DadJoke007: God bless the Internet, this wonderful invention that keeps human contact at a minimum. You don't even have to pick up the phone to order pizza now, you can just pay everything online and give the pizza guy a friendly nod (if you feel like it) when he arrives.
Your making me feel nostalgic!
Oh how i miss the hell ride through bumper to bumper traffic to get to the mall, then endure the crazy ups and downs of mall car parking.... cars that block you while 'they' wait for a spot to open has to be my personal favourite.... or you see someone getting in their car and you get your hopes up to take their spot, then you notice they have a pram! Or the person in front of you is determined to wait for that spot despite a pram being involved!!
Then inside the mall you have to claw your way past the hords of slowbies and finally make it to the store all tattered, bruised and bleeding. Then when you finish shopping, everyone else in the store decided to finish shopping at that same moment and come hording at the counter in front of you. And whichever counter you chose, some idiot in front manages to conjure up a problem and you get to stand there watching all the other lines moving except yours.
And when you get back to your car thinking its finally all over.... NO, the one final icing on the cake is the massive struggle to get out of the car park because a thousand other cars are all pushing for the exits at the same time!!
But eventually you do survive the shopping mall experience;