Kconv: Well here are a few of mine
Pools of Radiance (and honestly any gold box game is awesome and win)
Of course, this game has its issues as well, including:
The same low level AD&D issues present in Baldur's Gate (though at least the "death's door" rule is imlpemented, so 0 HP != death, and there's no "main character dead = game over")
Healing is way too weak (the *only* healing spell you get heals only 1-8 HP, and it can be annoying if the game keeps giving you 1 HP)
To make matters worse, resting isn't a full heal, so you need to keep casting that healing spell until you're healed. (Later Gold Box added a "fix" option that fixes this issue.)
Female characters can't get as much Strength as male characters (and are given nothing in return, making this mechanic highly sexist)
Level caps for mages and especially priests are too low. Priests can't even learn a healing spell other than the starting one.
Some spell levels are basically useless (looking at you, 3rd level Priest spells)
Things do change in later games in the series, but the useless spell levels and sexist strength caps remain. Furthermore, racial level limits become a problem, eventually making nearly every non-human character useless. (Why offer the option to play a demi-human if such characters are useless?) There's also the combination of "can only level up in certain spots", "XP that would allow for multiple level-ups is lost when you level up", and instances of "trapped in a dungeon, so you can't access town services to level up", which can cause lots of wasted experience and frustration (like at the start of Curse of the Azure Bonds; game just gave you a "Dual Class" option, but if you use it right away, you will be punished for doing so).