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gogtrial34987: OOC: I have the feeling (also based on other tunnels) that we're being set up for a massive end battle of drow (+ goblins? + half orcs?) vs everyone else. Or at least that all drow have a secret objective of their own. Cicatrix stealing my mirror doesn't make any sense, as she should've had no knowledge of its existence, and the native advantages drow have (like apparently being able to hide in the shadows without being detectable, and being able to pickpocket without being a thief) are getting a bit beyond plain overpowered...

Will be interesting to see how this'll all resolve! :)
(Well, there' a certain Drow Necromancer in the west (I think now North) Tunnel that Roosevelt will arrest and try on sight for attacking party members when he was "helping"
gogtrial34987: ...
(I believe there is the ability/spell to detect magical objects (I seem to remember a thief? specifically looking for that in a tunnel, don't remember which one though), if that mirror is magical and she made a secret action to look for magical items, that's how she might have known.
Needless to say, I hope your feeling is wrong. In my (Western) tunnel it's 2 Drows, 1 Half-Orc, 1 Human and 1 Halfling (well 2, but Shins/Lemon_Curry is "inactive") left. Wouldn't look all that good for BenKii and me.)
Post edited November 01, 2019 by FlockeSchnee
FlockeSchnee: Needless to say, I hope your feeling is wrong. [..] Wouldn't look all that good for BenKii and me
( Well, I doubt that Tanea or Benki will be in danger, now that a supernatural entity decided to protect you for some reason )
Post edited November 02, 2019 by phaolo
Current Actions Summary

43 - idbeholdME - Svartalf - Dwarven Battlemage -- ( Protection Against Evil, Reflect Spells, Magic Shield )
I keep any distance I have from her so she does not interrupt me and cast Ice Lance on the stocky Hag. Hopefully the physical nature of the spell (it is a big spike of ice after all) means that she will not resist it and the piercing capabilities should be able to penetrate her skin (if I hit of course, I still have yet to hit with an offensive spell :P). Maybe luck will finally be on my side.

52 - RedFireGaming - Roark - Elven Druid
1."Hard to feel sorry for an adventurer who wanted a nap in the midst of battle, and also I think I might have assassinated his cousin some time ago, so uh... too bad for Kyp. At least I can help FartySmer... BlartFartBartTart... whatever his name is."
Roark casts Cure Poison on SmartyFartBlart
"Don't be such a baby, it's only poison." Roark says. "Nothing to be so dramatic about. I get poisoned all the time, and look at me."
Roark turns to Taz. "Hey Taz, did you know that hags blow up reeeaaaal good? It's true. All that bile makes them extemely volatile. So why don't you have some fun and fire at that witch at the left side of the room?"
2.Roark casts Bite of the Werewolf, screams "Precioouusss", and bites the ring off the witch's finger.

9 - MaxFulvus - Max, son of Fulvus - Dwarven Thief
I suggest to everyone who is around the tall hag to join me in a close combat to slay her ! She cans block spells while she carries the ring, so all kind of offensive spells (fireball, lightening bolt... except Silence) is useless !
While she is injured, behind my shield, I quickly raise my battleaxe to cut her ringed hand. Meanwhile, the others (Triock, Babargh, Roark, Roosevelt and all around) try to cut her into pieces !
"Khazâd ! Khazâd !"

22 - 01kipper - Kip - Halfling Brigand
Kip gets up and launches another magical slingshot at the Stocky Hag while she's still out of melee. He remains alert to dodge any potential counterattacks.

15 - Lone_Scout - Says Beldarion - Human Warrior -- ( Magic Shield )
"Keep close to me, Aslain. She might reappear" Beldarion moves to Thras: "Hold on, sir! And better look for some healing..." Beldarion kicks him in the guts and beheads Taz.
In the case Thras is out of Beldarion's reach, he'll loot Kyp's corpse instead.
Beldarion keeps alert. In case he meets a Hag on his way, or a Hag appears next to him, he'll move to defend Aslain (if he's wise enough to stay nearby) and furiously attack the hag (he won't try to hurl the book this time)

28 - triock - Triock Ulagolor - Elven Paladin
Triock Ulagolor, Elven Paladin, raises from the ground and looks at Eranear. He smiles at him and whispers: "Thank you brother, I won't forget your kindness". He then takes his faithful flamesword Riarwirn and his shield a goes to fight with the tall hag, trying to cut off her hand with a ring.

