Ragnarblackmane: Do you mean on twitch whilst playing MAFIA or a similar game, or in a forum game of mafia?
LOL as a player I forget everyone doesn't have it on the front page like me, who has it on favorite.
Also, I try not to flip out too bad too often, but fuck my internet company. I just received my bill this month and they jacked up the price, despite the fact that I've had hideous disconnects the last week, and shitty speeds the last several months. First world problems I know, but damn do I want to do some venting with less-than-choice words. It's been bad enough I've lost connection multiple times over the course of this week without the total "lack of lube" consideration shown by the bump in cost!
Again, sorry for the venting and course language and I know in the grand scheme of things, these are the problems I'd LOVE to have over real stuff, but I had to bitch somewhere ;)