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EndreWhiteMane: That long? I'll take 5.
ddickinson: No flamers. But also no hugs for you until you learn to not be so mean. :-)
I wasn't mean, I was honest. My very first thought was that it made you look like a 12 year old freckle faced girl.
My mum always said honesty was the best policy. Unless of course the other person was within striking distance. :-)
ElTerprise: Well it looks nice. Maybe i can find a demo....remember the time when most games had demos? I really miss that.
*sigh* Yeah, I miss demos... I'd search download sites and download every single demo available (without having heard of 81.2% of the games.) That used to be how I discovered and decided to buy games :-)
Good times...
ElTerprise: So what do you got?
Some local produce of the point and click kind.

l0rdtr3k: *hair playing intensifies*
Prehensile hair, one more reason to join chaos.
And the cookies!

moonshineshadow: Says the guy who is changing his avatar quite often ;-)
I have a doctor's note for that. I do it so that the government won't find me.
It'd be very bad for my health otherwise.
ddickinson: That sounds like a good title. It's a shame it won't fit as your forum title. :-)

You are very welcome, I am glad you are enjoying the game. *hugs*
<-- Oh... It is sooooo close!! :-( ... tant pis...

*big return hug*
j0ekerr: Do not diss the red, specially the cartoon red.

Frankie Foster, you will always be my one true love. After Ariel of course.
What is it with you and ocean going things? First creatures with tentacles, now mermaids.:-)

l0rdtr3k: Boring,slow,painful.At least GF and my friends are there.
That's good, at least you got to spend the time with people you like.

EndreWhiteMane: I wasn't mean, I was honest. My very first thought was that it made you look like a 12 year old freckle faced girl.
My mum always said honesty was the best policy. Unless of course the other person was within striking distance. :-)
I see. I still think I should withhold hugs for a while. :-)

AgentBirdnest: <-- Oh... It is sooooo close!! :-( ... tant pis...

*big return hug*
How about just Liberty Stripper? (It also sounds like the nickname of some evil dictator. :-))

*more hugs*
Post edited June 18, 2015 by ddickinson
EndreWhiteMane: I wasn't mean, I was honest. My very first thought was that it made you look like a 12 year old freckle faced girl.
My mum always said honesty was the best policy. Unless of course the other person was within striking distance. :-)
Stop talking about red framed freckles. I have a hard enough time keeping my pants in line already.
l0rdtr3k: Boring,slow,painful.At least GF and my friends are there.
ddickinson: That's good, at least you got to spend the time with people you like.

EndreWhiteMane: I wasn't mean, I was honest. My very first thought was that it made you look like a 12 year old freckle faced girl.
My mum always said honesty was the best policy. Unless of course the other person was within striking distance. :-)
ddickinson: I see. I still think I should withhold hugs for a while. :-)
Yes dear.
AgentBirdnest: *sigh* Yeah, I miss demos... I'd search download sites and download every single demo available (without having heard of 81.2% of the games.) That used to be how I discovered and decided to buy games :-)
Good times...
Exactly. It was pretty much the same here. I'm still glad that some games still have demos. Like Paradox games. Without play the CK2 demo to death i probably never would've found one of my favourite games :)

j0ekerr: Some local produce of the point and click kind.
I see. Got them as well :)
ddickinson: How about just Liberty Stripper? (It also sounds like the nickname of some evil dictator. :-))

*more hugs*
Hahaha :-D ... I like that! I'll try it for a day and see if I like it :-p

*more extra big return hug*
EndreWhiteMane: I wasn't mean, I was honest. My very first thought was that it made you look like a 12 year old freckle faced girl.
My mum always said honesty was the best policy. Unless of course the other person was within striking distance. :-)
j0ekerr: Stop talking about red framed freckles. I have a hard enough time keeping my pants in line already.
"Let me count your freckles" used to be a pretty good pick up line. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Yes dear.
Keep that up and I will let all those Mormon nurses out of your basement and set them free. :-)

AgentBirdnest: Hahaha :-D ... I like that! I'll try it for a day and see if I like it :-p

*more extra big return hug*
But is it exotic dancer Agent, the Liberty Stripper? Or evil warlord Agent, the Liberty stripper? :-)

*big return hug*
Post edited June 18, 2015 by ddickinson
Everyone please give Elterprise cr*ploads of +1!!! For gifting me space rangers!
Soccorro: Everyone please give Elterprise cr*ploads of +1!!! For gifting me space rangers!
Soccorro: Everyone please give Elterprise cr*ploads of +1!!! For gifting me space rangers!
I will hunt him down forthwith and give him what he deserves. :-)

*grabs +1 power-hammer*
First changes to avatars and now user title changes? I think I should call it a night before you all go crazy here ;-)

*good night hugs and waves*