13 - paladin181 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin -- ( Protection Against Evil )

29 - gogtrial34987 - Og'rialt - Dwarf Brigand -- ( Magic Shield )
1.Og'rialt picks up the guide and takes note of its instructions. Given the fantastic outcome from the previous instructions from his guide, he intends to follow these instructions immediately. As he reaches for his mirror beneath his coat, where he had placed it upon receiving it, he notices to his growing consternation that it's no longer there!
Reviewing all those who had come in close proximity to himself since exiting the portal, he reaches an immediate conclusion. His wrath swiftly building to terrible proportions, he bellows with all his dwarven might.
*points to Cicatrix*
Og'rialt informs those around him to spread the word that the female Drow Ranger who "applied bandages" to his wounds, stole a magical object from him which he could have been using to take out one of these hags, and that if she is spotted doing anything other than returning this object to him right away, all available means should be taken to disable or kill her so that the object can be returned to him.
If the mirror is returned to him right away, Og'rialt uses it to stand in front of the hag and utters the phrase from his guide.
Otherwise, if Cicatrix is found and being restrained through magical means, he will respond as outlined in #682.
Otherwise, if he spots Cicatrix (either by himself or after being alerted to her position by someone else), doing anything other than returning the mirror, he will hasten to her (while still taking care to avoid the swirling blades, the hags and any other enemies which might be summoned) and lash out with his chain, attempting to trip her.
Otherwise, he keeps up the same tactics as before, refraining from attacking the tall hag until her attention is fully captured by other events. If the hag turns away from Og'rialt to face another attacker, then Og'rialt attempts a simultaneous attack with his axe on the hag from behind her. If he sees a clean opportunity on her left arm (the arm with the ring on it), he'll go for it, but otherwise he'll forego any sort of finesse in favour of just landing a solid blow, hoping some ice damage will at least slow the hag down. If he sees an opportunity to trip her into the swirling blades with his chain, he'll attempt that.
2.If anything similar to the above action happens (that is, if Cicatrix is found and effectively immobilized), and Og'rialt gets alerted, Og'rialt will hasten to Cicatrix (while still taking care to avoid the swirling blades, the hags and any other enemies which might be summoned). As Cicatrix will be effectively immobilized, he will not initially attack with any weapons. A fight doesn't need to be "fair" (go ambushes!), but wounding/killing someone who he sees as helpless, even if it's an evil drow who dared to steal from him, is not in his character. Instead, Og'rialt will demand his mirror back, first with words, and if she doesn't hand it over, trying to take it from her with physical force (yanking off her backpack and rummaging through it).
If during this she tries to attack him with a weapon, he will trust that he'll see it coming, back away out of her reach (yay for immobilized opponents) and then use the reach of his chain to wound her without risk to himself, telling her to give up his mirror, and stopping the attack once she's done so.

59 - Lemmus - Cicatrix - Drow Ranger
Keeping an eye on the closest hag, Cicatrix looks for a way out of the room other than the one she came in. If nothing is obvious she'll check for secrets before doubling back. She'll also keep an eye out for any unguarded magic items, but that's not a priority.
If a hag (or adventurer) should make a move for her, Cicatrix will first blow her whistle then draw her sword. She won't make any obvious move against the hags, though. Not her problem as long as they don't move against her.

2 - bler144 - SmartyFartBlart - Human Paladin -- POISONED -- ( Reflect Spells, Protective Bubble )
1.Ok. Assuming cure poison gets me back up (and pending a decision on whether I need a heal), I'm sticking with the plan of approaching the stocky hag, in a defensive tanky posture staying clear of ranged lines and trying to get her turned away from ranged.
I'll only actually attack if she has her back to me, to stay clear of ice lances and arrows and such.
I'll use my high charisma to try to persuade her to share her weaknesses.
2.Per communication with Doc, I will also cast heal upon myself, as apparently I'm rather not well

35 - jonridan - Aslain Melemir - Elven Thief
I shoot several arrows at the Tall Hag, unless there's too many people around her (don't want to hurt or kill anyone but the hags). Otherwise I shoot as many arrows as possible at the Stocky Hag. If too many people are in the way (I can't make arrows avoid obstacles, yet...) then I just reposition myself in the middle of the room and focus on finding the Drow that stole from Og'rialt.

69 - alexandros050 - Rudy - Human Ranger
I will order my bear to attack the stocky hag and I will move to a safe distance and shoot some arrows to the stocky hag.

