Dammit, I just came by to say goodbye, time for cliffwalking, and I see my last 2 posts are missing.
Not fair, GOGbear. :-(
I'll ask Lazarus to raise them up again..
edit - nvm, at least one of them is here, just not showing up with a refresh, the other not really relevant any more
GreenDamsel: Hating the heat, but living in Portugal? Sounds contradictory to me.
Yes, to me also. I have somehow always ended up in hot places, but I dream of forests and cool soft rain. That's how this discussion got started...
ZenWan: Now I'm really laughing, the entity in question is hovering right above you. Hope you didn't make the same bargain, because I know for a fact that you don't have any spare boxes of rooibos tea hanging about!
I'm doing well, thank you, looking forward to walking on the cliffs in a short while and seeing how the rain has refreshed everything. I'm sure you were happy for your rain also.
CarrionCrow: Not particularly worried about it. People don't stop by in general, let alone to grab my soul.
It's helpful, if a bit of an inconvenience on a minor level. Having the landscape flooded for days makes it tricky to put dogs outside without them coming back as muddy, sandy messes.
Also, I continue to envy your scenery. So much better than anything available around here.
<laughing> - I was actually talking about the posts right above yours, but it seems your soul was overlooked. ;-)
Mud is definitely not a problem here, thank goodness. No point in having rain if it only brings mud, Here the rain vanishes in seconds, different soil, more plants and trees to soak it up. Your landscape is not one that I envy, wish you could relocate.
I'll take my camera with me to the cliffs to see if I can get any new pics, although they all look much the same - spectacular. I am indeed blessed to live in such a beautiful place, I shouldn't complain.
Sleep well - editing to say 'when you sleep' as I still have many hours of posting and gaming in you...
Bye GreenDamsel, enjoy your day, and that goes for everyone else here.