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high rated
[Given] System Shock 2

From the last sale. Know there's a few in here already, but if anyone needs let me know.
Post edited December 02, 2015 by Boilpoint
As always IAmSinistar is first with these sort of threads! +1 and many thanks for making those!

[RECIEVED] Blackguards. - Thank you IAmSinistar!!!
Post edited December 02, 2015 by leon30
[WANT] Blackguards
[GOT] Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Post edited December 03, 2015 by staruszek
high rated
staruszek: [WANT] Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Check PM
high rated
[given] System Shock 2
Post edited December 03, 2015 by ibishtar
[WANT] Blackguards

I would really love to have this.
high rated
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Chandoraa
high rated
[GIVEN] Divine Divinity
[HAVE] System Shock 2
Post edited December 02, 2015 by PaterAlf
Since there's some people who seem to still have this gem lying around I thought i'd ask for it.

[RECEIVED] System Shock

Big thanks to all the people who are giving in this thread!

And big thanks to Boilpoint for giving me a great way to spend my free time :)
Post edited December 02, 2015 by Subspace

I would just delete this but I don't know how.
Post edited December 02, 2015 by Blue22111
+1s all around!
Thanks all donors !
+1 to all of the donors and +1 to GOG for making this sale right after the previous one which was right after the previous one, please GOG make the chain lasts till the middle of January!
Two nice games. Thank you GOG and thanks to all who will giveaway games.
[WANT] Candy!!