41 - zlaywal - Zayd ibn Yasin - Human Ranger
Zayd's decides only to unleashed his arrows to the stocky hag only when he sure that that the hag couldn't do anything about it. He choose to bide his time waiting for an opening.

80 - Green_Hilltop - Eranear - Elf Paladin -- ( Protection Against Evil, Reflect Spells, Bless )
1.I'm going to go for the tall one just to be sure and head for the stocky one if the tall one is defeated by the time it's my turn.
2.If I see Beldarion looting Kyp's body, I yell, "Why are you loooting Kyp's body mid-fight? Have some decency and wait if he can be resurrected! I think most of us wouldn't mind sharing with you if you need something, like healing."

70 - Lifthrasil - Thras - Dwarven Mage
Fine. Time to get physical. I rise to have a bit more freedom of movement. I still have the staff in the hand that I control and I smash it over the head of Taz. If necessary, I repeat that until he is out.
( Post was too long. Had to separate the rest into another one. Og'rialt needs to ease up on his essay long actions. :P )

5 - Sulibor - Dunward - Human Mage -- ( Magic Shield )
Dunward tries to detect Cicatrix - Drow Ranger and once he sees her he will alarm Og'rialt so that he can retrieve his possessions. Dunward summons monster near the entrance and instructs it to guard it and stop anyone (apart of him) who tries to exit. Till it is told by Dunward to do otherwise.Monster is also instructed to guard Dunward.
If Dunward is attacked he will use his wand against the attacker.
Dunward says:
"Drow you will not be allowed to leave with the items you stole. Return them and you will be free to go."

Haven't taken turn yet:

48 - babark - Babargh - Dwarven Cleric -- ( Globe of Protection )
72 - park_84 - Darrim - Dwarf Warrior
78 - CervelloYM - Cervello - Drow Battlemage
Sulibor: Furthermore spells will not help us detect drow.
gogtrial34987: OOC: I have the feeling (also based on other tunnels) that we're being set up for a massive end battle of drow (+ goblins? + half orcs?) vs everyone else. Or at least that all drow have a secret objective of their own. Cicatrix stealing my mirror doesn't make any sense, as she should've had no knowledge of its existence, and the native advantages drow have (like apparently being able to hide in the shadows without being detectable, and being able to pickpocket without being a thief) are getting a bit beyond plain overpowered...

Will be interesting to see how this'll all resolve! :)
Dungeon Master mentioned in his initial post that treachery will take part in this adventure. I do not know if all the drows or if only the drows have hidden agenda, but this one clearly does.
gogtrial34987: OOC: I have the feeling (also based on other tunnels) that we're being set up for a massive end battle of drow (+ goblins? + half orcs?) vs everyone else. Or at least that all drow have a secret objective of their own. Cicatrix stealing my mirror doesn't make any sense, as she should've had no knowledge of its existence, and the native advantages drow have (like apparently being able to hide in the shadows without being detectable, and being able to pickpocket without being a thief) are getting a bit beyond plain overpowered...

Will be interesting to see how this'll all resolve! :)
I don't know why she stole it, but it didn't require any difficult checks. Drows can easily hide in dark places and you were unconscious while she stole it, so no pickpocketing skill was needed at all.

Even without the mirror, i think the tall hag could be defeated in this turn, but we might need it against the stocky one...
May all the trouble Cicatrix is causing fall upon the consciences of the ones who refused to shoot her when they had to.
phaolo: ( Well, I doubt that Tanea or Benki will be in danger, now that a supernatural entity decided to protect you for some reason )
(I'm not sure about that protection rumour. I fear it's all an illusion and we will get eaten once we reach the center/cause of it. Well, I guess we will find out soon enough.)
FlockeSchnee: (I'm not sure about that protection rumour. I fear it's all an illusion and we will get eaten once we reach the center/cause of it. Well, I guess we will find out soon enough.)
(Course, you could also be protected for trying not to harm the rats)
** TURN 13 **

Southern main tunnel:

*rolls dice* The tall Hag finds her voice.

59 - Cicatrix - Drow Ranger *rolls dice* moves towards the back of the room sticking to the shadows without being noticed.
In the dark you see a door *rolls dice* and you slip out through the door. You are on a winding staircase leading up with torches along both sides.

