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amrit9037: I really wanted to see a Marvel Knights Movie.
In which Daredevil team-up with Moon Knight , Spider-Man and others to capture the Punisher.
I'd love to see a Moon Knight movie! Provided that the director (or producer) wasn't anti comics like certain film makers I'll refrain from naming ...
amrit9037: Ghost Rider 1 is not that bad.
But when I watched Ghost Rider 2 it felt like with all those sex they forgot to add a story.
I meant SFX.
Tekkaman-James: Glad to know (relieved, really) that I am not the only person who likes the first Ghost Rider movie.
The sequel, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, is an unwatchable piece of garbage.
I am so excited that the rights have reverted back to Marvel. I can't wait to see what they do with the character.

sherringon456: Falcon also appears, connecting it to Age of Ultron and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Tekkaman-James: Yes, this is true. I was initially trying to be as spoiler-free as possible when I posted that. However, Falcon is apparently in the TV commercials for the film, so I guess the cat is out of the bag already. I am definitely looking forward to Captain America: Civil War more after seeing Ant-Man than before. It looks like it's going to end up being "Avengers 2.5" disguised as a Cap movie.
Oops, sorry to anyone who hasn't seen Ant-Man yet. Not going to say anything else about the plot.
amrit9037: I really wanted to see a Marvel Knights Movie.
In which Daredevil team-up with Moon Knight , Spider-Man and others to capture the Punisher.
Narcia_: I'd love to see a Moon Knight movie! Provided that the director (or producer) wasn't anti comics like certain film makers I'll refrain from naming ...
Oh, no. Please leave Moon Knight on paper. I love too much the character to see it butchered.

Really wondering how Ant-Man fared...
Post edited August 24, 2015 by wolfsrain
@Wolfsrain Is there any fan film on moon knight like punisher dirty laundry or power rangers dark?
Crosmando: Dear America,

Stop trying to force this superhero garbage down our throats, it doesn't matter how "serious" you try and make it, grown adults wearing capes and tight uniforms is gay and ridiculous and nothing will change this.

Dear Australia,

We apologize for the number of superhero movies out there, but one has to think that films like "Mad Max" which originated from your country contributed to this. Even Tina Turner, who stared in and sang (quite apropos) "We don't need another hero", failed to keep the superheroes at bay.

I agree with the costumes, they really don't need to be an eyesore, the real heroes can kick serious butt with just a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt.

So, please keep "Mad Max" in your pants; maybe Kangaroo Jack can keep him busy.
wolfsrain: Really wondering how Ant-Man fared...
The Ant-Man movie was pretty good, though I'm coming from the viewpoint of a comics casual. It had a strange role to fill - clearly, Marvel intended it as a lead-in to Doctor Strange (they really could not have made it more obvious without just sticking a picture on a wall and drawing an arrow), and it seems like a prequel to itself, as well, for reasons I won't spoil but are made obvious in the first 15 minutes or so of the movie.

If you don't go into Ant-Man looking for it to be close to the comics, but rather as a theme and sort of connective movie to the overall cinematic universe, I think it's good enough to recommend. If you really want it to be the comic books, avoid it.
wolfsrain: Really wondering how Ant-Man fared...
OneFiercePuppy: The Ant-Man movie was pretty good, though I'm coming from the viewpoint of a comics casual. It had a strange role to fill - clearly, Marvel intended it as a lead-in to Doctor Strange (they really could not have made it more obvious without just sticking a picture on a wall and drawing an arrow), and it seems like a prequel to itself, as well, for reasons I won't spoil but are made obvious in the first 15 minutes or so of the movie.

If you don't go into Ant-Man looking for it to be close to the comics, but rather as a theme and sort of connective movie to the overall cinematic universe, I think it's good enough to recommend. If you really want it to be the comic books, avoid it.
Thanks for the mini-review. I will give it a try in a week-end.
While I'm not a huge fan of comic-book films, I am definitely looking forward to seeing "Dr. Strange" I think the technology behind the movies these days can actually do it justice.
wolfsrain: Really wondering how Ant-Man fared...
Counting this past weekend, Ant-Man has pulled in a total $361 million worldwide. It is Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes with a 79% from critics and a 90% from audiences. All in all, it has fared very well, especially for a new character.

OneFiercePuppy: Clearly, Marvel intended it as a lead-in to Doctor Strange (they really could not have made it more obvious without just sticking a picture on a wall and drawing an arrow).
How do you figure? I saw no such connection. There are connections to Agent Carter and Avengers: Age of Ultron and the ending gives us a nice segue into the next Marvel Studios film, Captain America: Civil War. If there was a picture of Doctor Strange on the wall with a drawing of an arrow pointing to it, I missed it.
Fantastic 4 was enjoyable. It had great potential, but failed itself during the 2nd half. In my eyes, it should have been two movies where Dr. Doom doesn't come into play until the very end and doesn't even pop up until the sequel.
Dat boss fight, though? Ugh. Not terrible, but ugh. Dahell were they thinking? Was the original script butchered during the last quarter?

7/10 Wouldn't watch again.
What are your thoughts on Watchmen? I know that was not a story for everyone...
Gede: What are your thoughts on Watchmen? I know that was not a story for everyone...
Personally, I find that film to be the most perfect comic-to-screen adaptation to date. So many scenes and lines of dialogue are pulled straight from the books. The color palette and set designs were phenomenal, thanks in part to the original artist, Dave Gibbons, being involved in the pre-production process. Sure, a few liberties were taken with the costume designs, but the overall look of the heroes was preserved. The catalyst for the ending was changed in order to make it less ridiculous, and while some purists found this blasphemous, I don't feel it changed the dynamic of the original's intent, so I take no issue with it. All in all, I think it is an excellent film.
Just watched Days of the Future Past Rouge Cut.
I found it better than theatrical version.
Tekkaman-James: The catalyst for the ending was changed in order to make it less ridiculous, and while some purists found this blasphemous, I don't feel it changed the dynamic of the original's intent, so I take no issue with it. All in all, I think it is an excellent film.
Actually, I can't help but think that in one regard the movie ending makes more sense. And it's not the Alien Squid thing, it's the fact that multiple citys get hit, including in Russia. I never could help but think about the comic, that the Soviets would not see New York alone getting hit as a reason enough to get all friendly.

More on topic- here is a look at some more of what could have been a much better Fantastic Four movie. I think a documentary about the whole process this movie went through from conception to the theatrical flop would be way more interesting than the Fant4stic movie itself.
Actually, I prefer the comis version, even with squid and all. I think an external threat would work better to unite the world. After all, what would stop sliens from tsking out Moscow next? It doesn't bother me to be a different "enemy", I just felt kinda meh on the subject.

However, there are 2 othet moments which made me facepalm... The whole halleluah scene and the "Nooooooooo" scene.