EndreWhiteMane: I've never played a Final Fantasy game, should I? If so which one for PC? They're pretty cheap atm. ;)
j0ekerr: Most nostalgic neckbeards swear by the truly old ones, like 4 and 6. But they also spurn any remake and accept playing the original versions on emulators as the only way to enjoy them. I'm afraid I can't give you a proper opinion based on personal experience.
trentonlf: I have watched the last 2 years of Dota 2 championships on Twitch. I don't play Dota 2 as I really suck at it, but I do enjoy watching it.
j0ekerr: That's kind of my point. DOTA 2 has become a spectator videogame, were professional players do things you could NEVER ever do in your whole life. Just like sports.
I still think 6 is the best of the bunch.
Dear gods, am I a nostalgic neckbeard....? -laughs- Thought I'd need a few more years before truly earning that title.
Guess I'm only half of one since I don't mind remakes so long as they're done well.
But then, on the other hand, I've been obsessing over 7th Saga for 20 years.
Maybe I'm just crazy. (Also, wouldn't be surprised if most people don't remember 7th Saga. It's a game made to hurt people.)
CarrionCrow: 3 if you're a fan of history. 4 and 7 if you're looking for examples of quality. 8 if you're feeling masochistic. 13 and 13-2 if you want the feel of a donkey caving in your testicles with its hoof, only digitally.
Almost forgot - 14 if you feel you have too much spare coin and want to pay a monthly subscription to keep that problem in check.
EndreWhiteMane: I had a horse kick me in the ass but that donkey thing? Hmmm.....
Maybe I'll try 4 or 7. :)
Good call. =) Looking at 3 myself since I'm not in the mood to dig through emulators and language patches.
Getting lazy, I think.
4's good for an example of classic-type. 7 is where they changed the game up, different aesthetics, different flow to it all. (Course, they took that idea and have been running it into the ground ever since....)