*A light briefly shows at the back of the room before disappearing again*

43 - Svartalf - Dwarven Battlemage casts Ice Lance at the stocky Hag *rolls dice* the lance stikes her through the left shoulder with such force that she is pinned to the wall.

52 - Roark - Elven Druid casts Cure Poison on SmartyFartBlart *rolls dice* success. You try to persuade Taz to attack the Hags. You cast Bite of the Werewolf before charging the tall Hag *rolls dice* the Hag raises her arm, you bite down *rolls dice* avoiding the spikes.
The attack triggers your spell and you violently transform into a werewolf. *rolls dice* From biting the Hag you are now diseased and this will affect your rolls to keep control of yourself.

9 - Max, son of Fulvus - Dwarven Thief aim for her ringed hand *rolls dice* the arm is raised to ward of Roark *rolls dice* your axe cuts deep into the Hags arm, just above the wrist. She shrieks and pulls her arm away from you.

22 - Kip - Halfling Brigand fires a slingshot at the stocky Hag who is pinned to the wall. *rolls dice* The shot explodes engulfing her in flames. *rolls dice* The flames melt the Ice Lance and she drops to her feet, flashing you a grin.

*rolls dice* The stocky Hag throws a yellow potion at Svartalf *rolls dice* the explosion is absorbed by his magic shield.

43 - Svartalf - Dwarven Battlemage you feel your magic shield dissipate from the Hags attack.

15 - Says Beldarion - Human Warrior *rolls dice* kicks Thras in the stomach. You then attempt to behead Taz *rolls dice* Taz jerks the body sideways as you swing and your sword slices through his collarbone and deep into his and Thras's chest.
Thras (and Taz) is dead.

28 - Triock Ulagolor - Elven Paladin rises and heads for the room towards the tall Hag. In front of you is a werewolf with mad red eyes.

13 - Roosevelt - Human Paladin keeps a safe distance from the tall Hag.

The tall Hag casts a spell *rolls dice* and a green vapour is omitted from her body. Those nearby start to choke.

29 - Og'rialt - Dwarf Brigand with panic, notices that his mirror is missing. Angrily you remember the Drow who had been so eager to help heal you.
There is a noxious green gas around the tall Hag and you start to choke.
With the Hag distracted by Max you attack *rolls dice* coughing, you land a solid blow deep into the Hags back *rolls dice* ice spreads out from the wound *rolls dice* only the Hags magical resistance prevents her from being frozen.

2 - SmartyFartBlart - Human Paladin you regain control of your body as the poison is cured by Roark. You cast Heal on yourself *rolls dice* and feel much better. You move to engage the stocky Hag who you see throw an explode potion.
*rolls dice* You stop short of attacking as she turns to face you.
You turn on the charm "Hey sweetcheeks, how did one as powerful as yourself wind up getting confined to a dingy dungeon like this?"
*rolls dice* The Hag pauses, obvious confusion on her face.

35 - Aslain Melemir - Elven Thief seeing the tall Hag take several blows *rolls dice* you fire two arrows into her back. She slumps to her knees, too many injuries at one time for her ring to heal.

69 - Rudy - Human Ranger you send in your bear to attack the stocky Hag who is making eyes at SmartyFartBlart.
*rolls dice* With annoyance the stocky Hag ducks under the bear and flips it behind her to land against the left wall of the room.
She stops and sniffs the air "Ahhh, the door is finally open!" she exclaims, looking at SmartyFartBlart she says "You and me's will catch up later handsomes."
The stocky Hag dissolves into a black mist and disappears.

41 - Zayd ibn Yasin - Human Ranger you see the stocky Hag talking to SmartyFartBlart and open fire *rolls dice* only for her to turn to mist. Your arrows pass through narrowly missing the bear.

80 - Eranear - Elf Paladin *rolls dice* struggling through the poisonous gas you attack the prone tall Hag *rolls dice* you swing your hammer and with a crack like thunder you cave in the back of the evil creatures head.

70 - Thras - Dwarven Mage you are dead.

5 - Dunward - Human Mage searches for Cicatrix *rolls dice* with no luck. You cast Summon Monster *rolls dice* an Ogre appears by the entrance to the room, scratching its nether regions.
*rolls dice* You notice a light briefly at the back of the room.

*rolls dice* Roark - Elven Druid crazed with disease and bloodlust launches himself at *rolls dice* 9 - Max, son of Fulvus - Dwarven Thief landing on top of him and *rolls dice* biting and tearing with his claws, leaving Max a bloody mess.

