New Features:
- map overview has multiple tabs now if level hub has multiple sub areas, including walk commands between areas (mouse only)
- inventory changes:
- moved gold to fixed slot
- moved a few passive items like ammo from main to resources inventory
- resources inventory is infinite now
- mind inventory is infinite now
- merchant UI: highlight "trash" items on selling screen
- added toggle for headwear visuals via item slot context menu
- implemented thorough check for displaying multiple choice option as new/fresh or old/obsolete
Gameplay and content changes:
- split extra crit damage by amount of bullets
- trigger puking when trying to eat at full infection
- updated hitting multiple targets in combat and backstabbing: increased damage on secondary target(s)
- fixed inconsistency with exhausted melee attacks
- update values of some machine enemies and dogs
- make spiders react to blips
- updated inventory items sorting order
- minor merchant item availability changes
- enable looting Godhunters Prison key from high priest
- minor level design improvements
- sped up some scene interactions
- removed some forced cutscene triggers
- made a few scene fadings and interactions more convenient
- improved action wheel usability for controller
- weapon tooltip: added ammo count
- allow cancelling consume item action via roll button
- fixed some situations preventing cancelling action
- allow toggling stealth mode while having map overview open
- show map overview for non-physical worlds
- Burning Blood ability: improved radius display
- accessibility: added option for high contrast stealth cones
- Steam Deck: increased UI size for some content windows
Bug fixes:
- fixed game getting stuck when controller disconnects during loading screen
- fixed potential issue of local character not spawning
- fixed sometimes not being able to pick up items lying in door frames
- fixed a few things affected by Burning Blood when they should not
- fixed characters not being able to return to the pathfinding grid when pushed out
- fixed a few issues with throwable items, especially blips
- fixed input issues with charging weapons
- random encounters: fixed some visual issues with procedural generation
- fixed not being able to deconstruct some items
- fixed some procedural levels not being traversable
- fixed lots of minor UI, input and usability issues
- fixed issues with timer based challenges
- fixed issue with tower quest
- fixed some NPC behaviors regarding threat detection and combat mode
- fixed some issues with projectiles
- fixed potentially getting stuck on world map
- fixed some rare pathfinding issues
- fixed some NPCs carrying wrong ammo
- fixed issues with currently used weapon when equipping block item
- fixed a few rare issues with stats, e.g. not being able to assign points after death in perma-death mode
- fixed issues with weapon max range calculations in some situations, especially indoor
- fixed issues on equipment selection screen ('C') with large amount of equipment
- fixed manual mouse movement controls interfering with rolling
- fixed issue due to behavior tree execution on frame of death
- fixed some scene events affecting characters when they should ignore it due to being part of a conversation
- fixed equipment slot issues in non-physical worlds
- fixed NPC in player dialogue occasionally reacting to some world events
- fixed NPCs unlocking doors when investigating
- fixed some issues with NPC reactions
- fixed being able to drop quest items for Little Pests quest without quest getting updated
- fixed a potential crash at the Philosopher
- fixed pathfinding issues with targeting locked doors
- fixed some issues with quest messages
- fixed issue in visual character creation
- fixed weapon tooltip showing wrong numbers for enhanced weapons
- fixed a few UI issues
- fixed some missing debug console entries
- fixed rare crash due to pathfinding
- fixed a few other rare crashes
- lots of additional minor bug fixes, improvements and framework additions
- fixed some text
- minor content fixes
Performance and Framework changes:
- improved world map performance
- fixed some memory leaks
- minor performance improvements
- added handler for potentially sending crash report from last hard crash
- fixed a crash when dying while being followed by tamed Fleshworm
- fixed missing display names for shortcut travel in some areas
Post edited February 11, 2025 by Stephan Hövelbrinks