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011284mm: Your write up really matches with a lot of the other reviews. I guess the comment made about the film before they had even finished filming was true. This film exists exclusively so that Fox can keep the Fantastic Four film rights for another five/ten years.

It really strikes me as utter madness that both Fox and Sony would happily pump out films (EDIT:: F4 and Spiderman) at cost to themselves just to keep the rights to it a few more years. If they have nothing constructive to do with it, why not let Marvel take back their IP and let them do something meaningful with it.
As a side note I really liked the fist Fantastic 4 film, and Sliver Surfer was okay. So I do want to watch this, I just might weight for it to be on television though.
I don't know anything about their arrangements beyond what you are saying, but given how much money superheros are making in the movies, it makes plenty of sense that business men would not want let someone else walk off with their potential. Movies don't tend to get made out of respect for the source material.

I tried to be very specific about what the movie was, but I don't want it to discourage anyone from seeing it. My main point is the story isn't all that traditional which won't work for some people (neither is Ant-Man's but it did ok) . If you have an interest in it, just go find out what you think for yourself. Overall, I did enjoy myself, and I did like most of it. The production value is solid, and I ended up liking the cast. Now the origin story is out of the way there is no reason to think that a sequel with a good script couldn't yield a very good movie out of what was started here. That's probably not super likely to happen now, but I would like to see them get another chance to get it right.

To put it into perspective, I definitely preferred this to Silver Surfer.
Maxvorstadt: Why can`t they make a movie about a super hero that has never been in a movie? Wonder Wart-Hog, for example, would be great!!!
Andanzas: Marvel released Ant-Man recently. And it is actually surprisingly good.
Telika: I don't know. Reboot fatigue may play a role, but I still suspect that a few dozen batman reboots would still make quite a few entries, and that the fantastic four are still, as a base material, a bit too irremediably hannah-barberesque for today's tastes. Were the other fantastic four movies big successes ?
Andanzas: There has been a great Fantastic Four movie: Pixar's The Incredibles (it's FF in all but in name).
Considering how much it cribbed from the watchmen...

Twenty years from now we will all agree the upcoming Archie movie will be the best comic book movie ever.
Maxvorstadt: Why can`t they make a movie about a super hero that has never been in a movie? Wonder Wart-Hog, for example, would be great!!!
Andanzas: Marvel released Ant-Man recently. And it is actually surprisingly good.
Telika: I don't know. Reboot fatigue may play a role, but I still suspect that a few dozen batman reboots would still make quite a few entries, and that the fantastic four are still, as a base material, a bit too irremediably hannah-barberesque for today's tastes. Were the other fantastic four movies big successes ?
Andanzas: There has been a great Fantastic Four movie: Pixar's The Incredibles (it's FF in all but in name).

The base material is never the reason a movie is bad. It's the script. Ant-Man is one of the most ridiculous superheroes I can think of, way less interesting than FF, and its movie is actually great. Because they remembered to write a good script, with believable characters, pleasant jokes, and a nice plot. On the other hand, Wolverine is a great character and his movies are really underwhelming.
Didn't that movie also borrow alot from James Bond?
I can't say I'm surprised by the bad reviews. I knew the Fantastic Four reboot movie would be bad from way back when they released the actor casting. Then throw in bad script, bad directing and yeah bad movie. I can't say the first 2 Fantastic Four movies were all that great, however the casting was better and the script was okay. The movies were okay, not great, though just okay at least.

Despite that, I will probably go see the new Fantastic Four movie later this week. Only because I see just about every comic book movie that gets release ^_^

By the way Id also 2nd recommend Ant Man. It was way better than I thought early when I first head about it. Great acting, good script = good time. I'll probably see it again when It hits budget theater. ^_^
Well, they can always make a new remake a few years from now, can't they?
KingofGnG: Well, they can always make a new remake a few years from now, can't they?
I fear they will do!!!!
No doubt the re-make will be named "The fantastic Three" just to spice things up.....
Actually, the RLM review was very interesting. Seems there is more in that movie's backstory than run-of-the-mill comics routine transposition. Including a failed opportunity for weird cronenbergization of the concept (killed by the studios). Turns out more depressing and intriguing than expected :
011284mm: Your write up really matches with a lot of the other reviews. I guess the comment made about the film before they had even finished filming was true. This film exists exclusively so that Fox can keep the Fantastic Four film rights for another five/ten years.

It really strikes me as utter madness that both Fox and Sony would happily pump out films (EDIT:: F4 and Spiderman) at cost to themselves just to keep the rights to it a few more years. If they have nothing constructive to do with it, why not let Marvel take back their IP and let them do something meaningful with it.
As a side note I really liked the fist Fantastic 4 film, and Sliver Surfer was okay. So I do want to watch this, I just might weight for it to be on television though.
What's... television? What is that? And they broadcast movies on this said invention?
To be honest I like 90's Marvel tv series more than movies.
I still watch Silver Surfer,Spider-man, Iron man, X-men and Fantastic Four.
It was these tv series which made me to read marvel comics.
But later I moved to DC comics.
EBToriginal: Twenty years from now we will all agree the upcoming Archie movie will be the best comic book movie ever.
Well, Josie and the Pussycats was far more watchable than I had anticipated.
On the plus side, Nightmare on Elm Street is getting a reboot AT LAST.

Because, like, you know.
apostolis80: No doubt the re-make will be named "The fantastic Three" just to spice things up.....
Nuh, there would be four people in it: African-American, Asian (Korean, Japanese or Chinese), Indian(From any of countries in Indian subcontinent) and American/European white character each of a different gender and orientation because diversity.
Post edited August 11, 2015 by huN73R
I read that Fox is planning to do a sequel not reboot it again just to depress everyone a bit more.

Still, big talk, I find that hard to believe if this one doesn't do well.

I can imagine the super great heights Fantastic Four could get to with someone like, say if Joss Whedon was in control. It would probably actually be fantastic.
Post edited August 11, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
bad_fur_day1: I can imagine the super great heights Fantastic Four could get to with someone like, say if Joss Whedon was in control.
The "in control" part being key. If this versions director was actually in control it might have turned out a lot different. I feel sorry for the guy, he has this giant flop on his resume now, even though it looks like it's mostly the studio's fault.