EndreWhiteMane: I was just asking myself how many hundreds of times a person can go over the same old catalog.
I'm getting to the "Hey, it's only $1.19, I should buy it" stage.
Then realize I'd be paying good money for pure crap when I already own about 1000 GOOD games.
Yep, it's all a bit nuts, but still fun. :-)
What games are you referring to? The Port Royales?
AgentBirdnest: Does anyone miss manuals?
Seems like so few games have manuals these days. Not sure how I feel about it. I used to enjoy reading the manual before starting a game, but I don't have the patience for that anymore.
I guess it is more common for games to have tutorials, and some games do a pretty decent job of explaining the mechanics as you go...
To some degree yes. But today's games often don't need them unless they have backstory in the manuals. Liked that :).