Well after having what some countries would classify as "sleep", I'm back.
I updated my Boring
Stats of the Sale Page. And since it is finally up to date, I'm going to work on (trying) to make it a bit more easier to read.
Unfortunately I'm still missing data on some games near the beginning of the first round. Does anyone have any info on the start times/end time/duration for these games? I would be very grateful, since I haven't had much luck finding anything.
PixelJunk Shooter (don't have end time)
Sir, You Are Being Hunted (don't have start time)
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest (don't have end time)
Labyrinth of Time, The (don't have start or end time)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption (don't have start or end time)
Monster Bash (don't have start time)