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Bavarian: I joined on 29th of September 2010, so today is my 5th anniversary.
Congratulations on this new goal you've reached!
Bavarian: Among all registered users, September 2010 might be the most common join date (besides May 2015) as it was the month they pulled their infamous shutdown publicity stunt. A lot of the older users were pretty pissed about it, and I totally understand that.
While my join date makes me look like one of the post-shutdown D&D people, I actually joined two days before the shutdown looking for Beyond Divinity. I wasn't pissed (because I didn't know it was fake), just mildly sad because I only managed to download one of the six games I'd bought.
I may be minority, but I don't ditch Steam. Instead of ditching and pointing finger at them, I use Steam and complement it with GOG.

Some of the games GOG have are nice for me, notably Heroes 3, where Steam has half assed port - thanks Ubisoft.

But congrats on your fifth years. May many good years to come.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by zeroxxx
Congratulations. Where's the number of days registered figure that was once listed on the main account page? At least according to the order history I'll celebrate 7 years in about a month.
Happy 5th anniversary! I joined GOG when they gived away the Fallout trilogy... XD Now I have 173 games... Well played GOG!
Happy Anniversary!

And fingers crossed you CC problems work out (not because I want a gift ;-)).

What was the "infamous shutdown publicity stunt.", that got the curiosity juices flowing for me :)

I was also an unhappy PC gamer with Starforce this and online authentication DRM that all around me (at that point it seemed to get worse and worse, DRM upon DRM, nothing seemed to be enough for the publishers in their fear of not being in total control of how and where their games are used by the customers (Spore anyone?), oh and Sony music rootkit), I had already slowed down buying PC games, merely playing my old retail games.

I was quite skeptical at first when I read somewhere that you could get The Witcher (and Witcher 2) digitally DRM-free and copy protection free from the publisher's own store. I had to check it out what's the catch, and since there wasn't any catch, I became a happy GOG customer, and started buying PC games again left and right. Suddenly I felt I wasn't treated as a potentional criminal, what is what the likes of Sony, EA and Ubisoft did.

Being able to buy multi-CD games like Baldur's Gate 1-2, Phantasmagoria etc. in neat standalone installers not needing any CD swapping nor even a CD drive at all sounded quite nice too, but the primary reason for me to come to the site were the DRM-free Witcher games (and increasingly other semi-new games too).

Where would I be without assuming the gaming world around us would be exactly the same as it is now, even if there never was no, I guess I would be primarily a Steam user. Now I am only using it to complement my GOG gaming (at this point it means playing Team Fortress 2 on Steam, nothing else). After all, they also have some DRM-free titles (not supported as such, but can be played without the client). Not sure how much has helped that also to happen, raising awareness that games can still sell well even without DRM, so I can't be fully sure the situation would be the same without's influence. At least the computer magazine articles discussing about the perils of DRM have quite often mentioned GOG and/or CDPR, so yeah, raising awareness...

Oh, and I never experienced nor heard about the "publicity stunt", I've only heard about it afterwards on So that stunt didn't quite work on me, I guess. :) The Witcher 1-2 DRM-free stunt did, though.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by timppu
Bavarian: it was the month they pulled their infamous shutdown publicity stunt. A lot of the older users were pretty pissed about it, and I totally understand that.
I liked it. :-)
Bavarian: Among all registered users, September 2010 might be the most common join date (besides May 2015) as it was the month they pulled their infamous shutdown publicity stunt.
The weird thing is that apparantly I already joined GOG a few months before that but never used it (not even for the freebies, if there were some at that time?) and completely forgot about its existence and my signing up, and I think I also missed the publicity stunt. What drew me to GOG was the following release of Neverwinter Nights, one month later, and the module building contest they held for it, and when I discovered GOG, I was quite surprised to learn that I had already been a member of that unknown club. :D

Anyway, happy 5th! (Not in, if this is a giveaway.)
<Hotline Miami here too.

I must have googled "Buy Hotline Miami" and it didn't say Steam on it.

Since then it's been nothing but glorious not-steam forcing me to do anything or breaking my games with auto-updates.

Steam no more. Ever.
congrats on your 5 year "anniversary" !
I'm here since good 4 years and really liking it - library is growing and growing and almost the double the size than my combined ugh DRM libraries together
themostghost: Also does my title still say new user because if so c'mon son what a ghost gotta do.
mrkgnao: It says so because you haven't changed it yet by going to "My Settings" at the top of this page and modifying it to anything you wish, which you can do on day one.
Wow never noticed that, thanks!
Congrats :-)
Congrats. I also signed up in 2010 I guess.