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I like it - so far I'm "slow burning" it and need to just sit down and play, rather than wonder about playing so I get into the game more.

Definitely does have a later-Deus Ex vibe where they took out some of the nuance and put in a much more beautiful enormous open world. Second the Bloodlines feel as well. Haven't gotten too into the story yet as I only just started.

Feel a bit overwhelmed by all those perks! So many! And I can't imagine how I'll level them - INT is easy I just breach (and breach, and rebreach!) everything ;)

Looking forward to sinking in a solid couple of nights to really see what the game hast offer - now that I got the initial stuff out of the way, it runs surprisingly well on my thoroughly now aged and mediocre system, at 1080p.


Very early on, T-Bug says I should contact someone to get some hacking gear it sounds like. And that I should do it *soon*
- is this person the woman who contacts me on the phone shortly thereafter? Or should I be looking for someone else that I might have missed?
Ixamyakxim: I like it - so far I'm "slow burning" it and need to just sit down and play, rather than wonder about playing so I get into the game more.

Definitely does have a later-Deus Ex vibe where they took out some of the nuance and put in a much more beautiful enormous open world. Second the Bloodlines feel as well. Haven't gotten too into the story yet as I only just started.

Feel a bit overwhelmed by all those perks! So many! And I can't imagine how I'll level them - INT is easy I just breach (and breach, and rebreach!) everything ;)

Looking forward to sinking in a solid couple of nights to really see what the game hast offer - now that I got the initial stuff out of the way, it runs surprisingly well on my thoroughly now aged and mediocre system, at 1080p.


Very early on, T-Bug says I should contact someone to get some hacking gear it sounds like. And that I should do it *soon*
- is this person the woman who contacts me on the phone shortly thereafter? Or should I be looking for someone else that I might have missed?
Didn't read, but as for the question, no it's a sidequest. Check your log. You need to buy (it costs 0 eddies) a quickhack called Ping
Ixamyakxim: QUESTION!

Very early on, T-Bug says I should contact someone to get some hacking gear it sounds like. And that I should do it *soon*
- is this person the woman who contacts me on the phone shortly thereafter? Or should I be looking for someone else that I might have missed?
I don't think so - but I think you can just enable that quest and find the person on the map.
Ixamyakxim: QUESTION!

Very early on, T-Bug says I should contact someone to get some hacking gear it sounds like. And that I should do it *soon*
- is this person the woman who contacts me on the phone shortly thereafter? Or should I be looking for someone else that I might have missed?
midrand: I don't think so - but I think you can just enable that quest and find the person on the map.
Awesome thanks - I missed the map / quest marker option to track the person down (have just been thinking the "phone" was the be-all-end-all of quests / assignments)! Will do this ASAP when I fire it up in a little bit. And see if I have any other quests "pending" too.


GeraltOfRivia_PL: Didn't read, but as for the question, no it's a sidequest. Check your log. You need to buy (it costs 0 eddies) a quickhack called Ping
LOL - that's awesome - does "Didn't read, but..." mean you ignored my typical massive wall of text but DID manage to parse out the question and help me out?
Post edited December 13, 2020 by Ixamyakxim
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
To begin with I was thinking I would dislike the cutscenes and story telling, being to heavy on that, but I have to admit it has grown on me, and I like the story so far.

The itemization (different levels of quality etc), leveling, perks, attributes and skills are great imo, I am liking it very much.
Open world looks really good, having all of that "life" in there is pretty awesome, so many people walking every where and alot of traffic etc, they put a ton of effort into this.
And what the game allows you to do, I am loving the interaction with tech there, hacking people and cameras, I am also loving the amount of detail and options put into stealth.
I am not loving the vehicles much though with a mouse and keyboard, I hope they allow us to control vehicles in the future like we get to control the tank.
Side quests, random illegal activity happening where you go save someone being robbed etc. being able to hop into a vehicle and drive out of town.

So far it has been better than expected, it has exceeded what I thought it was going to be, a simplified witcher 3 is kind of what I was expecting (I made sure to go into this with medium expectations) :)

P.s hidden stuff
Red pill blue pill was pretty awesome :)
Live long and prosper perk icon :)
Post edited December 13, 2020 by halldojo
I'm only an hour or so into the game but so far I love it, have done the intro and first mission. Most of my time now is just exploring the city and looking at everything... No real game bugs to speak off and I'm happy with the performance.
holy moly, man. even in this technical state the game is absolutely addicting. I have never seen such an awesome game world.

of course there are a few improvements to be made fur sure, but look at witcher 3 now. It is not the same game it was at its release.

