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We've teamed up with ZA/UM for a contest where you can win one of 50 codes for the newly released Disco Elysium - The Final Cut!

To participate, just tell us what was the most memorable criminal case you ever solved in a video game?

Be sure to enter your comment before the contest ends on April 6th 2021, 6 PM UTC.
Stopping an evil former child star from hypnotizing the world with fake 'ocular training' video tapes in Sam & Max: Culture Shock.
I admit that nostalgia has a lot colouring this one, but I guess I have to go with baby's very first mystery. There was this game I used to play as a kid called The Diamond Mystery of Rosemond Valley. I actually had to Google it just now to make sure that it's actually a game that exists rather than some sort of figment of my imagination. It does, in fact, exist.

It was entertaining enough for a 7-9 year old me to kickstart a small obsessive phase where all I wanted to play with my friends was solving mysteries. Some my friends weren't happy with me during that time. ^^;

But yeah, it was a simple kids game where you play a girl, who wants to become a journalist, and end up solving the mystery of who stole the titular diamonds from the local museum. The solution was pretty obvious (from hindsight), but the spot the diamonds were hidden was pretty fun. I do remember getting spectacularly stuck at one point, though, so it took me a long time to actually beat it. A smart child, I was not. :'D
The criminal case which immediately springs to mind would be the Voodoo Murders, which I solved in Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father, long ago, and then again a couple of years ago for the 20th anniversary edition. Few games have managed to be quite as evocative as that one.

Thanks for another contest, and for running it right here in the forum!
The skinner murders in Baldur's Gate 2 are by far the most memorable for me. Tracking down clues, cornering the killer in the docks, and acquiring a suit of armor made out of human flesh. That is the kind of nightmare fuel that one will not forget easily. The final confrontation in Trademeet is almost as disturbing, but it felt like a bit of a weak climax.
Post edited March 30, 2021 by TheCowledWIz
Most memorable crime solved in a game? The case of the erased save file in Final Fantasy 7. It was the little brother. It's always the little brother. Hope you loved racing chocobos...
Lego City Undercover: Finding out who the city's real criminal overlord is.
only game that comes to mind is BlackSad but i never got round to finishing it

Over multiple playthroughs and approaches, there is simply no good outcome to the investigation in Caves of Qud.
In the end, everybody dies and you never really find out whodunnit. I suppose thats reasonably realistic as well, but it has stuck with me since and everytime I get an investigative mission in a game I sigh and hope its not as nihilistic an outcome.
Maybe one day they'll rewrite it and make it less of an exercise in futility.
I always liked the "skinner case" from Baldur's Gate 2. It's not particularly hard to pinpoint the real killer, but it has a pretty good athmosphere throughout the whole quest. And I absolutely love how it's not iniatially resolved and player later gets to track down the killer in Trademeet (and also a chance to find killer's apprentice in Umar Hills). Great job by quest designers.
I think that the most memorable criminal case that i solved in a video game is in the witcher 3: wild hunt that is with another witcher that he kills all villagers and i killed him hhhhhh. i don't memory the missions name sadly
When it comes to criminal cases, the only ones that I really remember are from the Phoenix Wright series. But that's probably because that's the point of the whole series.
Unveil traitor during Dark Brotherhood quest line in Oblivion.
I found the culprit who took an old ladies pan and never gave it back. He was dead and fortunately for the old lady he had used the grease in the pan for writing letters so I could give her the pan back completely clean and shiny. She was amazed that the pan was so clean that she barely recognized it as hers. (Witcher3)

If I win, please give the prize to the person commenting above me, because I already own the game and I am just taking part because the idea is so funny.

Also huge thanks to the devs for giving their customers such a great update for free, I am downloading the game right now and it will make my Easter holidays so much better, can't wait to start playing!
Post edited March 30, 2021 by Nelemania
I found out who was tossing all those Yoshis into bottomless pits in Super Mario World, it was me.
It's more of a McGuffin to move the story along, but finding out the instigator of Sam Watts murder in Shadowrun Returns was quite memorable (if anything for how out-of-left-field the final motive was.)