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The game the OP describes sounds pretty disgusting and unpleasant to me, and I have played and enjoyed many violent games (such as Doom 2016 and Left 4 Dead) before. But that sounds like it would be almost disturbing, really..

Regardless, I'll just say I don't think GOG or CD Projekt are against sexual content (i.e. adult content) in games. Actually, all of their games have had an unusually high amount of sexual content compared to other developers. Examples:
The Witcher 1
The Witcher 2
The Witcher 3
Cyberpunk 2077

Literally all of those games were labeled as having "strong sexual content" by the ESRB. Not many other games in existence were given such a rating. The only other games I can think of that have that would be some of the Grand Theft Auto games, which are notorious for pushing the boundaries of social acceptability in various ways.

GOG even sells games rated "Adults Only (AO)" by the ESRB, such as "Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)"

Just type Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) into the GOG games search and you'll see the ESRB rating right there (AO) on the GOG store.
temps: GOG even sells games rated "Adults Only (AO)" by the ESRB, such as "Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)"

Just type Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) into the GOG games search and you'll see the ESRB rating right there (AO) on the GOG store.
If anything this only shows how ridiculous these ratings are. But I can see only PEGI 16+ rating.
Post edited October 07, 2021 by ssling
Lhun Duum: However I still don't mind if such games are sold on GOG but they should require the user to enable an option in order to see that kind of content, imo.
Magmarock: I'm not comfortable with straight up porn being sold on GOG. It will lower the standards of quality for the store and hurt it's reputation. Even more so than it already has.
Steam has porn games on its store and it doesn't seem to have hurt their reputation at all.
rjbuffchix: The irony being that your statement also sounds puritanical, just with a somewhat different spin. Believe it or not, fully grown adults are capable of appreciating "edgy" and "grimdark" material, even preferring it over more lighthearted fare! Even if there are less of us these days due to the Disney/Marvelization of society where "MUSTHAVEAQUIPAMINUTE y be so serious LoL" are the philosophies that carry the day.
Darvond: Hey, I'm just a little jaded towards Grimdark & "Mature" since I grew up in the 90s, the Nadir of Grimdark. Rob Liefeld, Frank Miller, J. Michael Straczynski, Chuck Austen, and more helped usher in an era of eyerolling tryhardness.
Okay, understood, but well, I really like that stuff myself. It's a breath of fresh air to me. But notwithstanding that, since the pendulum has swung the opposite direction for the better part of the last two decades and continuing into a third, wouldn't it be fair for this stuff to make a comeback at this point? Or must media never be "edgy/grimdark" ever again? Whether intentional or not, I think we see a similar lopsided balance on GOG too. That is, I don't think the world is going to end if some "edgy/grimdark" games get in, considering a huge part of the catalogue contains some sort of humor or more family-friendly fare (and there are many of those games I love too, mind you). Many, many games on this site in their descriptions note that they feature "humor" "comedy" etc in some aspect. Whereas if I am looking for a game advertising "no humor" I am not aware of any explicitly stating that, haha.
I sure hope they get more games with adult content.

But I can surely live without more Hentai stuff. Never liked it that much. Also graphic novels may sure have their fan base, but I am not part of it.

We're talking about "good old games" here, so what would be nice would be something like "BoneTown". If we want modern stuff, how about "House Party"?
Magmarock: I'm not comfortable with straight up porn being sold on GOG. It will lower the standards of quality for the store and hurt it's reputation. Even more so than it already has.
temps: Steam has porn games on its store and it doesn't seem to have hurt their reputation at all.
Depends on who you ask, I would rather GOG distance itself from Steam as much as possible.
neumi5694: I sure hope they get more games with adult content.

But I can surely live without more Hentai stuff.
The Hentai stuff is kind of what I was hinting at.
Post edited October 07, 2021 by Magmarock
Magmarock: The Hentai stuff is kind of what I was hinting at.
Well, I don't mind if you get what you want, but I wouldn't buy it.

