Posted October 18, 2017

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Laika's man
Registered: May 2011
From Congo, Republic of

Major Blockhead
Registered: Apr 2010
From Germany

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

The QA in Yellow Team
Registered: Jul 2015
From Poland

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted October 18, 2017
Wow. Until now we had THREE GOG officials visiting this thread (if I counted correctly). This is so great and it was so nice to getting to know you a bit. I just found you on our signed card as well. Thank you for participating. You are all invited here. Let's see if we can break a record :)
Post edited October 18, 2017 by MarkoH01

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted October 18, 2017

I feel like I was kinda harsh to RWarehall who is a user I never had any sort of problem with, but come on, let's cut GOG some slack at least in the thread where it was shown they are trying to make up for their past errors, right?
So we'll see very quickly if GOG really intends to change how it does business, because if it does it will do it immediately, rather than soon™.
Post edited October 18, 2017 by richlind33

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted October 18, 2017
This relates to GOG and the community, so I wanted to share it here:
rampancy - "If GOG is still wondering why things have soured between the community-at-large (or at least, took a turn for the worse) over the past few years, this is one of the signs as to why.
The point, IMHO, of the Enigmatic Hints was never to correctly guess what games were coming, nor was it to try to undermine GOG's policy of secrecy. It was an opportunity for the company and the community to communicate with each other in a fun, amusing, and engaging way. Each side could engage with the other, without the community feeling as if we were shouting fruitlessly at a wall. We actually felt we were talking to people in the company in a way that actually felt like what we said was being listened to and acknowledged, even if it only mattered in the trivial context of wild speculation about a game release ..."
rampancy - "If GOG is still wondering why things have soured between the community-at-large (or at least, took a turn for the worse) over the past few years, this is one of the signs as to why.
The point, IMHO, of the Enigmatic Hints was never to correctly guess what games were coming, nor was it to try to undermine GOG's policy of secrecy. It was an opportunity for the company and the community to communicate with each other in a fun, amusing, and engaging way. Each side could engage with the other, without the community feeling as if we were shouting fruitlessly at a wall. We actually felt we were talking to people in the company in a way that actually felt like what we said was being listened to and acknowledged, even if it only mattered in the trivial context of wild speculation about a game release ..."
Post edited October 19, 2017 by tfishell

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted October 19, 2017
high rated
rampancy - "If GOG is still wondering why things have soured between the community-at-large (or at least, took a turn for the worse) over the past few years, this is one of the signs as to why.
The point, IMHO, of the Enigmatic Hints was never to correctly guess what games were coming, nor was it to try to undermine GOG's policy of secrecy. It was an opportunity for the company and the community to communicate with each other in a fun, amusing, and engaging way. Each side could engage with the other, without the community feeling as if we were shouting fruitlessly at a wall. We actually felt we were talking to people in the company in a way that actually felt like what we said was being listened to and acknowledged, even if it only mattered in the trivial context of wild speculation about a game release.
But I agree with what was said, for the most part. Not by intention, but by neglect have we lost some of the feel of how it used to was. Shoot, I think I even mentioned the EHints thread specifically earlier in this thread, as something I'd like to see get a bit more lovin'. Or some other recent thread. Last week at any rate.
The thing is, that EHints thread - and similar ones of old - makes me feel like the store is being run by people who are as dorky about games as we are. Not doing it because "Hey - these gamers have money!" but because they love this shit as much as we do, and 'ohbytheway maybe we can earn a living while hanging out with game dorks like us'.
And look, even after the folks went over there and had their sit-downs and copious notes were taken and many nods were given, how many people have asked a simple question about a brand new AAA release - Elex - and have yet to get an answer on whether or not the gOg version got the Day One patch? Two possible answers: Yes. No. Can't get a simple answer on a ~$50 title?
Well, here ya go, boys and girls. 8th reply yesterday, someone asked about the patch. And five people so far have asked, so let's call it $250 in revenue waiting for a one-word answer. 20 words should they want to explain if it's No.
Two different issues WRT interaction with us, I know, but those 6 chairs are still warm from the visit. Talking to the community - whether for fun or to answer a significant do-I-buy-or-don't-I-buy-the-$50-game question - isn't difficult. It used to feel like the store had a bit of a personality, but now - outside of us regulars and our conversations - it just feels like a store. And when they don't answer a $250-and-counting question for over 24 hours, it's a store that isn't paying quite the attention to its storefront as it should. I mean, they started the NEWS thread, so shouldn't someone be monitoring it AND answering purchase-related questions? Or did they hire Marzooker for the NEWS threads?
But anyway, assuming they get on it with regard to answering sales questions (and that's an assumption, not a certainty), it wouldn't hurt to have some fun gOg-initiated conversation about game stuff... and they need not have any sort of giveaway affiliation. Kinda prefer they didn't, to be honest. Would just be nice to feel like we're buying stuff from people who eat and breathe games like many around here do. Make it feel more like the local store, ya know? It doesn't need to be a weekly barrage, but how about a few times a year they start a conversation about our hobby? When I make these completely optional purchases, I want to buy from folks who are openly and genuinely enthusiastic about what they sell.
Last, the EHints thread problem has a simple solution that will probably work: politely ask people not to post spoilers.
Okay, this is last, for real. I know the above sounds a bit needy - "Why won't they talk to us?!? <sob>" - but I like games. They aren't a necessity. No one I know in-person, except for one nephew, plays games like I do. So it's kinda like going to the local hobby shop and shooting the bull with the owner about rockets and trains and sniffing model airplane glue, er, never mind that last part. Or you can make the same purchase anonymously on Amazon or at WalMart. I prefer the first option: it keeps my enthusiasm high. And that's not just the glue talking.

