CarrionCrow: Screw least it's only 6 and a half. They used to be 20 apiece. Course, with it having 9 factions, I'm still going to be playing the godsdamned thing for a week or two after I get it. Thank you SO MUCH. -laughs-
And yeah, pretty sure I can turn "steaming pile of tweed" into a catchphrase/kiss of death.
Also, the commute's only 250 miles? You could totally bicycle that! (And hopefully video the whole thing. I get the feeling that'd have Youtube gold written all over it. ;)
Patience young grasshopper, it's bound to show up in a daily deal sooner or later.
I figure that'd get a few thousand viewers at least. But I can't say no and I have to show up for the interview, for a job that I have less than 1% chance of getting and that even if I get, I don't know if I really want (want, is different from need).
Well living 6 months over there might not be an interesting experience. Even if its a forgotten middle of nowhere hole in the ground.
Bicro: Depends on how patient you are. But it is cheap. Just don't go for the DLC.
I'm mostly inmune to the lures of DLC. I did buy the fallout ones when they went on sale, and that's about it. I have Dark Souls and I haven't bought the DLC, because I refuse to pay triple what I paid for a game for what is basically a side mission. I bought the Arkham city GOTY edition. And after playing the extra campaign my face could have been used for a reaction image. You miss
absolutely nothing buying the vanilla edition. Plus I don't like score attacks, so the predator challenges bored the hell out of me.
Of course current DLC practices, mean the combined DLCs end up being time and half as long as the main game. Or rather, selling the game in installments.
CarrionCrow: It's got to be better than the goddamn pigeon game. What annoys me is that they've already put out an updated version of Space Hulk, so the cheap deal is essentially the one to get you hooked on the 30 dollar upgraded edition.
And yet, no Heroquest....Assholes. Will have to settle for Warhammer Quest, I guess.
I miss Hero Quest too. Some of my friends have very fond memories of it as well.