Unfortunately, I missed out on the so-called "golden-age" of Fallout, due to my parents hooking up wayyy too late :P
In fact, I hadn't even heard of Fallout until Fallout 3 was announced. Then I looked into it. I loved the idea, the storyline, the lore. I instantly came here and purchased the first two, and didn't even bother with the third until recently.
I was amazed at how much had changed. The graphics were far better, but the story and the immersion that I had taken for granted in the Interplay games was gone, only a shell of itself. I may have been raised on FPS's, but at least I can see a step back when its right in front of me. Don't misunderstand me, I think that Fallout 3 is a great game, but I think that it suffered from poorer writing. If they could have pulled off, with better graphics and an immersive, open-world, what Black Isle did beautifully with the technological drawbacks of their time, then who knows what we would be talking about right now.
Just a side note, for anyone who hates on the combat in FO3 - real-time WAS coming whether you liked it or not, in Van Buren. A shame that it couldn't make it to the party...
KaZip: As much as everyone dislikes Fallout 3 as it is, this is the way of gaming. I tell you, even if FO3 was 3d, but still isometric and turn-based, it wouldnt have sold as much, and would probably be hated more, because it DID NOT INNOVATE ENOUGH.
*cough* Van Buren *cough* :P