Posted January 10, 2015

Registered: Sep 2009
From Belgium

Aspiring Modder
Registered: Sep 2012
From Liberia
Posted January 11, 2015
Ah, the Bone Leech. I wonder if any is actually sadistic enough to use them in custom maps.

New User
Registered: Mar 2013
From Czech Republic
Posted May 26, 2015
I have just converted some *.abc models to 3ds format via ABC23DS.exe
It worked [in 3ds max 2014], but there is no proper scale and many (all?) parts are dislocated.
* cant post links? why? * see attachment *
And there are more bad news. Imported models doesnt have UVW coordinates :/
Btw: I have extracted textures from original B2 rez file with Dragon UnPACKer 5 and all I get is that *$#!TY* DTX format. Is there any way convert those textures to PCX/BMP/JPG/etc ?
Thanks in advance.
And sorry about my English.
It worked [in 3ds max 2014], but there is no proper scale and many (all?) parts are dislocated.
* cant post links? why? * see attachment *
And there are more bad news. Imported models doesnt have UVW coordinates :/
Btw: I have extracted textures from original B2 rez file with Dragon UnPACKer 5 and all I get is that *$#!TY* DTX format. Is there any way convert those textures to PCX/BMP/JPG/etc ?
Thanks in advance.
And sorry about my English.

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United States
Posted May 26, 2015

It worked [in 3ds max 2014], but there is no proper scale and many (all?) parts are dislocated.
* cant post links? why? * see attachment *
And there are more bad news. Imported models doesnt have UVW coordinates :/
Btw: I have extracted textures from original B2 rez file with Dragon UnPACKer 5 and all I get is that *$#!TY* DTX format. Is there any way convert those textures to PCX/BMP/JPG/etc ?
Thanks in advance.
And sorry about my English.
As for the dtx textures, its best to convert them into pcx files with the b2 editor, covert them back to dtx using the nolf editor, then export again as tgas. Or that's how I think it was done. If memory serves, the textures still don't turn out right. JohnnyCrystal says they have to undergo some photoshoping first.
Post edited May 26, 2015 by zZaRDoZz

New User
Registered: Mar 2013
From Czech Republic
Posted May 27, 2015
zZaRDoZz: try me ,)
- I can upload converted abc model somewhere if someone is interested. Just let me know.
- I have figured out the easy way how to convert DXT to TGA/PNG/JPG etc. Multiple batch conversion! Just use Convim converter. See last attached picture.
- I can upload converted abc model somewhere if someone is interested. Just let me know.
- I have figured out the easy way how to convert DXT to TGA/PNG/JPG etc. Multiple batch conversion! Just use Convim converter. See last attached picture.
b2_rip_001.jpg (247 Kb)
b2_rip_002.jpg (269 Kb)
b2_rip_003.jpg (492 Kb)
convim.jpg (441 Kb)
Post edited June 05, 2015 by krokou