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Swampland: [HAVE] Divine Divinity
KarelVosahlik: Can i humble ask if i can get it ? Thx !
Already handed out to someone through inbox. :(

But I am sure there are more than enough copies of this game to go around and if you make a post stating you want it the game should find its way into your library. :)
high rated
[HAVE] Divine Divinity

[HAVE] System Shock 2 (from the last sale)

Reply to this post if you want anything -I'll first check some postsof the askers in the forums though, before I give anything...
ggould256: Are mystery games restricted to games for platforms I use or am I paying for a chance of, eg, PC games for my Mac?
Based on the last sale: No. They're not restricted to platforms you use.
Post edited December 02, 2015 by mrkgnao
[WANT] Blackguards
[GOT] Blackguards too
Post edited December 03, 2015 by HanselPete
Always on the front-line, cheers!

IAmSinistar: +1s all around to our lovely donors so far!
^ And so much this!
Post edited December 02, 2015 by HypersomniacLive
high rated
Edit: Expiring if I'm not mistaken.

[HAVE] Divine Divinity
Post edited January 13, 2016 by ZaineH
[GOT] Divine Divinity
Post edited December 02, 2015 by leo7494389
[GOT] Divine Divinity - big THX to Bookend!

[GOT] Blackguards - big THX to GoJays2025

Thx and +1 to all nice people around here!
Post edited December 02, 2015 by KarelVosahlik
high rated
leo7494389: [Want] Divine Divinity
Check Chat.
high rated

System Shock 2 (shh, don't tell anyone that it's actually from the last sale).
high rated
All gone!
Post edited December 02, 2015 by GoJays2025
[HAVE] Divine Divinity
[WANT] Blackguards or Sim City 4 if you can spare it.

Big thanks goes to CarrionCrow!
[GOT] Divine Divinity, thank you n0nam3

Thank you IAmSinistar for making this thread once again.
Post edited December 04, 2015 by sanfueg