More adult content: yay
More hentai: meh, don't care
Darvond: Hey, I'm just a little jaded towards Grimdark & "Mature" since I grew up in the 90s, the Nadir of Grimdark. Rob Liefeld, Frank Miller, J. Michael Straczynski, Chuck Austen, and more helped usher in an era of eyerolling tryhardness.
rjbuffchix: Okay, understood, but well, I really like that stuff myself. It's a breath of fresh air to me. But notwithstanding that, since the pendulum has swung the opposite direction for the better part of the last two decades and continuing into a third, wouldn't it be fair for this stuff to make a comeback at this point? Or must media never be "edgy/grimdark" ever again? Whether intentional or not, I think we see a similar lopsided balance on GOG too. That is, I don't think the world is going to end if some "edgy/grimdark" games get in, considering a huge part of the catalogue contains some sort of humor or more family-friendly fare (and there are many of those games I love too, mind you). Many, many games on this site in their descriptions note that they feature "humor" "comedy" etc in some aspect. Whereas if I am looking for a game advertising "no humor" I am not aware of any explicitly stating that, haha.
It's not like we should have to chose between two stupid extremes - angsty grimdark blood, gore and spikes on everything on one hand and goofy "everything has to be turned into a joke/meme" Marvel - style on the other. Things can be serious and even "dark" without going overboard with it. It's the difference between the maturity of Babylon 5 (complex story and characters, nuanced storytelling, themes of war, loss but still with moments of well balanced humor) and the "maturity" of Event Horizon (we made a starship made of spikes and pain and it goes through literall Hell and people get butchered and gouge out their eyez and its so cool and dark and metal you guyz!).
Breja: It's the difference between the maturity of Babylon 5 (complex story and characters, nuanced storytelling, themes of war, loss but still with moments of well balanced humor) and the "maturity" of Event Horizon (we made a starship made of spikes and pain and it goes through literall Hell and people get butchered and gouge out their eyez and its so cool and dark and metal you guyz!).
The middle ground exists, and it's called Sunshine :P.
Magmarock: The Hentai stuff is kind of what I was hinting at.
neumi5694: Well, I don't mind if you get what you want, but I wouldn't buy it.

More adult content: yay
More hentai: meh, don't care
Well yeah I don't want Hentai stuff coming here.
Breja: It's the difference between the maturity of Babylon 5 (complex story and characters, nuanced storytelling, themes of war, loss but still with moments of well balanced humor) and the "maturity" of Event Horizon (we made a starship made of spikes and pain and it goes through literall Hell and people get butchered and gouge out their eyez and its so cool and dark and metal you guyz!).
WinterSnowfall: The middle ground exists, and it's called Sunshine :P.
The way I remember it it's less of a "middle ground" and more of a "let's abruptly switch from one to the other half way through" :D But it's been a while, so I don't remember it perfectly. But I still rather liked overall.
Breja: The way I remember it it's less of a "middle ground" and more of a "let's abruptly switch from one to the other half way through" :D But it's been a while, so I don't remember it perfectly. But I still rather liked overall.
That's a fairly accurate description, yes :)). Seems like a hard-SF thriller at first, then it gets all horror movie and the like out of the blue... but it's done fairly well overall IMHO :P.
Magmarock: Because I hope not.

Not that I'm calling for the game to be removed or anything, I just hope it's not a sign of more to come in the category of Henti games and stuff. This appears to be GOG's first AO game.
See, and I would buy hentai stuff here. And bring the store money in that way. So yeah, bring more adult stuff GOG.
Magmarock: Because I hope not.

Not that I'm calling for the game to be removed or anything, I just hope it's not a sign of more to come in the category of Henti games and stuff. This appears to be GOG's first AO game.
Anime-BlackWolf: See, and I would buy hentai stuff here. And bring the store money in that way. So yeah, bring more adult stuff GOG.
Well it would be foolish to expect everyone to agree with me.
Breja: It's not like we should have to chose between two stupid extremes - angsty grimdark blood, gore and spikes on everything on one hand and goofy "everything has to be turned into a joke/meme" Marvel - style on the other. Things can be serious and even "dark" without going overboard with it. It's the difference between the maturity of Babylon 5 (complex story and characters, nuanced storytelling, themes of war, loss but still with moments of well balanced humor) and the "maturity" of Event Horizon (we made a starship made of spikes and pain and it goes through literall Hell and people get butchered and gouge out their eyez and its so cool and dark and metal you guyz!).
You are correct it is more a spectrum than a binary either/or choice, and I'm glad you brought up that point so none of us are losing the forest for the trees. However, I would still maintain there is a much higher concentration of one "range" in that spectrum (that being: comedy) than the other way. To you and others, the dark stuff earns all these pejoratives and dismissiveness, e.g, "overboard" (and who made you the arbiter of that, btw?). I simply don't feel it is that way.

I want more adult games because I want more darkness, "edgy", etc. So what if you or others don't find it mature? I am secure in my taste of what I like, while the people who don't share my taste seem to resort to constant namecalling any time one of "my style" pieces of media dares rear its head anywhere. Naturally, the conclusion is that someone who is secure in their enjoyment of this stuff is immature, and the namecallers are mature. Now THAT is comedy ;)