l0rdtr3k: There are some comic books that are just as good as books include Maus,Watchmen,V of Vendetta,Daredevil:Born Again,Dark Knight Returns, Saga of the Swamp Thing,Sandman,The Killing Joke...
Hm... Never really been into comics. With the exception of my compilation books of Calvin & Hobbes :-p
Stilton: A very interesting subject, so it sounds like a worthwhile read. I've got a stack of WW2 books I want to read, varying from the reasonably accessible to the Jeez, this author's supposed to be English. But I like the toil, so I'll get them all done at some point.
And in my experience, ladies LOVE the smell of peanut butter, especially if its troweled on all over. :-) (don't ask)
The author of this book (Jeff Shaara) actually wrote a WW2 trilogy as well recently. I might dive into that once I finish with this one. I like his style.
Huh... I'm almost
insane enough to ask, but I wont n__<
Well... There is a hill outside that is not going to climb itself. And a lazy Agent that could use a bit of exercise. *Using all my courage to get off my arse* ... Be back at some point in the future. Maybe tonight. Maybe not until Moonday. In any case, hope everyone has a lovely day :-)