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I'm glad people are enjoying it. Personally I wish my issues were strictly related to bugs and performance since those are (somewhat) easy fixes. Overall *I* just find the game to be mediocre, at best and overall disappointing.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
dgnfly: It's an ok kinda game but it surely is lacking in the actual cyberpunk-style world-building. There is barely any grit to the world and feels way too clean and wholesome. If this is their standard for cyberpunk it surely is lacking.
Clean and wholesome? People getting cut on the streets for parts? Violence and power at the hand of the corpos? Struggles for survival? What?
Loving it..(that does not mean I haven't had a bug or 2, I have, mostly cosmetic). Graphically spectacular, city is amazing so dense, screaming to me to explored and that is eactly what I do. Performance wise a few rare fps drops... generally rock solid with a 3070.
dgnfly: It's an ok kinda game but it surely is lacking in the actual cyberpunk-style world-building. There is barely any grit to the world and feels way too clean and wholesome. If this is their standard for cyberpunk it surely is lacking.
Bourinos02: Clean and wholesome? People getting cut on the streets for parts? Violence and power at the hand of the corpos? Struggles for survival? What?
Yeah, I think I'm playing a different game to dgnfly.

Came across a father and son business cutting virtus of child murdering...but sure - wholesome.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
dgnfly: It's an ok kinda game but it surely is lacking in the actual cyberpunk-style world-building. There is barely any grit to the world and feels way too clean and wholesome. If this is their standard for cyberpunk it surely is lacking.
Yeah and the world is dead outside the main and side quest scripts, making it like you plug into a Brain Dance every time you do a quest. The console shenanigans turn it into a surreal satire like when Danse says "It was corporations like this that put the last nail in the coffin for mankind. They exploited technology for their own gains, pocketing the cash and ignoring the damage they'd done." and you snicker and say Creation Club.
Yes. Despite the myriad of bugs and issues I've experienced, I love it. This may be my favorite game. It's certainly the most beautiful - and my system can't do ray tracing (or, subsequently, DLSS). This game makes me want to buy a better computer. Also, I'll definitely be playing it again in about a year (hopefully with a new system) after all the bugs are ironed out and some new content has been added. If there's a modding scene for it, I'll be checking that out, too. Love it!
vespa35: Yes. Despite the myriad of bugs and issues I've experienced, I love it. This may be my favorite game. It's certainly the most beautiful - and my system can't do ray tracing (or, subsequently, DLSS). This game makes me want to buy a better computer. Also, I'll definitely be playing it again in about a year (hopefully with a new system) after all the bugs are ironed out and some new content has been added. If there's a modding scene for it, I'll be checking that out, too. Love it!
Mod to get more content?

From my understanding CDPR has tons of stuff coming, two expansions ala Witcher 3 and free DCLs and DLCs, and MP.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by Cyberway
i love it
I agree that the game is complex and I like the multilevel layout which is a more realistic take than the typical "box" building design you see in most games. However, graphically stunning Cyberpunk is not - I'm sorry. Not for a fall 2020 game. Watch Dog Legions, poor game overall, is far more good looking than Cyberpunk (on max setting with Raytracing). GTA V is a better looking game overall despite its age. Reflections in Cyberpunk just don't quite look right despite all the Raytracing glory and there are too many locations in the game where you just see graphics that came out of 2010 console port game. A good example would be the "Heist" mission. Try to go onto the balcony and look outside - it looks horrible. Nothing has been drawn to detail - you see a big openness of identically looking water, square blocks of some distance buildings and poorly implemented distance haze. Sky also looks like very poor quality texture / clouds. Etc. It's an ok game from graphics standpoint - nothing to write home about, I'm sorry. Again, we are in 2020, not in 2010 or 2015 - and graphics standards are those of other modern games.

I'm only talking graphics - not the complexity of architecture, variety of characters / cars etc - that is of a very high standard. But graphics themselves are not earth shattering. Witcher 3 by contrast was really pretty, especially for 2015 - and still ages well today.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
dgnfly: It's an ok kinda game but it surely is lacking in the actual cyberpunk-style world-building. There is barely any grit to the world and feels way too clean and wholesome. If this is their standard for cyberpunk it surely is lacking.
Drive anound the map more, dive into ocean you'll see how clean it is.
I think it is a fantastic accomplishment. But it is the internet and the cool kids need to complain about something.
The game certainly has a lot of potential but the crashing is a continuing source of annoyance, I'm going to reserve my judgement until after these issues have been addressed, hopefully it won't take too long to fix the worst of them - I might take a short break until then.
I loved this game for 15 hours. But now I have this mirror bug where Johnny Silverhand pushes a bouncer against the mirror and my system crashes every time. I just need a fix and I can keep playing this amazing game.