This one has been on my "to-buy" list since it came out. I was a teenager when it was released and I could only manage to scrape up enough for about one game per month mowing lawns, trading in, etc. So I had to very tactically choose my purchases for games. Should I get two used games? Two new budget games (like a double-pack, or when games went down to $20 after being a couple of years old)?
As such my "to-buy" list has grown in enormity, especially after adulthood when I just can't chew through games like I used to. And sometimes I want to spend some time with a game and replay it instead of being like "Crap, I have 10 more I need to play." Unfortunately, by this time when I go back through my list and try to get some of these games for the first...they are so old and unattractive-looking (early 3D is grotesque), or have such dated gameplay conventions that I don't know how to cope. New games spoil you by letting you do so much so fast with interface streamlining that when you go to older games and the interface seems childlike and inefficient...bleh.
Anyway, I'm totally stoked for this game, but it doesn't run on my PC yet. So I'm rambling here instead. :D