused it a little bit.
And I thought you meant "liked" :D
Maxvorstadt: Well, you know we germans are crazy! But to be honest, I could have sworn that I wrote "looked", of course I meant "watched". It`s a bit complicated, because "anschauen" in German can mean "to look at something" as well as "to watch a movie". So I confused it a little bit.
Breja: And I thought you meant "liked" :D
Now that you say it.... :-)
Breja: Guardians of the Galaxy sucks. Hard.
Guardians exceeded all expectations and brought in many new fans to the Marvel Universe. The initial trailer has over 20 million views (hard to get an exact count as there are multiple copies) on YouTube with a 97% Like ratio. The film has a 91% from critics and 92% from audiences on Rotten Tomatoes. It's box office earnings (not counting home video sales) are over $774 million. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but you are definitely in the minority.

Breja: Iron Man 2 was terrible, and 3 is only enjoyable in a "it's so stupid it's funny" kind of way. Age of Ultron is barely watchable and Thor: Dark World is god-awful (pun intended), and both are the result of heavy studio interference (at least partially).
Iron Man 2 has a 72% on Rotten Tomatoes. Iron Man 3 has a 79%. Avengers: Age of Ultron has a 74% from critics, but a 87% from audiences. Thor: The Dark World has a 66% from critics, but a 78% from audiences. Your opinion is not as uncommon as it is on Guardians, but it is still not how most people feel.

Joss Whedon did talk about getting some push-back from Marvel Studios during the pre-production of AoU, but he is still proud of the film he made and believes that there is no need to create any kind of "Extended Cut" or "Director's Cut". As for Thor 2, the director agrees that the changes Marvel made were for the best; more exposition at the start helped inform people who don't watch every Marvel Studios movie and the mid-credits scene (which ties into Guardians) was, sensibly, filmed by James Gunn. Marvel Studios hardly took those films away from those directors.

Breja: And as for "there is still room for innovation and individuality in Marvel Studio's grand plan if the director is passionate enough"? Tell that to Edgar Wright.
I will admit that Marvel Studios basically forcing Edgar Wright out after all he did to make that movie possible was a huge shame. Still, this is the exception, not the rule. And, even in spite of losing Edgar, I really enjoyed Ant-Man and I am very excited to see how those characters will tie in to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe and where a possible sequel will take them.
Tekkaman-James: You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but you are definitely in the minority.
True. That's because the majority of the human race is dumber than a lamp post.
For now Ant-man is a standalone movie with no link what so ever with main marvel cinematic universe.
However if Marvel studios wanted he may make his appearance later in same universe.
Breja: True. That's because the majority of the human race is dumber than a lamp post.
Seeing as I am one of those people; I take offense, sir. Especially considering that you obviously knew my opinion on the subject prior to saying that.

amrit9037: For now Ant-man is a standalone movie with no link what so ever with main marvel cinematic universe.
What? It is totally connected. It's flashbacks are connected to Agent Carter and it's modern day is connected to Captain America: Civil War. I'm willing to bet Ant-Man will find himself a part of the team by the time the third Avengers film comes around.
Breja: True. That's because the majority of the human race is dumber than a lamp post.
Tekkaman-James: Seeing as I am one of those people; I take offense, sir.
I apologise. It was not supposed to offend you, but to be a more general statement about presenting such ratings and box office results, or number of YT views around as proof of something, which is, shall we say, a flawed idea. That way one could "prove" 50 Shades of Grey to be a masterpiece. I do not consider you to be "dumber than a lamp post" (I may find your taste in movies questionable though, which I hope you don't find offensive).
Post edited August 12, 2015 by Breja
Breja: I apologise. It was not supposed to offend you, but to be a more general statement about presenting such ratings and box office results, or number of YT views around as proof of something, which is, shall we say, a flawed idea. That way one could "prove" 50 Shades of Grey to be a masterpiece. I do not consider you to be "dumber than a lamp post" (I may find your taste in movies questionable though, which I hope you don't find offensive).
I mean no offense, but I feel like you're being a bit of a contrarian on this subject. It cannot be argued that Guardians of the Galaxy created a phenomenon. Thousands of people were inspired to create costumes, create artwork and buy merchandise because of their enjoyment of the film. Sales of the comic book rose to 8 times as many copies and the characters have thus featured prominently in Marvel's line-up ever since. None of this would have happened if the film wasn't well made.