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted October 19, 2017
Good post. We did actually bring this general topic up with them and I really hope it landed. This was one thing I felt would really help connect back to the forum community - more interaction (and not just about the business aspect of GOG). Unfortunately, I didn't really follow the EHint thread, so never brought that up as a specific example (though now I wish I had), but hopefully we'll see more of this type of interaction.

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted October 19, 2017

Going back in time
There was one part of the tour I skipped in my tale, as I was not sure when I wrote it whether or not I was allowed to talk about it and post the pictures that ought to accompany the description of it. I have since gotten confirmation that it's okay for me to share that last missing bit of the tale, as well as some of the pictures I took, so here goes.
The GWENT streaming studio
After the tour of the CD Projekt RED floor of the building, we were guided outside and over to another, much smaller, building. We were told this was the studio they built for streaming GWENT matches. They opened the door, and we entered... a medieval fantasy tavern.
I expect some of you already know this. After all, they are already using the studio, so I guess some of you have already seen it on streams, but for the rest of you, here is a bit of a description, as well as some pictures of it.
It's... Well, it's a tavern, built of stone blocks and wooden beams. There is a bar, a fireplace, and a narrow winding staircase up to the first floor. There are tables and chairs, and of course some lights and camera mounts. It is a studio, after all.
That's all there is to say about it, really. Enjoy the pictures :-)
Afterall, we have reached the point in time where you see photos of a sunset from a friend's vacation on social media and think to yourself "wow, that real world photo looks almost as good as The Witcher 3". :)

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted October 19, 2017

Why yes, I am a Major General
Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted October 19, 2017
Just curious as this just came up in another thread and again please excuse me if this was previously covered but I don't recall it.
Do most of the employees speak Polish as their first language? Is it mostly Polish in the offices or something else? Nationalities? Or do they all speak binary since they're programmers?
I;ve mentioned before that I work for a webhost and our backup servers are located in France. The few times I've had to actually pick up the phone, very rarely do that have anyone who speaks English there and I have to rely on my 30 years out of date high school French.
Do most of the employees speak Polish as their first language? Is it mostly Polish in the offices or something else? Nationalities? Or do they all speak binary since they're programmers?
I;ve mentioned before that I work for a webhost and our backup servers are located in France. The few times I've had to actually pick up the phone, very rarely do that have anyone who speaks English there and I have to rely on my 30 years out of date high school French.