Posted September 11, 2008


This is a fairly subjective answer though. While I do appreciate graphics, they are not the most important thing to myself and many of my friends who I play games with. We appreciate gameplay, because it will outlast the graphics. I have played many of the newer games with realistic graphics, and while it was pretty, the game play wasn't impressive at all, and I go back to games that are more interesting.
The importance on great graphics became more apparent with the younger generation of gamers, and companies are catering more to them than anyone. They sit there and trash games that have quality game play but mediocre graphics, and refuse to play anything other than Crysis for instance. It is a terrible state for gaming, and it is one that is slowly turning me away from the hobby after 26 years. I have a huge passion for video games, but they have become so cookie cutter. If I had the ability to, I could make some FPS game in a futuristic/alien setting, make sure the graphics are of the highest quality, slap a sepia filter over it and a few gimmicky weapons, and dedicate a half day to the dialog (not much). It will sell like crazy to the younger and console based gamers easily.
I personally cannot wait for Left 4 Dead. It is on the aging Source engine. It does look good, but it obviously is no Crysis. I could care less, coop zombie apocalypse shooter that relies heavily on teamwork, that description alone stole my heart. Some companies are learning it isn't about graphics alone, and I fully support them. Valve and TF2 is another example, with cartoonish graphics and unrealistic gameplay, but it is extremely popular among PC FPS lovers.
Good gameplay can sell, the problem is, many developers today do not understand that or know how to even do it. They just work on games that show off their engine, with terrible dialog and gameplay, relying on the younger kids who don't know better to buy them