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Darvond: The wanton edge and nudity. Tyrannically puritan societies see an exposed set of breasts as a big no-no. But as I described, this is a teenager's (who needs to visit their therapist) idea of mature.

Succubus is from the same team that brought us the agonizingly bad Agony, another straight faced and completely unaware "mature" game.
The irony being that your statement also sounds puritanical, just with a somewhat different spin. Believe it or not, fully grown adults are capable of appreciating "edgy" and "grimdark" material, even preferring it over more lighthearted fare! Even if there are less of us these days due to the Disney/Marvelization of society where "MUSTHAVEAQUIPAMINUTE y be so serious LoL" are the philosophies that carry the day.
Post edited October 06, 2021 by rjbuffchix
Magmarock: Well it's the first game on GOG to have the "are you mature" question pop up. There's also this video here.

Despite the description, it is still censored for YT. But yeah this is pretty adult I'd say.
Lhun Duum: It was not the first game to have the "are you mature" question, I first seen this weeks (months?) ago. And, I could be wrong but I'm pretty certain most people in Europe would not consider this to be adult content, I certainly wouldn't.
"most people in Europe would not consider this to be adult content, I certainly wouldn't"
So you think this is fine for kids?
Lhun Duum: It was not the first game to have the "are you mature" question, I first seen this weeks (months?) ago. And, I could be wrong but I'm pretty certain most people in Europe would not consider this to be adult content, I certainly wouldn't.
Magmarock: "most people in Europe would not consider this to be adult content, I certainly wouldn't"
So you think this is fine for kids?
Like I said above, for me this game deserve a 16+ rating, it's not for kids but I think older teenagers can handle it (again given the footage I've seen)

Edit: Maybe our difference of perception is because our countries are using different rating systems, from the content I've seen I think it could pass as PEGI 16, but for Australia that would probably be R 18+ in the ACB rating system. As someone else said before, there's probably a lot of cultural differences at play here.

Edit 2: I've been given a more accurate description of the game content which made me change my mind, you are right Succubus is an AO title.
Post edited October 06, 2021 by Lhun Duum
Darvond: Succubus is from the same team that brought us the agonizingly bad Agony, another straight faced and completely unaware "mature" game.

You know, the sort of thing akin to Shadow the Hedgehog.
Hey! Don't insult Shadow!
this discussion keeps rising up on other forums also
i don't see the big deal it's just a product that you can toggle on or off with filter.

if you turn of in the filter what bothers you?.
Darvond: The wanton edge and nudity. Tyrannically puritan societies see an exposed set of breasts as a big no-no. But as I described, this is a teenager's (who needs to visit their therapist) idea of mature.
Lhun Duum: I see, it's doesn't deserve more than a 16+ rating then, there's nothing adult about it.
depends what you call full frontal nudity, several explicit sex scenes (between humans and demons, or demons and demons), at least one explicit orgy scene. There are demons and humans 'copulating' in the background consistently. Basically, you can see all the male and femal 'bits' in full working condition throughout. In the hub you can customis the succubus, and there are various spots around where she can 'play' and you controll the camera to.... focus.... on what you want.

The main character gains helath by fondling a chained up mans genetalias, before grabing them and tearing them off. Or putting her fist into the stomach of a pregnant woman and tearing out the featus before eating it. And so on. Very graphic description of hell. In the background people are tortued, eaten alive etc. Imagine a Hieronymus Bosch painting made 3D.

If this seems like PG to you, then fine.

edit - the launch trailer, though heavily censored, shows some of the content:
Post edited October 06, 2021 by amok
WinterSnowfall: The floodgates have opened a long time ago
That definitely isn't accurate.

Why isn't the entire catalogue of Mangagamer on GOG, for example?

The reason is obviously because GOG refuses to allow most of their games onto its store solely due to censorship reasons.

GOG definitely does need to finally stop banning/censoring AO games, though.
WinterSnowfall: The floodgates have opened a long time ago
Ancient-Red-Dragon: That definitely isn't accurate.

Why isn't the entire catalogue of Mangagamer on GOG, for example?

The reason is obviously because GOG refuses to allow most of their games onto its store solely due to censorship reasons.

GOG definitely does need to finally stop banning/censoring AO games, though.
i agree nobody is waiting on a Hentai cheap and eye bleeding censoring games
those should indeed be banned and never allowed on the store.
Post edited October 06, 2021 by Abishia
amok: depends what you call full frontal nudity, several explicit sex scenes (between humans and demons, or demons and demons), at least one explicit orgy scene. There are demons and humans 'copulating' in the background consistently. Basically, you can see all the male and femal 'bits' in full working condition throughout. In the hub you can customis the succubus, and there are various spots around where she can 'play' and you controll the camera to.... focus.... on what you want.

The main character gains helath by fondling a chained up mans genetalias, before grabing them and tearing them off. Or putting her fist into the stomach of a pregnant woman and tearing out the featus before eating it. And so on. Very graphic description of hell. In the background people are tortued, eaten alive etc. Imagine a Hieronymus Bosch painting made 3D.

If this seems like PG to you, then fine.

edit - the launch trailer, though heavily censored, shows some of the content:
If this is a more accurate description of the actual content of the game, then I retract what I previously said, this is adult material.

However I still don't mind if such games are sold on GOG but they should require the user to enable an option in order to see that kind of content, imo.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: That definitely isn't accurate.
I was talking about games with adult content which can be enabled through patches, provided by GOG or directly by the developers. Not about adult games. where sex is the "main quest". In that sense my statement is correct.

Lhun Duum: However I still don't mind if such games are sold on GOG but they should require the user to enable an option in order to see that kind of content, imo.
This is exactly what the Unrated "DLC" does for Succubus, so yes, this is the current state of things. What amok was describing is only present in the uncensored version of the game.
Post edited October 07, 2021 by WinterSnowfall
low rated
Lhun Duum: However I still don't mind if such games are sold on GOG but they should require the user to enable an option in order to see that kind of content, imo.
I'm not comfortable with straight up porn being sold on GOG. It will lower the standards of quality for the store and hurt it's reputation. Even more so than it already has.
It could mean that... or it could also mean more kiddie games, just to balance things out.
timppu: It could mean that... or it could also mean more kiddie games, just to balance things out.
Well they are bringing out the Smurfs, which actually looks pretty good. Maybe they should do a special sale, by one get one free.
rjbuffchix: The irony being that your statement also sounds puritanical, just with a somewhat different spin. Believe it or not, fully grown adults are capable of appreciating "edgy" and "grimdark" material, even preferring it over more lighthearted fare! Even if there are less of us these days due to the Disney/Marvelization of society where "MUSTHAVEAQUIPAMINUTE y be so serious LoL" are the philosophies that carry the day.
Hey, I'm just a little jaded towards Grimdark & "Mature" since I grew up in the 90s, the Nadir of Grimdark. Rob Liefeld, Frank Miller, J. Michael Straczynski, Chuck Austen, and more helped usher in an era of eyerolling tryhardness.
Darvond: [...] an era of eyerolling tryhardness.
in other words, very much like a forum post by Darvond