9 - Max, son of Fulvus - Dwarven Thief is dead.
Post edited November 05, 2019 by Doc0075
So, we have a poison gas cloud and swirling blades to avoid, a diseased werewolf who needs cure disease asap to help keep itself under control (edit: oh, I just saw Doc's update - he's already lost control - can that still be reversed, or does it need to be put down, too?), a two-headed dwarven mage which needs its second head amputated before being revived as well as a dwarven thief which needs reviving, and a rogue drow who's made off with my mirror, with the one remaining hag hot on her heals. There's also a bunch of corpses to loot (two hags, six orcs, one kyp (who has a 2 handed mithril axe named 'Orckin's Bane' and a short bow which automatically shoots fire arrows), and possibly the two scorpions).
It might be worth still casting detect secrets on this room, if anyone has spell slots to spare.

Something tells me we're going to be in trouble if the hag gets her hands on the mirror. On the positive side, that hag has taken quite some damage, and hasn't shown regenerative properties.
Come to think of it, the drow scares me a bit more, I think. :/

Og'rialt swiftly steps away from the poison cloud and the werewolf. If his health has noticeably deteriorated from the poison gas, and he doesn't get healing from another source, he quaffs a healing potion. Then he makes his way over to Kyp's body (avoiding the swirling blades if necessary), and - mindful of the sensibilities of others - and in lieu of closing Kyp's eyes in his missing head, crosses Kyp's arms over his chest. He stands a moment with his head bowed. "Your last action was to heal me. Sadly, I cannot return the favour, but allow me to take up your axe, fellow dwarf, and use it to see honor done in your name. If I can use it to strike a blow at the hag which so rudely ended your life, I will not refrain from doing so." He then respectfully takes up 'Orckin's Bane'. Noticing Kyp's normal bow, he'll take that one as well, as long as it won't cause him to be encumbered. (Ranged weapons are turning out to be more useful in this dungeon that initially expected!) Afterward, he locates the flabby hag which Morte took down at the beginning of the fight, and methodically loots her corpse, using his brigand experience to keep his nausea in check ("no worse than crispy Ogre corpses, this" he keeps telling himself), carefully looking for jewelry, and examining any bags for hidden pockets where she might keep special trinkets.
If after this there are still corpses left unlooted that he can safely reach, he'll swiftly loot them as well. Having done so, he looks around to everyone organizing themselves, and informs them that he has reason to believe that the mirror Cicatrix has stolen could be the key to getting out of this dungeon, and asks for as many adventurers as possible to join him in hot pursuit, hopefully in a formation as was practiced in the side tunnel, with a warrior and thief in front to detect traps and be ready to attack any enemies that show up, and a practiced set of maneuvers to allow effective ranged attacks without endangering those up front.

no longer relevant at time of last edit:
If no one has a better claim to them, I wouldn't mind getting either Kyp's mithril axe or the fire arrow bow, as my current axe is one handed but I'm without shield or ranged weapons.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by gogtrial34987
"Oops.." - Beldarion steps away from Thras' corpse, whistling softly -Somehow, he has the feeling that his current unlucky streak isn't totally accidental... Maybe he should later ask Dunward to identify the book, just in case.-

gogtrial34987: Og'rialt swiftly steps away from the poison cloud and the werewolf. If his health has noticeably deteriorated from the poison gas, he quaffs a healing potion. Then he locates the flabby hag which Morte took down at the beginning of the fight, and carefully loots her corpse, using his brigand experience to look for any hidden pockets sewn into her clothes where she might keep special trinkets.
You know, the hags were naked. I don't want to know what kind of "hidden pockets" you are looking for o_O
Post edited November 05, 2019 by Lone_Scout
I belive there you should cut the stocky's Hag ring. It could be cursed, so I could try to identify it.
Post edited November 05, 2019 by Sulibor
52 - Roark - Elven Druid earns the achievement *Bad Doggy*
Lone_Scout: You know, the hags were naked. I don't want to know what kind of "hidden pockets" you are looking for o_O
*frantically rereads*
I don't actually find any mention of that in this thread; but yes, Doc did say so in the western corridor thread. However, the stocky hag was throwing potions, which she must keep somewhere, so they're probably carrying bags with supplies that can be looted? Asking Doc for clarification, but that'll definitely need some editing...
Post edited November 05, 2019 by gogtrial34987