EndreWhiteMane: Aloha again all.
Who's the hot new redhead? Hope she's older than she looks.
moonshineshadow: *welcome back hug* Enjoy the new red hair colour while you still can, I heard it might not stay ;-)
That's DD? I liked the blonde, this makes her look 12 years old. ;)
ddickinson: That's a shame about lacking a partner. Hopefully you will be able to find someone soon.
ElTerprise: Well there is not much time because i need to know a few hours in advance if the survey will happen. But it isn't too bad it it won't happen. In that case it'll be postponed to next week. And that week i'll be definitely having some assignments
EndreWhiteMane: Aloha again all.
Who's the hot new redhead? Hope she's older than she looks.
ElTerprise: Hello Endre - how are you?
Still about the same, been a beautiful day here though. No rain.
Hear you had some though. :-)