Fant4stic is certainly not going to inspire a fraction of that kind of adoration because it was not a well-made film. If Guardians was as bad as you feel that it is, nothing I said above could be true.

P.S. - Apology accepted. Thank you.
Tekkaman-James: James Gunn was left alone when he made Guardians of the Galaxy and it exceeded everyone's expectations. Are other Marvel Studios films more conservative? Sure. All I am saying is there is still room for innovation and individuality in Marvel Studio's grand plan if the director is passionate enough. For me, there hasn't been a Marvel Studios film yet that I haven't enjoyed.
Breja: Guardians of the Galaxy sucks. Hard. And it's definately not orignal. It's just not a "superhero" movie, but as far as space sci-fi goes it could hardly be more unoriginal. Iron Man 2 was terrible, and 3 is only enjoyable in a "it's so stupid it's funny" kind of way. Age of Ultron is barely watchable and Thor: Dark World is god-awful (pun intended), and both are the result of heavy studio interference (at least partially).

And as for "there is still room for innovation and individuality in Marvel Studio's grand plan if the director is passionate enough"? Tell that to Edgar Wright.
I would say Gaurdians of the Galaxy was a fun ride most people enjoyed taking, Iron Man 2 was pretty bad, Iron Man 3 entertained me but I'm willing to accept differing opinions, I'm not sure how to feel about AoU, and Thor 2 was a heavily contrived, vapid story with reasonably smart dialog. What I don't see on your list is Days of Future Past which I think deserves to take this movie's trophy for worst superhero movie ever made. I hate it. I really hate it. I hate it more than mayonnaise.
Tekkaman-James: I mean no offense, but I feel like you're being a bit of a contrarian on this subject.
You are wrong. I honestly belive it's a bad movie. Some of the reasons for it are in this review, I have others of my own too. Sorry for just linking a review rather than writing it myself, but I had this conversation many times, and I'm just a little tired of repeating myself. Also, I have read no reviews before seeing the movie, I always try to avoid reviews before seeing a film.

I often appear contrarian, as my opinon is often a minority report, by I am not contrarian. Being so often in the minority I am in fact overjoyed whenever the popular opinion agrees with me (Fury Road for example).

Tekkaman-James: None of this would have happened if the film wasn't well made.
Yes, it would. There is an abundance of popular and yet dismal movies (and other things). Look no further than Twilight for fan artwork, costumes, merchandise, book sales rising etc. An extreme example, (Guardians are not nearly as awful), but relevant.

You're free to love GotG, or any other movie for that matter, but do not confuse popularity with proof of quality. As Bertrand Russel said “The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widely spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.”

gooberking: What I don't see on your list is Days of Future Past which I think deserves to take this movie's trophy for worst superhero movie ever made. I hate it. I really hate it. I hate it more than mayonnaise.
It's not on the list because
1) I was talking about Marvel Studio's movies and
2) I enjoyed it a lot :D Though I will admit, it is flawed, but in my mind vastly superior to anything from Marvel Studio since the first Avengers, and the first good movie in the X-Men franchise since X2.
Post edited August 12, 2015 by Breja
I liked Iron man3 because of hall of armours afterall its all about suits.
I liked few parts of Thor 1&2.
I think Days of the Future Past would be one of the greatest movies if only they would have stick to comics plot instead of making their own.
Also its a bad idea to mashup Wolverine origins with main storyline.
Although it doesnt matter because DoFP altered it.
So previous X-Men movies never took place in present timeline.
It kind of rebooted whole series.
Lets hope for the best for X-Men:Apocalypse and X-Force.
The impression that I'm getting is that, aside from studio/executive hijinks, these franchises really need to give the "origin story" shtick a rest when doing reboots, and the Fantastic Four reboot is a great example of why.