CarrionCrow: At the moment, it's back to Runner 2. Not really a full platformer, but an endless runner game. Still fun, though.
You might like that it has multiple difficulty settings, so you don't have to beat your head against the wall.
-laughs- It's a slow day for him. He'll pay you back once he's at 100 percent strength.
Usually, if a platformer doesn't have difficulty settings, it means it's too hard. Haha. I've been very casually playing an Android platformer called Juju that I'm pretty sure is made for kids, as I'm not only surviving, but finding lots of secret stuff. That has to mean the game is weighted in my favor. No other reasonable explanation. :)
I'm not looking forward to that payback. He's getting big enough to tackle me with ease (read: "I'm getting weak enough that he can tackle me with ease") so when play gets rough, it's a bit like sparring a friend who's actually into sportsball and working out and such. haha
j0ekerr: Well obviously I didn't just have beer for lunch (well, maybe not so obviously), I used the beer to wash down a
You shouldn't google that word if you're feeling peckish.
I'm quite honestly feeling a bit peckish about adding anything to the beer lunch. Seems like a perfect lunch as it stands. :)