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I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
It's addicting. some of features feel missing but it's all good as long as I'm having fun.
Post edited December 12, 2020 by AllenOneil
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
For the one hour at a time I was able to play it so far... yeah it was a lot of fun.

I just hope when this patching is done, I can play it without that 1 hour crashing. :-D
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
Oh I love the game, doesn't mean I can't see the bugs through the advertisements so to speak. Its a very buggy game, which makes me wonder that if this game was delayed for almost a year to fix bugs, how buggy was it before this.

Still the potential is there, and the foundation is there. In a month or two, and a few delays of the patches, and a few more months, it may be a great game.
Not looking at the poor performance yeah I love the game too. There is a few design choices I dont agree with - meaning for me it is not a 10/10 game at the moment - but overal it is a veeeery good game.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
Myajha: Oh I love the game, doesn't mean I can't see the bugs through the advertisements so to speak. Its a very buggy game, which makes me wonder that if this game was delayed for almost a year to fix bugs, how buggy was it before this.

Still the potential is there, and the foundation is there. In a month or two, and a few delays of the patches, and a few more months, it may be a great game.
Dont forget that The Witcher 3 became a legendary game not immediately but a few months after the launch. The game was also broken.
Post edited December 12, 2020 by EchoOfMidgar
In spite of really poor performance (which I'm hoping will be fixed with future patches), I'm very much enjoying the game. It's a lot of fun, very revolutionary in many ways, and lives up to the hype I had for it. I just hope future patches help it to run better because I can't afford to upgrade even a single part of my PC right now and probably won't be able to for the foreseeable future.
Some positive reactions are nice to see :P
Loving the game so far. Love the characters and voice acting. I love this world. Makes me think a lot like of the gameplay in the first Deus Ex game on some level. Gonna put the main story aside for a while and start discovering Night City.
Despite the game originally running very poorly, with some tweaks I have found the balance of performance and graphical fidelity and reversed my previous refund request. I'm really enjoying it so far.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I love the gameplay, the world, the levelling system, the graphics, everything
Same here, love the game and everything(really fun to play). But I hate the performance.
EchoOfMidgar: Not looking at the poor performance yeah I love the game too. There is a few design choices I dont agree with - meaning for me it is not a 10/10 game at the moment - but overal it is a veeeery good game.
Myajha: Oh I love the game, doesn't mean I can't see the bugs through the advertisements so to speak. Its a very buggy game, which makes me wonder that if this game was delayed for almost a year to fix bugs, how buggy was it before this.

Still the potential is there, and the foundation is there. In a month or two, and a few delays of the patches, and a few more months, it may be a great game.
EchoOfMidgar: Dont forget that The Witcher 3 became a legendary game not immediately but a few months after the launch. The game was also broken.
Oddly I didn't have any problems with the witcher 3 that weren't directly related to my graphics card being old at the time.
Re: The mist and fog down south of the mainland.
Post edited December 12, 2020 by ast486
Kryptique: Loving the game so far. Love the characters and voice acting. I love this world. Makes me think a lot like of the gameplay in the first Deus Ex game on some level. Gonna put the main story aside for a while and start discovering Night City.
Yup, i have just met Dexter and i have already decided to lay aside the main quest. I want to go exploring the game's world
I am enjoying the game. I am playing on ultra and the game has been smooth with no bugs or glitches after 7 hours of play. But I must state I did not follow the development of this game so I was not hyped for it. I just bought the game because I liked the premise it reminds me of Deus Ex with the cybernetic implants, and I remember when the game was first mentioned when it was first announced back in 2012.
I'm loving it so far. It's about what I expected, in some areas surpassing my expectations.

One funny nitpicky thing I noticed though is in Lizzie's Bar everyone's skin is really shiny like they covered themselves with baby oil.
Post edited December 12, 2020 by JGD85
Abosloutely having a blast. I've been great with zero performance issues and only a small amount of comical bugs.

It really sucks so many are having issues, for both the players and the developers.

It's an incredible game - and like all their work - it's only going to get better.

When I'm not playing it, I'm thinking about playing it, when I'm playing it, I'm thinking about my next play through and how I might play it different, and man - the feels and the characters are top notch. It's beautiful.