Rezaprtm55: I don't know what you people are smoking, but believe me it's better to NOT have the next-gen update. There's so many things wrong with it and if you mod the game then you'll have days and days of maintenance nightmare. I for one am happy the next-gen update is not rolling out soon and would rather it didn't all together. Very little gain for very massive loses.
Mrwednesday75: If It was possible for me to care less about modding, I would. I find modding useless and I stay as far away from it as I can. So for me, I'll just take the update and play the game. Just my little thought there.
Modding aside, I don't see the appeal for the next-gen update at all. What are you hoping to get? Every review of the update either only shown mainly it being used on the next-gen consoles and being terrible or it being on PC, having no significant changes whatsoever, doesn't even address many of the bugs that's been plaguing the game for 9 years heck it adds more bugs.
streetyson: Agree with Bibbsi. Though I think GOG can be moaned at for some games' problems, I just don't understand the bile from some gamers in this instance. The main issue is because GOG's version of FO4 is DRM-free. And the so-called "next-gen" update, at least for PC players, is little more than some iffy CC DRM-heavy content (along with a mini-quest to force-fit them into the game). Other than that Beth added some fresh bugs and slightly restructured the game archives (for no real gain other than to completely break many existing mods). Thus Beth essentially broke most PC gamer's mod-lists just to make a version (i.e. sell a few more copies) more compatible for other platforms. And then Beth had the bare faced cheek to deliberately misname it "Next Gen". For it most definitely is not that. It should be called "CCC Gen" (Crap Community Club Gen).
So blame Beth for the delays and be glad GOG's version hasn't updated to it. As for mods, FO4 came out 9 years ago and so there's already thousands of great mods. And remember, this isn't at all like Skyrim which was originally built on an older 32bit engine (and thus many happy to see the 64bit Skyrim SE) - for FO4 was already 64bit anyway.

tomcat1000: I don't care about excuses, if they can't give an update then let them return the money and take the stick out of their rear end because of their dubious pride on Twitter.
Seeing such ineptitude makes me reluctant to buy anything here, and as for next gen I'll judge for myself and no one will give me crap.
The next-gen update is free, what money do you want back??