Cameron: First off, I want to say thanks to GOG for bringing us some of the BEST GAMES EVER. About 7 years ago I lent my cousin my copy of Fallout and I haven't seen it since and the itch to play through it again was so strong, I almost payed 60 bucks for a copy off ebay. I am thrilled to be able to play Fallout again, but I want to get some of your opinions on Bethesda's upcoming Fallout 3.
I don't doubt Bethesda can make a solid game, but I do doubt their ability to recreate the atmosphere and feel of the first two classics. I'm worried the game will be Oblivion (which I found to be far inferior to Morrowind) set in the Fallout universe. I hope I'm wrong, what do you other Fallout Fans think?
I am pretty concerned as well regarding Fallout 3. Overall, it looks like a decent game on it's own, but I am worried it won't be similar enough to the old Fallout series to make it truly enjoyable to the people who played the original games first.
My primary concern is how much attention did they give to graphics versus game play and story. While I haven't followed it extremely closely, a lot of what I see in videos appears to show off graphics more than anything, with some combat tossed in on the side. The classic Fallout games were masterpieces when it came to customization of your character and how they interact with NPCs and follow the storyline. Will this be similar? For some reason a gut feeling tells me it won't, and that graphics became a larger overall concern.
My friend was also slightly annoyed when he read that true freedom did not exist within the game, such as being able to kill vital NPCs and basically, do what you please. They are simply invincible people you encounter in your journey. They are removing a portion of the choices you could normally make.
My own personal beef is the fact that they gave in more to the "cool" factor of highly detailed FPS (and third) games that are flooding the market. Don't get me wrong, FPS is one of my favorite genre of games to play. However, many people have said it's 2008 now, and isometric is dead. I wholeheartedly disagree. Isometric is a wonderful angle to play RPGs at. Blizzard did not give in to the above, keeping to the same view as all their original games for Diablo III. I don't understand why other companies are so scared to continue along this path.
Fallout 3 just looks to mainstream for me. Instead of designing it for the fans and RPG lovers in general, they are trying to please everyone by mixing FPS and RPG together, while removing the ability to make certain personal/moral choices about how you interact with NPCs. I am personally not very interested in the game, although I may check it out after a good price drop as it nears the bargain bin. I will keep an open mind upon release though and see what others have to say, but as of now, I would rather play the classics than something designed for the mainstream audience that can't really appreciate what Fallout is really about.