Telika: That's one of my little pleasures in life.
But seriously, from a european reader's viewpoint, the "superhero" genre is so specific that these distinctions become mere legal nitpicking. It's like arguments about coca and pepsi.
*points at where i am from *
i dont just read soopa hero comics ;p but all the new comics i buy tend to be of the non super hero variety
used comics on the other hand
and yeah i can tell the difference between coke and pepsi too
pepsi is a lot sweeter
and there is actuallya huge difference between dc and marvel comics but its easily boiled down to this
marvel comics : their "heroes" are usually mistrusted feared or hated or just about tolerated and the public opinion of them is easily swayed ( see spiderman and the xmen )
and the characters tend to be seriously flawed
dc comics :
the characters are almost universally trusted and loved by the public and establishments
and they are almost demi gods ( avegers vs justice leauge by kurt busiek and george perzez plays on this juxtaposition )
and dc reboots their whoel fucking universe every 5 years
...they seem to be quite fond of that which makes it hard to get invested because ina few years it will al be wiped clean again anyway
a new one is coming on
one of the reasons i stopped reading soopah hero comics
Breja: Damn, so I'm not european? One learns something new every day...
Seriously, it's like saying Star Wars and Star Trek are the same thing. Also, I prefer Coca-Cola. Cherry Coke even better.
captain skywalker the empire's bird of prey has decloaked !
raise the shield mr bacca ! arm photon torpedoes !