aboslutely cannot wait for game improvements and content dlc.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by megajellyfish
For all of it's faults, which I admit there are many, I can't stop playing. Ran into a couple game breaking bugs, but seeing as how it ain't my first rodeo, I keep at least 5 saves and quick save often when not manually saving. I find myself getting sucked into really RP like I never have before, I read all of the lore and that really helps flesh out the universe. I have already 36 hours play time some how, lol I can't figure where the time went as I havent even pulled the first major heist of stealing the shard from the Arasaka heir.
I feel that our communities current rating is fair, with all of the delays after delays I assumed that the jank would have been thoroughly worked out. As soon as I loaded the game, and left the garage in my nomad ghetto blaster and drove into the wasteland, I witnessed an npc sitting down in the middle of the road, only he was floating mid air, about 6 feet off the ground and either attempting to drive a vehicle or sit at a bench. That's just one of many bugs so far, seems to be some balancing issues here and there as well, the map is pretty jank as well. Being unable to deselct waypoints at times, mouse wheel zooms in and out while the pointer is over the legend, scrolling both the legend and zooming the perspective in and out. I just downloaded the patch so maybe some of these quality of life issues are sorted. All in all I'm not disapointed per say, more like amused and understanding. The game runs great on my 9700k, asus rog 2070 and 16g ram @3000mhz. I'm getting between 60-90 fps at 1440p with medium ray tracing, never a single crash or hickup, havent had any pop in or out while loading into a save and on my modest 1gb wd blue sata it actually loads much smoother and faster than I predicted. I'm not seeing the optimisation issues that others are experiencing, even for my mid tier 2 year old rig. Like I said, I can't stop playing, forcing myself to stop every hour and a half or so I dont burn myself out lol. Can't wait to see what's in store when I progress the story.
Really starting to grow on me - the way a "side mission" can start to take up your whole night as you delve into it is pretty cool.

Learning the nuances of the different guns is pretty neat too - it's like Borderlands, but diving deeper. And with some sweet gear to upgrade your favorite gun.

I think I'm finally starting to get how big the game is. How there are so many random activities, but also really personal "small" missions peppered in that make you feel for minor characters.

It's like GTA, with better writing and more care for the bit characters, with a sick amount of upgradeable weapons... and weapons are like only 25% of your combat options...

Quick question - can you "bank" a car you steal? Or do you have to find another way to add cars to your garage?
I do, I really believe that most of the reviews criticizing quality of content or depth are from people who were too caught up by the hype train or expected to see amazing graphics on a 5-year-old PC.

There are legitimate criticisms to be made about the game. It's by no means perfect, but if there's one company I trust to handle post-release support it's CDPR.
Witcher 3 had a bunch of menu functionality and quality of life improvements even well after launch, not to speak of those super beefy DLCs.

A game of this nature is bound to have some bugs and all kinds of issues, if only because of the insane complexity. Look at Elder Scrolls, Look at GTA.

Let them work, I'll keep playing and having a blast in the mean time.
I'm loving it. Yeah, there's a lot of bugs but as someone who has been a PC gamer since the 80s, that is nothing new when it comes to games like this. I'm guessing people who have only been console gamers are less tolerant of bugs because in the past, console games would be released in an extremely polished state.
Game is awsome and Delamain is the best :).
Ixamyakxim: Really starting to grow on me - the way a "side mission" can start to take up your whole night as you delve into it is pretty cool.

Learning the nuances of the different guns is pretty neat too - it's like Borderlands, but diving deeper. And with some sweet gear to upgrade your favorite gun.

I think I'm finally starting to get how big the game is. How there are so many random activities, but also really personal "small" missions peppered in that make you feel for minor characters.

It's like GTA, with better writing and more care for the bit characters, with a sick amount of upgradeable weapons... and weapons are like only 25% of your combat options...

Quick question - can you "bank" a car you steal? Or do you have to find another way to add cars to your garage?
GTA? Come on, thats an insult. This is more like Fallout 4. Rockstars style is way different.

Ive said it before but the Cyberpunk Atittude or whatever just isnt there. The way I see it best Cyberpunk is still yet to come. maybe Cyberpunk 2. Metacritic is at 90, when Witcher 3 is at 93. That speaks for itself.
Post edited December 13, 2020 by Cyberway
The deeper and wider I go in it the more I love it.

There are so many stories and people that is' staggering.

I just keep finding more and more in the game. They've really created something special, but it's something you really need to take your time exploring and delving into.

Been playing since release and it is now far and away my all time favourite game.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
It's an ok kinda game but it surely is lacking in the actual cyberpunk-style world-building. There is barely any grit to the world and feels way too clean and wholesome. If this is their standard for cyberpunk it surely is lacking.