Posted October 12, 2017

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany

Grey Havens
Registered: Jan 2010
From South Africa
Posted October 12, 2017
Was a really long way for some you for a short stay.. Thanks to all 6 for taking the time and trouble and posting
about it.
about it.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted October 12, 2017
high rated

If I invite someone to my birthday party and they don't show up, is it unreasonable to tell the other guests "Well, they couldn't make it, because they had to work." when they ask me about them?
Perhaps it's a cultural, maybe even a generational, thing, but seing what example-analogy you used, I'm not surprised you take it as a complaint, and miss the point I'm trying to make (no offence meant); it's a matter of (dis)respecting their privacy if they shared even their usernames (as those uniquely identify people on some level) without their consent/permission.

As for alienating a number of potential paying customers - looking at publicly available data, do you think they're a critical enough mass to matter?

Why yes, I am a Major General
Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted October 12, 2017

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted October 12, 2017

This doesn't detract from your point above though, which I agree with (although, as noted, I think the NDA is enough to mitigate this).

Arcane Wellspring
Registered: Dec 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted October 12, 2017
A list of (possible) guests is a private matter of host. It is up to the host to share or not to share this list with another guests because inviting somebody is an intention and an action of a host.

Bastard Lunatic
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted October 12, 2017
You know that one of these days you'll have to come clean and tell these guys about your matter stream compressor, right? Folding space-time inside your bag is not as cool if you keep it a secret from everyone.

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted October 12, 2017

As immi101 said, the principle of regional pricing is getting away with the most you can charge and still make the projected profit in each market. And since countries are arbitrarily being grouped into "regions", and then "regions" are arbitrarily grouped into larger "regional zones", the countries that are willing to pay the most dictate the price for every other country in the same region and zone, irrespectively of each country's purchasing power, for the simple reason that certain markets don't matter (much?) to be treated separately.
Since I don't really know the number of those who'd boycott such regional priced goods I cannot agrue much here either. I doubt that those would matter much but they are there and if there would not be any need for RP why risk it at all?

Cookie Monster
Registered: Apr 2012
From Christmas Island
Posted October 12, 2017

People on the forum might have never met in person, but we know each other's nicknames, post history and who is extremely helpful and contributes to the community. So of course there were some obvious choices for an invitation and so we asked about some specific people we would have expected there (just as an example, because they already said they were invited: Some of us asked about adaliabooks, because they are an obvious choice when you want to talk about flaws of the forum and the website and want some input how to change that).
GOG didn't give us a list and said "These people were in invited". They only answered when we asked specific names. And like Gr00t already said, they didn't match specific reasons of why people couldn't attend to their specific forum names.

Red herring
Registered: Oct 2008
From Denmark
Posted October 12, 2017
high rated
Going home
My wait at the Warsaw airport was uneventful. Fortunately, my plane back to Copenhagen departed on time, and I soon found myself back on Danish ground. I took a train from the airport to Copenhagen Central Station, and took another train from there to where I live. About 5 minutes before the train was due at my station, it stopped. It was approximately 23:00 (11 pm) at this point. The train just sat there for about 10 minutes. Then the PA system piped up:
"There is a train with technical difficulties at the platform we are scheduled for, so we are going to be delayed for another 10 minutes."
So another 10 minutes went by, and the PA system kicked in again:
"The other train is unfortunately still at the platform, so it's going to be another 10 minutes before we can get underway."
10 minutes later still:
"Now the signals are having trouble, so we won't be moving for another 15 minutes."
After those 15 minutes were up, we finally started moving... for about 100 meters. Then we stopped again. And then the same thing happened again. And again. I groaned inwardly, because that had to mean that the platform had been blocked for a while before we stopped, which meant that there was now a queue of trains ahead of us. I was getting really annoyed and somewhat nervous, because the last bus from the station to where I live was leaving the station at 00:05, and it was now about 23:50. If I missed the bus I had a 20-minute walk, suitcase and all, to look forward to, and I was bone tired and just wanted to get home as soon as possible.
Fortunately, we finally arrived at 00:02. I sprinted to the bus stop, and luckily I just managed to catch the last bus of the day. 10 minutes later, I entered my front door, and my trip to HQ was officially over.
The end...?
Thus ends my chronological narrative of events. I still have a few things I want to say though, so expect at least one more of these posts in the near future.
Watch this space for the next exciting installment: Wishbone's Tale: Epilogue.
Going home
My wait at the Warsaw airport was uneventful. Fortunately, my plane back to Copenhagen departed on time, and I soon found myself back on Danish ground. I took a train from the airport to Copenhagen Central Station, and took another train from there to where I live. About 5 minutes before the train was due at my station, it stopped. It was approximately 23:00 (11 pm) at this point. The train just sat there for about 10 minutes. Then the PA system piped up:
"There is a train with technical difficulties at the platform we are scheduled for, so we are going to be delayed for another 10 minutes."
So another 10 minutes went by, and the PA system kicked in again:
"The other train is unfortunately still at the platform, so it's going to be another 10 minutes before we can get underway."
10 minutes later still:
"Now the signals are having trouble, so we won't be moving for another 15 minutes."
After those 15 minutes were up, we finally started moving... for about 100 meters. Then we stopped again. And then the same thing happened again. And again. I groaned inwardly, because that had to mean that the platform had been blocked for a while before we stopped, which meant that there was now a queue of trains ahead of us. I was getting really annoyed and somewhat nervous, because the last bus from the station to where I live was leaving the station at 00:05, and it was now about 23:50. If I missed the bus I had a 20-minute walk, suitcase and all, to look forward to, and I was bone tired and just wanted to get home as soon as possible.
Fortunately, we finally arrived at 00:02. I sprinted to the bus stop, and luckily I just managed to catch the last bus of the day. 10 minutes later, I entered my front door, and my trip to HQ was officially over.
The end...?
Thus ends my chronological narrative of events. I still have a few things I want to say though, so expect at least one more of these posts in the near future.
Watch this space for the next exciting installment: Wishbone's Tale: Epilogue.

New Old User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Romania
Posted October 13, 2017
If you are curious about the price updates.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Slovenia
Posted October 13, 2017

Country where price = US/Base price = on GOG
Country where price is lower than US/Base price = not on GOG
Country where price is higher than US/Base price = not on GOG
exception could be made for countries where price is lower than US/Base price long as GOG still sells for US/Base price, regardless that physical is lower there. That way there's no regional pricing (on GOG) and no conflict with the publisher.
There's nothing preventing GOG from doing this as far as I know, if regional pricing were actually a main concern.

*edit* And they provided a bit of detail as to the nature of the issues.
edit: I realize you can't say anything. I just felt the urge to ask anyway :D
Post edited October 13, 2017 by JediEagle

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden

Old user
Registered: Nov 2011
From Other
Posted October 13, 2017
(My post did not belong here)
Post edited October 14, 2017 by Themken

Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted October 13, 2017

but like you, I'm only making speculations from my observations, without knowing for sure. Unless some company comes forward and explains their motives all we can do is speculate.

(and afaik regional pricing for Russia only came a few years later)
And that model of dollar price == euro price never went away. Because evidently it DOES work and customers in Europe are willing (=stupid enough) to pay the surcharge.
nostalgia: reaction from GOG when Steam introduced their euro pricing
thanks for taking the time to write that.
really enjoyable read
Post edited October 13, 2017 by immi101