micktiegs_8: Honestly, some of the shit that's posted here lately just screams at any sane person to slap sense into the OP.
I think I may have some pointers to answer the original question.
In principle, no, tinfoil theorists are not attracted to GOG. I don't see a particular connection between liking DRM free and older games and fostering conspiracy theory.
However, the lack of moderation and further forum 0.1 peculiarities may add to the spread of such conspiracy nonsense; and there may also be factors that make it look like the conspiracy nutter is far more common than he or she actually is.
(1) Downvotes: As we've recently seen in 'that other thread', at least one conspiracy nutter is using alt accounts consistently (and has been since early 2015 at the very least) to upvote himself and downvote others, and he's neither ashamed to say so nor to make six alts in minutes to demonstrate how damn easy it is. The originally strong anti-conspiracy nut voting, which concentrated on the thread instigator almost exclusively, has since turned into an all round downvoting spree that affects in partiular those who argue against the daily nutter update. Hence, it looks like the community is more in favor of the conspiracy crap than it actually is. This is basically a similar strategy that Putin's so called "troll army" employs.
(2) Hit and run: The thread in question isn't meant to be a discussion. It's meant to be a daily defamation dump, and not even that: It's just a collection of mere links to other conspiracy nutjobs. It voices the accusation, but not the explanation. It is, therefore, the king and queen of the conspiracy doctrine. If anyone spent his time trying to research all the individual accusations, a three digit number per post sometimes, it would still take a week if not weeks to properly rebutt each of them. During that time, a thousand new conspiracy theories of varying stupidity may have been posted in that same thread (and I'm not even exaggerating here).
(3) Fatigue: Many forum users are just plain tired of this stuff. And 'this stuff" unfortunately doesn't just mean conspiracy theory, it basically means any kind of discussion that scratches the surface of social awareness or even *gasp* politics. In these threads, you'll find members – in principle, worthy community members in a lot of other threads – that try to disrupt and destroy any kind of ungoing discussion. They're not engaging the topic any more, which makes it look more legit than it really is. Yet even though I sometimes understand these users, they're still damaging discussion culture. Most forums, for this reason, have a very clear cut guideline in place that forbids this kind of disruption. I call it the "
good faith or good bye" rule.
(4) Lack of moderation: What GOG breeds with its hands-off policy is, of course, Chan culture in a nutshell, further perverted with a solid scoop of instant negativity via downvotes. I can't say "I have never seen", but I can say that I'm not active in any other forum in which members can pour out this level of abuse over others without fear of having posting privileges revoked. I'm not active in any other forum in which a user with a crossed out rainbow flag as his avatar would survive a single day without a permaban. At the core of very many conspiracy theories (by far not all) lies an instinctive hate against a certain group; that hate runs around on this forum without even a finger raised by the authorities. That's unusual, and that too makes the forum look like a safe haven for these sentiments.