Oh, what the hell, I'll post my 2-cents. Here's what I wrote on GameFaqs just a couple hours ago...
I've played & finished Fallout 1 three times in the past year & I loved it. I'm not an uber-gamer, those days are 15-25 years behind me, so I very rarely play modern games.
After poking around on here (and the internet in general), I asked a friend to borrow his Fallout 3 to give it a test drive. I like turn-based & grid-based games when it comes to my rpg's (original Fallout, Might & Magic 1 through 5), so I knew Fallout 3 would be a big change. The only FPP game I can recall playing straight through was Wolfenstein 3-D from way back in my day (on the little 3.5" diskettes). I already knew ahead of time that Bethesda had changed some things from Interplay's style, so I was prepared for a big difference.
I played it for a few hours last night & here are my impressions. Overall abilities & skills and such seem to function just like the original series, no complaints there. And I really liked the interactive intro from our birth to our adulthood, it was a big help in getting used to the new gameplay.
I like to play as a stealthy assassin/thief type character, so the one thing I didn't like was that I now have to pick locks myself with bobby pins & a screwdriver...but at least I have the option to "force" it based on my Lockpick score instead. I really liked the "computer hacking" feature, I actually found that to be alot of fun.
Combat still has me a little confused, regarding VATS. How long does it take to regain my APs? Because I'm taking my shots on enemies, then going back into VATS & being told my APs are too low to take any new shots. And if I need x-amount of real time to regain my APs, what am I supposed to do during that time? Just dodge & weave and hope I don't get hit? As of right now, I still prefer the old style of combat, but I'm open-minded about it...my opinion could change if I get better with VATS.
The 3-D environment, although its been around in gaming for years & years, is still new to me, so using the WASD to move & remembering what other keys do what is harder for me than pointing-and-clicking to move (I know I could remap the keys, but I'm still not used to using so many keys in real time). The environment is all beautifully done, I'm just having trouble adapting so I tend to move kind of jerkily through the world. But now that I've been immersed in a 3-D world, I have to admit Fallout 1 does look rather primitive & I can't imagine how they could've preserved the isometric graphics & still made it look modern.
Its still too new to me to decide "this is great, I'm gonna finish the game" or "this is too different, I'm quitting now". But now that I've practiced a bit, I think I'll restart the game. I only got as far as exploring the nearest town, stealing a few things, and killing a few innocents who happened to catch me pickpocketing them, so hopefully I can make some better progress now.