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Post edited September 13, 2016 by Fairfox
Fairfox: Disproportionate amount of foxies in teh GOGie forum. CONSPIRACY. We need a list.
There used to be a lot of Cthulus too but they thinned out.
low rated
Vainamoinen: So did your doctor actually manage to confuse fluor and fluoride or do you just remember it completely wrong?
I certainly don't recall it wrong. I just can't recall the exact names of them. This is oddly one of those times where I have and oddly specific memory about something. As I said I will be listening to it later today, still I recommend anyone and everyone listen to it.

edit: Hmmm listened and I wonder if there was a second tape about the same general time. Still good audio to listen to regarding almost all diseases are from nutrition deficiencies.
Post edited September 14, 2016 by rtcvb32
Fairfox: Disproportionate amount of foxies in teh GOGie forum. CONSPIRACY. We need a list.
tinyE: There used to be a lot of Cthulus too but they thinned out.
I named my kitten Cthulhu :D
tinyE: There used to be a lot of Cthulus too but they thinned out.
darthspudius: I named my kitten Cthulhu :D
He's cute. :D
kitty.jpg (142 Kb)
darthspudius: I named my kitten Cthulhu :D
tinyE: He's cute. :D
Aww I want one!
As infowars guy continues to declare the war on brains by reviving his thread every single day, allow me to make abundantly clear who actually uses and profits from all those intelligence insulting conspiracy theories.
In all complete seriousness... has anyone ever seen a box of tin foil in their entire lives or ever heard of it? I'm 44 and have never seen anything actually called "tin foil" in my life although I'm sure it must have existed at some point in time before the aluminum industry made it a thing of the past.

Even searching online for "tin foil" results only in finding aluminum foil. Are there any grey hairs around that have seen actual tin foil made out of actual tin, or have a photo of a box of tin foil that actually says "tin foil" on it? Should be in a museum somewhere perhaps. :)
skeletonbow: In all complete seriousness... has anyone ever seen a box of tin foil in their entire lives or ever heard of it? I'm 44 and have never seen anything actually called "tin foil" in my life although I'm sure it must have existed at some point in time before the aluminum industry made it a thing of the past.
They switched it around World War II, yes. By then, the term "tin foil" had become too fixed an expression to just be abandoned. So people kept it even though the actual material changed.

I've never seen an actual tin foil pack in my life, I'm sure. :)
skeletonbow: In all complete seriousness... has anyone ever seen a box of tin foil in their entire lives or ever heard of it? I'm 44 and have never seen anything actually called "tin foil" in my life although I'm sure it must have existed at some point in time before the aluminum industry made it a thing of the past.

Even searching online for "tin foil" results only in finding aluminum foil. Are there any grey hairs around that have seen actual tin foil made out of actual tin, or have a photo of a box of tin foil that actually says "tin foil" on it? Should be in a museum somewhere perhaps. :)
Here ya go:
skeletonbow: In all complete seriousness... has anyone ever seen a box of tin foil in their entire lives or ever heard of it? I'm 44 and have never seen anything actually called "tin foil" in my life although I'm sure it must have existed at some point in time before the aluminum industry made it a thing of the past.

Even searching online for "tin foil" results only in finding aluminum foil. Are there any grey hairs around that have seen actual tin foil made out of actual tin, or have a photo of a box of tin foil that actually says "tin foil" on it? Should be in a museum somewhere perhaps. :)
Did find this place:

At the prices for foil sheets thick enough and large enough to do any good, the tin foil helmeteers had better be pretty dedicated to their theories.


Do they still pepper most declaratory statements with "maaaan", or did that part of it go out of style? "The fluoride in our water and toothpaste reacts with the microwaves that emanate when reheating your Hungry Man dinner, maaaan, and this weakens your immunity to the thought-control chem trails, maaaan, and pretty soon you're believing everything The Man tells you. Maaaan."
Vainamoinen: As infowars guy continues to declare the war on brains by reviving his thread every single day, allow me to make abundantly clear who actually uses and profits from all those intelligence insulting conspiracy theories.
What truly amazes me about him is that he apparently used to be an ok member of the community here, and now has just become a spammer. He could just have his say of nonsense and be done with it, but no. His mission is just to damn important! I have this simultanously hilarious and terryifing image of him in my head, stockpiling sunglasses and shotguns.
skeletonbow: In all complete seriousness... has anyone ever seen a box of tin foil in their entire lives or ever heard of it? I'm 44 and have never seen anything actually called "tin foil" in my life although I'm sure it must have existed at some point in time before the aluminum industry made it a thing of the past.

Even searching online for "tin foil" results only in finding aluminum foil. Are there any grey hairs around that have seen actual tin foil made out of actual tin, or have a photo of a box of tin foil that actually says "tin foil" on it? Should be in a museum somewhere perhaps. :)
HereForTheBeer: Did find this place:

At the prices for foil sheets thick enough and large enough to do any good, the tin foil helmeteers had better be pretty dedicated to their theories.


Do they still pepper most declaratory statements with "maaaan", or did that part of it go out of style? "The fluoride in our water and toothpaste reacts with the microwaves that emanate when reheating your Hungry Man dinner, maaaan, and this weakens your immunity to the thought-control chem trails, maaaan, and pretty soon you're believing everything The Man tells you. Maaaan."
Not on the rug, maaan.
Breja: I have this simultanously hilarious and terryifing image of him in my head, stockpiling sunglasses and shotguns.
That would be odd. He can't eat sunglasses and shotguns in his bunker when the Russian supreme ruler exerts just revenge for Clinton's all too expected first strike. :p

Of course, the much much higher chance is that Trump goes literally nuclear on some country or other. Trumpy is obsessed with those rockets, probably compensating for something or other. But never fear, he will of course only bomb the countries that can not strike back. He will always go on to majestically lick the boots of dictators around the globe. A soothing thought right there!
Breja: I have this simultanously hilarious and terryifing image of him in my head, stockpiling sunglasses and shotguns.
Vainamoinen: That would be odd. He can't eat sunglasses and shotguns in his bunker when the Russian supreme ruler exerts just revenge for Clinton's all too expected first strike. :p

Of course, the much much higher chance is that Trump goes literally nuclear on some country or other. Trumpy is obsessed with those rockets, probably compensating for something or other. But never fear, he will of course only bomb the countries that can not strike back. He will always go on to majestically lick the boots of dictators around the globe. A soothing thought right there!
Trump? Bombing innocent people with rockets and bombs? Oh, at first I thought you were talking about Obama. Had them mistaken for a second.