moonshineshadow: You are right. Preordering is often a mess. And while I think it is ok to give the people preordering something for their support, I think this is only ok, if everyone else can also get it after release. Exclusive things are a big no go in my opinion.
As you can see with the games I preordered, the only company I trust to do it right is Piranha Bytes. Up until now they have not let me down :D
It seems silly to not let the customers buy the pre-order exclusives after release for a fee. It would stop some the complaining, and surly it would make the company more money. I think all the pre-order exclusives have lead to a lot of cutting bits out of games and using it as a selling point, or just making it DLC and charge the customer even more. It is a shame that a lot of the bigger games make it so costly to own the full game, cutting some of it up into pre-order exclusives and DLCs.
I just feel pre-order for digital things is a little strange. I understood it in the old days with physical and limited supply products, but it's not like a digital game will sell out, so why not wait until reviews are out and then give them your money, rather than blindly just throwing money at developers and publishers, especially those with bad reputations already?
moonshineshadow: Nope, have not read the books. But my mum got them as audiobooks recently, I need to ask her what she thinks about them.
Tom was quite persistent about me getting the book. I have not had time to read it yet, but I have heard many people speak highly of them.
EndreWhiteMane: It already does a lot of things, I just meant it works like a glorified browser, just like Steam and all the other clients do.
OK, enough of that, back on Firefox. :-)
I have never used a client before, so I have nothing really to compare it to. Do you think you will be switching to the client when it is finished, or will you stay with Firefox?
ElTerprise: Yeah. Saw a pretty good
picture illustrating that a few days ago...
Haven't read that yet - but i would guess Activision intends to milk that cash cow until it dies...
Yep, that picture is a good summary of how gaming has progressed. Just think how bad it will be in a few years time. I read somewhere about a car game that wanted to have micro-transactions for petrol. Meaning you would have to keep paying real money for in-game petrol if you want to keep driving the car. And I bet they will still want their £60 price for the game initially as well.
l0rdtr3k: After the md debacle blew up,there was really thismod there. HD horse genitals mod for $100.
And the sad thing is, I bet someone bought the bloody thing. :-)
Anyway, how are you? Have you had a nice day?