j0ekerr: Do not diss the red, specially the cartoon red.
Frankie Foster, you will always be my one true love. After Ariel of course.
What is it with you and ocean going things? First creatures with tentacles, now mermaids.:-)
l0rdtr3k: Boring,slow,painful.At least GF and my friends are there.
That's good, at least you got to spend the time with people you like.
EndreWhiteMane: I wasn't mean, I was honest. My very first thought was that it made you look like a 12 year old freckle faced girl.
My mum always said honesty was the best policy. Unless of course the other person was within striking distance. :-)
I see. I still think I should withhold hugs for a while. :-)
AgentBirdnest: <-- Oh... It is
sooooo close!! :-( ... tant pis...
*big return hug*
How about just Liberty Stripper? (It also sounds like the nickname of some evil dictator. :-))
*more hugs*